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1、Short Conversations 11M: I just received an Email from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, I hadnt heard from him for ages.W: Well, Ive been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally, Q: What does the woman mean? A) Only true friendship can

2、 last long. B) Letter writing is going out of style. C) she keeps in regular touch with her classmates. D) She has lost contact with most of her old friends. 12. M: If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the outside of your house early next week. W: Well, right now I think I wa

3、nt white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but Ill let you know tomorrow.Q: Who is the woman talking to? A)A painter. B) A porter. C) A mechanic. D) A carpenter. 13. W: Excuse me, do you have any apartments available for under 500 dollars a month? I need to move in next week when my ne

4、w job starts. M: The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars, have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? A) Look for a place near her office. B) Find a new job down the street. C) Make inquiries elsewhere. D) Kent the $600 apartment. 14. W: Y

5、ou bought a pair of jeans yesterday, didnt you? What are they like? M: Oh, they are pretty much like my other ones, except with a larger waist. I guess I havent spent much time exercising lately.Q: What can we infer from the conversation about the man? A) He prefers to wear jeans with a larger waist

6、. B) He has been extremely busy recently C) He has gained some weight lately. D) He enjoyed going shopping with Jane yesterday. 15. W: I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday. What do you think? M: I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yet.Q: What does the man imply? A)

7、 The woman possesses a natural talent for an. B) Women have a better artistic taste than men. C) He isn t good at abstract thinking. D) He doesn t like abstract paintings. 16. W: You havent seen a blue notebook, have you? I hope I didn t leave it in the reading room. M: Did you check that pile of jo

8、urnals youve borrowed from the library the other day? Q: What is the man trying to say to the woman? A) She couldn t have left her notebook in the library. B) She may have put her notebook amid the journals. C) She should have made careful notes while doing reading. D)she shouldn t have read his not

9、es without his knowing it. 17. M: How about joining me for a cup of coffee? W: I d love to, but I m exhausted. I was up till 3 this m orning, writing a paper for my literature class. Q: Why does the woman decline the mans invitation?A) She wants to gel some sleep. B) She needs time to write a paper.

10、 C)She has a literature class to attend. D)She is troubled by her sleep problem. 18. W: You had a job interview yesterday, didnt you? How did it go?M: Not too bad, I guess. There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager s job. And finally it was down to three of us, but the other two

11、 seems better qualified. Q: What does the man imply? A) He is confident he will get the job. B) His chance of getting the job is slim C) It isn t easy to find a quaiified sales manager. D)The interview didn t go as well as he expected. 听力长对话 1F: Simon, how does it feel to be retired? M: Well, not so

12、 bad. F: How have you been spending your time? M: I have been spending more time with my family. Ive also travelled a bit, you know, off season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels cost less. F: Great. M: You know I havent stopped work completely.F: Yes, could you tell us more about this? M: I

13、 m on a scheme thats called phased retirement; I had a six-month break from work, after that I could apply for project work with the company I used to work for. F: How does the scheme work? M: Well, its a trial at the moment. Instead of hiring temporary stuff, the company advertises posts on its web

14、site that retired employees like myself can access. F: What sort of works advertised? M: Well, all sorts of things, really. Administrative work and more specialized work, the sort of thing I can do. Some of the projects can last five or six months, and others can just be a couple of days. I can deci

15、de more or less when to work. So I can manage my own time. F: I can see its good for you. What is your company get out of this?M: Well, I still have all my old contacts at work, so I know who to contact to get something done. The company gets flexibility, too. Once the job s over, thats it. Im not o

16、 n their books any more. Questions 19-21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. Why does Simon find his retired life enjoyable? 20. How does Simon get to know about the companys available posts?21. Why does the company adopt the phased retirement scheme? 19.A) He can manage his time more flexibly. B) He can renew contact with his old friends. C) He can concentrate on his own projects. D) He can learn to do administrative work. 20.A) Reading its ads in the newspapers. B) Calling i



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