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1、编辑课件,Biochemistry,QQ: 99811075,编辑课件,Introduction,What is the Biochemistry ? History and development? What is the Biochemistry discussion? Biochemistry and Chinese medicine?,编辑课件,Biochemistry,Definition: The chemistry of life The science concerned with the chemical basis of life The science concerned

2、 with the various molecules that occur in living cells and organisms and with their chemical reaction Anything more than a superficial comprehension of life in all its diverse manifestation - demands a knowledge of biochemistry,编辑课件,Biochemistry,Aim: to describe and explain, in molecular terms, all

3、chemical processes of living cells Structure-function Metabolism and Regulation How life began? The scope is as wide as life itself,编辑课件,Biochemistry,Significance: be essential to all life sciences as the common knowledge Genetics; Cell biology; Molecular biology Physiology and Immunology Pharmacolo

4、gy and Pharmacy Toxicology; Pathology; Microbiology Zoology and Botany,编辑课件,Biochemistry,Medical students who acquire a sound knowledge of biochemistry will be in a strong position to deal with two central concerns of the health sciences: (1) the understanding and maintenance of health (2) the under

5、standing and effective treatment of disease,编辑课件,History and development?,1903 Neuberg 首先提出生物化学概念 发展:静态动态机能生物化学 1953 Watson and Crick DNA双螺旋结构 (分子生物学) 1972 Berg gene engineering 1976 Kan 胎前检验 beta-地贫 1977 Shine 克隆了人生长激素抑制基因 1982 Cech发现四膜虫rRNA可自我剪切 (Ribozyme) 1986 Mullis PCR技术 1990 基因治疗进入临床(ADA) 2001

6、 HGP完成-后基因组学时代-蛋白质组学生物信息学,编辑课件,1903 年 Carl Neuberg首次提出“生物化学”,A pioneer biochemist, Carl Neuberg (1877-1956) spent over thirty years of his productive career as a professor at the University of Berlin (1903-1937) and as Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes of Biochemistry and Experimental Therap

7、y. His varied research interests resulted in important contributions to the understanding of fermentation processes, solubility and transport phenomena in cells, the chemistry of carbohydrates, sugars, enzymes, and amino acids, and photochemistry. Neuberg was forced out of his position after the Naz

8、i rise to power, and taking refuge in the United States. For the last several years of his life, he worked at New York University.,编辑课件,1953 Watson and Crick DNA双螺旋结构,编辑课件,Gene engineering,动物克隆,转基因,编辑课件,PCR from 1986,PCR; RT-PCR; RealTime-PCR,编辑课件,Gene therapy from 1990 (ADA),据临床统计,大约25的生理缺陷、30的儿童死亡

9、和60的成年人疾病都是由遗传疾病引起的 重症联合免疫缺陷(SCID),腺苷酸脱氨酶(ADA)的基因(ad2)发生了突变,编辑课件,HGP from 1990,编辑课件,History and development?,20年代 吴宪 血液分析:血滤液制备及血糖测定 蛋白质化学:蛋白质变性学说 1965 人工合成牛胰岛素 1972 测定猪胰岛素分子的空间结构 1979 合成酵母ala-tRNA 1986 “863计划” 1990 转基因动物及参与HGP 1997 “973计划” 1997 复方丹参滴丸通过FDA的新药临床研究审评 2007 FDA发布指导性文件认同中医药学是独立科学体系,编辑课件,What is the Biochemistry discussion?,Components and structure-function Metabolism and Regulation Gene expression and modulation,编辑课件,Biochemistry and Chinese medicine?,编辑课件,中医药的传承和发展,历史悠久 基础厚实 经验丰富 现代科学 造福人类 任重道远,乍暖还寒 自强不息,编辑课件,Postscript,


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