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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 5BUnit 4 学习任务单一 基础知识部分:(要求:会读、会背、会默)1 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词)2 词组 1. go to see the doctor去看医生2. have a headache/ fever/ toothache头疼/发烧/牙疼3. feel cold / hot / tired/ ill 感到冷/热/累./生病的4. let me check 让我检查一下5. have a rest at home在家休息6. take some medicine 吃些药7. drink some warm water喝些温水8. see the d

2、entist看牙医9. cant eat anything不能吃任何东西10. a lot of sweets许多糖果11. too many sweets太多的糖果12. brush ones teeth 刷牙13. before bedtime 在睡觉前14. help in the hospital 在医院里帮忙15. come to see him来看他16. be happy to 很高兴做17. help them/her/him帮助他们/她/他18. hear well 听得清楚19. cant eat or drind不能吃喝20. cant write 不能写21. come

3、 to the hospital来到医院22. point at his long neck 指着他的长脖子23. sit on a bench坐在长椅上24. eat chicken 吃鸡25. Chinese food中餐 (Western food西餐)26. take off his jacket脱下他的夹克27. put on her coat穿上她的外套3 句型 1、How do you feel now? 你现在感觉怎么样? I feel cold. 我觉得冷。2、How does he feel now? 他现在感觉怎么样? He feels better. 他感到好多了。3

4、. Whats wrong with you? 你哪不舒服? I have a headache. 我头疼。4、Whats wrong with him? 他哪不舒服? He has a toothache. 他牙疼。5、What should I do, Doctor? 医生,我应该做什么? You should have a good rest at home. 你应该在家好好休息。6、What should he do? 他应该做什么? He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 他应该早晨和睡前刷牙。7、Wh

5、at shouldnt he do? 他应该做什么?He shouldnt eat too many sweets. 他不应该吃太多糖。8、Bobby is very happy to help them. 波比很乐意帮助他们。9、My arm hurts.我的胳膊受伤了。10、Giraffe points at his long neck.长颈鹿指向他的长脖子。11、Charlie is sitting on a bench.查理正坐在一张长凳上。 He likes Chinese food very much. 他非常喜欢中国食物。12、(会翻译成中文)Your temperature i

6、s one hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit .你的体温是102度。 Its thirty-nine degrees centigrade. 等于39度。 二 语法知识部分:(要求:读一读, 理解运用)1.、feel:感觉,后跟形容词。 如:feel cold / hot / good / bad /ill. 觉得冷/热/好/坏/生病. feel happy / sad / hungry/ thirsty/ tired. .感到/开心/悲伤/饿/渴/累.2、得了什么病,用have(got) a/an 如:I have a cold/headache. She

7、 has a toothache. He has an earache. * 发高烧 have a high fever 严重的咳嗽/感冒/ have a bad cough/cold/ 3、主要句型: Whats wrong with you/him? 或者Whats the matter with you/her ? (用于医生询问病情,或者关心别人),它的回答根据不同的人称有所不同:I/We/They have/have got a/anHe/She has/ has got a/an *with后面加人称的宾格 *Whats wrong with ? 后面也可以跟一个事物,如: Wha

8、ts wrong with your bike? 你的自行车怎么啦?Whats wrong with the clock?这钟怎么啦? 通常的回答是:It doesnt work. 它不动了/它不转了/它不工作了等。4、情态动词should(shouldnt) + 动词原形如:You should wear more clothes. 你应该多穿点衣服。You should stay in bed. 你应该呆在床上。 You shouldnt pick flowers in the park. 你不应该摘公园里的花。*类似的动词还有:can, may, shall .5. 刷牙 brush o

9、nes teeth 做家作do ones homework6. take有多重意思: a. 表示服用:take medicine 吃药 take pills 吃药片 b. 表示搭乘:take a bus乘公交车 take the metro乘地跌 c. 固定词组:take off 脱下 take.to.把带到 三 拓展部分:(要求:根据老师要求,认真完成) 1 单项选择。( )1._does he have a toothache ? Because he _a lot of sweets.A. What; eat B. Why; eats C. Why; eat( )2.The boy _t

10、hat big fish. A. points on B. point to C. point at( )3.Whats wrong with_ ? He has a fever. A. his B. him C. he( )4._you_any medicine? No ,I have some water.A. Do; take B. Does; have C. Does; take ( )5. _ does your mother _ now? She feels cold.A. How; feel B .How; feels C. What; feel( )6.Whats wrong

11、with _ mother? A. he B. his C .him( )7.You are ill. You should _the doctor. A .look B. look at C. see( )8.Should Mike take _ medicine, doctor? No, he _.A. any; should B. some; should C. any; shouldnt( )9. I have a bad toothache. You should see the _.A .teacher B. doctor C. dentist( )10.We shouldnt e

12、at _sweets.A. too many B .many too C. too much2 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Whats wrong with _(she)? She _(have) a toothache.2. Whats wrong with (he)? He _ (have) a high fever.3. How _ (do)they feel now? They _(feel) tired.4. How _(do) Helen feel now? She _(feel) ill.5. They like _(China)food very much.6. Dont

13、drink _(some) cold water.7. Im very happy_(see)you.8. Mike_(feel)cold. He should _(go) to the hospital9. Liu Tao _(brush)his teeth in the morning. But he doesnt _ (do ) it before bedtime.10._ you _(hurt)your leg?11. Do you like_(write)? No, I dont.12. Does Tim eat (some) sweets? No, he _.(do)*13. He (go)to (see)the dentist now.3医院的诊断书弄混淆了,请帮医生理清诊断书,在诊


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