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1、新概念第二册LESSON 3家有学霸:朱毅凡老师1.send sendv. 寄,送 send sth.to sb./send sb.sth give sb.sth./give sth.to sb. send/take children to school take: 某人亲自送 send: 通过第三人去送2.postcard postcardn. 明信片 send him a card namecard/visitingcard : 名片 Here is my namecard. ID card:身份证 credit card:信用卡3.spoilspoil(spoiled or spoilt

2、) v. 使索然无味,损坏break: 打破spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心的事;宠坏,溺爱His parents spoiled the boy. 宠坏This spoiled my day.What you said spoiled me.His arrival spoiled my hoilday.damage:破坏,程度不一定很重destroy:破坏,彻底摧毁4.museummuseumn. 博物馆Palace Museum:故宫5.public publicadj. 公共的 private public shool/place/house(pub:酒吧) in pri

3、vate 私下的 in public 公开的 Why not have a conversation in public?6.friendly friendlyadj. 友好的 lovely adj.7.waiter waitern. 服务员,招待员 waiter waitress chief waiter shop assistant attendant8.lend lendv. 借给 borrow from lend sth.to sb lend sb.sth.9.decision decisionn. 决定 v. decide make a big/great dicision10.wh

4、ole/single wholeadj. 整个的 all the. the whole. singleadj. 唯一的,单一的 double11.thinkthink about: 考虑,思考think over : 仔细考虑12.双宾语宾语:直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标)give sb.sth.sb 间接宾语sth 直接宾语间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加to(对而言)或for(为而做)give a book to me.I buy a book for youtake flowers to my wife.order soup for you.可以翻译为给、替、为的,就用for

5、; 如果只能翻译为给的,就用to与for相连的buy,order,make,findfind sth.for sb.do sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙Do me a favor please./Do a favor for me.13.有关花费spend/cost/take/pay1/cost指花费,开支,常构成sth. costs sb. money;2/take指某事需要或花费某人多长时间来完成;eg:It takes me a month to finish the book.3/pay指付款给某人,可以用pay sb./pay for sth./pay sb. sth.eg:Yo

6、u must pay for my dinner today.Text Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I wentto Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taughtme a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did notunderstand a word. Everyday I thought about po

7、stcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards tomy friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day inmy room, but I did not write a single card!参考译文明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。

8、我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!Structure 找特殊疑问词的时候一定要根据答案来决定 who whom 人做主语提问who对宾语提问whom 如果对主语提问,则句子的的语序和陈述句语序一样 如果对非主语来提问,则句子要使用特殊疑问词一般疑问句的语序 A 正确 Who/Whom did the waiter teach a few words of Italian?StructureHe spoke

9、 to the writer like a friend.in.way :以.方式D正确friendly单独用,形容词,一般做定语来用作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好,用短语in a friendly way7.wholeall the day;all of usC正确all of 后面如果加代词,代词前面不需要修修饰词一旦要加名词,前面一定要加theall of the friendsall of the studentsStructure the last day, final形容词end名词/动词 bottom名词形容词修饰day latest:最新的latest newslatest style 11.think about:考虑、思考、想 make up ones mind:下定决心 change ones mind:改变主意 make a wish:愿望 B正确


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