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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 附件1: 学习(研修)计划Study(Research) proposal姓名Name姓/Surname: 名/Name: 性别Gender出生日期Date of birth (yy/mm/dd)所在学院College所学专业Major国内导师Domestic supervisor留学国别Hosting foreign country留学国外大学Hosting foreign University留学院系Hosting faculty or department留学大学的最新国际排名(如有)留学学科的最新国际排名(如有)留学大学是否为我校合作学校与我校校际合作期限(

2、如有)国外导师/职称Hosting supervisor/Position研究领域Area of research学习期限/Duration of study months (from (yy/ mm/ dd) to (yy/ mm/dd)课题研究项目/RESEARCH PROJECT题目/TITLE:研究背景/ Research Background研究目标/Research Objectives 课题研究准备/Preparations for the research project 实验方法/Experimental Methods预期安排/Proposed Timetable回国后工作

3、/学习计划The study/work plan after returning to China国内导师签字 SIGNATURE OF DOMESTIC SUPERVISOR: Date(yy/mm/dd): 国外导师签字 SIGNATURE OF HOSTING FOREIGN SUPERVISOR: Date(yy/mm/dd): 专心-专注-专业附件2: Evaluation Form for Visiting PH.D Student Student No in Tongji University.Student NameCollege/department/SubjectDurat

4、ion of stay From: yy/ mm/ ddTo: yy/ mm/ ddThe information of host institution (Country/Institution Name/College/Address)Research field in host institutionSupervisor in host institutionContact information (Phone, email)Have the visiting student given any presentation regarding to own professional bac

5、kground in workshop or seminar? When? Where? How many participants? Please specify: 1. Self-description about the visiting in host institution(Have you completed all tasks according to the research plan? If yes, how did you accomplish? Any excellent outcome, please specify. If no, what contributed t

6、o the failure?) Signature: Date:2. Evaluation from the supervisor of host institutionThank you for taking the time to complete this important form. This form is due at the end of the students academic visiting study project. Please sign the completed evaluation.Evaluation form key: 1=unsatisfactory;

7、 2=needs improvement; 3=satisfactory; 4=above average; 5=outstanding_ Quality of academic visiting study and research (accurate and thorough)_ Quantity of academic visiting study and research (met goals set by department)_ Use of time (efficient/effective use of time to complete tasks)_ Initiative (

8、ability to finish study and research independently)_ Communication skills:_ Verbal;_ Written_ Grasp of subject (understanding of applicable standards and procedures)_ Interpersonal relations/teamwork (effectiveness in working with peers and supervisors)_ Adaptability (ability to alter activities to

9、accommodate change)_ Dependability : _ Punctuality; _ Attendance_ Problem solving/critical thinking skills Others:_Strengths of the student:_ _Areas for improvement, any suggestion? :_Did he/she have chance to give information regarding to his/her research interests, dissertation or scientific research in China? How do you evaluate it? _What do you think the student gained from the academic visiting study and research project?_Overall, I would rank the students performance (Please mark “” on the following response): EXCELLENT ABOVE AVERAGE AVERAGE B


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