人教版pep英语七年级 上册教学课件-Unit 6 Section B (2a-3b)

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《人教版pep英语七年级 上册教学课件-Unit 6 Section B (2a-3b)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版pep英语七年级 上册教学课件-Unit 6 Section B (2a-3b)(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,七年级(上),Go,for,it!,学练优英语教学课件,Section B (2a-3b),七年级英语上(RJ) 教学课件,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Does your friend like ?Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.,Lead in,单词展示,Presentation,New Words,star n.eat v.well adv.habit n.healthy adj.really adv.question n.want v.be v.fat adj.,星星;明星吃好; 令人满意地习惯健康的真正地问题需要;想

2、要变成肥的;肥胖的,课文展现,What do you like for,breakfast?,dinner?,For,breakfast, I like ,lunch, I like ,dinner, I like ,lunch?,学科网,milk,apples,carrots,fish,orangeseggs,hamburgers,ice-cream,healthy food,unhealthy food,Which food do you think is healthy? Check () Yes, Maybe or No.,Z.x.x. K,Z.x.x. K,2a,Read the m

3、agazine article and circle the food words.,Sports Star Eats Well!,David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits.David: Hello, Cindy. What do you like for breakfast?Cindy: I love fruit. I think its healthy.David: OK. So what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?Cindy: Well, I

4、 dont like bananas.But I like oranges and apples.,2b,David: What about lunch? Do you like salad?Cindy: Yes, I really like it.David: Hmm . and do you like hamburgers for dinner?Cindy: Oh, no, theyre not healthy. I like chicken for dinner.David: OK, well, one last question do you eatice-cream after di

5、nner?Cindy: Err . I like ice-cream .but I dont eat it. I dont want to be fat.,Zx.xk,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,Cindy likes healthy food.Cindy _.She _.She _.Cindy doesnt _.She doesnt _.,2c,likes fruit for breakfast,likes salad for lunch,likes chicken for dinner,like bananas,like

6、 hamburgers for dinner,Language pointsDavid asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits.大卫问排球明星,辛迪史密斯,关于她的饮食习惯的问题。同位语:一个名词对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。如: Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is interesting.(our new teacher是Mr. Smith的同位语,同位语和被限定的成分之间一般要用逗号隔开。)His b

7、rother John is a teacher.(John是brother的同位语,同位语和被限定的成分都是单个单词,同位成分之间不用逗号隔开。),2. So what fruit do you like? 那你喜欢哪种水果?(见课本P61)3. I really like it. 我的确很喜欢它。really adv. 的确,确实 (放在动词前,强调动词)4. and do you like hamburgers for dinner? 你喜欢晚餐吃汉堡包吗? I like chicken for dinner. 我晚餐喜欢吃鸡肉。 (见课本 P61),5. Oh, no, theyre

8、not healthy. 哦,不,它们对健康不利。 Cindy likes healthy food. 辛迪喜欢有益于健康的食物。 healthy adj.健康的, 健壮的, 有益于健康的 He is healthy. 他身体健康。6. I dont want to be fat. 我可不想变胖。(见课本P61)1)我想变得健康。 I want to be healthy. 2)我想成为一名好学生。 I want to be a good student.,Complete(完成) the survey(调查).,3a,Practice,Write about what you and you

9、r partner like and dont like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.,For breakfast, I like _, but I dont like _. For lunch, _.And for dinner, _. For breakfast, _likes_. For lunch, _.And for dinner,_.,3b,1.Do you know the plurals of these words? Put them in the correct columns.,Self Check,hamburgers,tomatoe

10、s,carrots,photos,bananas,strawberries,hats,tables,dictionaries,eggs,apples,pears,radios,vegetables,families,pencils,keys,volleyballs,What food, sports and colors do you like and dislike?,2,Food:,I like _.I dont like _.,chicken, carrots,tomatoes,sports:,I like _.I dont like _.,I like _.I dont like _.

11、,colors:,ping-pong and soccer,tennis,red and green,black,What food, sports and colors do your parents like and dislike? Write at least five sentences.,3,这是写他人的个人爱好的句子。应注意人称和数的变化。当谈及父亲或母亲单个人称时,应用第三人称单数形式,常用句型:,1. My father/mother likes 我爸爸/妈妈喜欢 2. My father/mother doesnt like 我爸爸/妈妈不喜欢 3. 也可以合在一句话中写

12、He/She likes , but he/she doesnt like . 他/她喜欢,但他/她不喜欢。,另外,如果是两人同时喜欢或不喜欢什么用They like 或 They dont like 他们(不)喜欢 ,Food:,My father likes _, but he doesnt like _.My mother likes _, but she doesnt like _.,eggs,apples,carrots,rice,Sports:,My father likes _.My mother likes _.They dont like _.,My father likes _, but he doesnt like _.My mother likes _, but she doesnt like _.,colors:,basketball and soccer,tennis,blue red,black,ping-pong,yellow,Homework,Homework,书面作业 (Writing work) 1. 课时训练 Unit 6 Section B第二课时 2. 写一篇短文介绍你和你的家人一日三餐喜欢吃或不喜欢吃的食物,要用上and和but。口头作业 (Oral work) 1. 背单词 2. 熟读课文Unit 6 Section B 2b,


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