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1、Vdsh加烈on University 加 St, Louis学校简介:综合排名14, finance专业排名30。位于密苏里州东部的条路易斯市的华盛顿大学 圣路易斯分校在短短不到十年间,己经从美国中西部的非一线学校成长为实力紧跟西北大学 相匹敌的精英私立大学了。华盛顿大学圣路易斯校区的各个系别,从艺术到工程,无一不拥 有强大的实力,其医学院的光环吸引来了大批优秀博士。其闲适的中西部大学氛围使华盛顿 大学圣路易斯校区与氛围紧张的东部常春藤区别开來。儿何级数增长的申请人数,雄厚的资 金,实力强大的教学项冃以及对研究的重视,这都是华盛顿大学圣路易斯校区近年来强力崛 起的原因。项 口 名称:Mast

2、er of Science in Finance项冃需2个semesters内完成,2013-2014年度学费是$26,000 per semester,如果2个学期完成项 目,学费为$52,000;若需要3个semesters修完,则需耍额外支付$13,000。根据学生的职业理 想,可自行选择两个tracks: Coiporate Finance and Quantitative Finance无论选择哪个track, 学校都会根据学生的基础背景决定是否需要上一些foundation courses: FIN 510 Introduction to Finance (2 credits) A

3、CCT 560 Introduction to Financial Accounting (2 credits) ACCT 562 Financial Accounting (Intermediate Accounting) (2 credits)Corporate Finance curriculum:选择该分支的学生,会和以金融业务为方向的MBA 起上 许多商科课程Coiporate Finance & Investments CoursesFall Semester (15 credits)Fall AFallBFIN 500J Mathematical Foundations for

4、Finance(1.5)FIN 538 Stochastic Foundations for Finance(1.5)FIN 532 Investment Theory (1.5)FIN 532B Data Analysis For Investments(1.5)FIN 527 Financial Markets (1.5)FIN 521 Financial Intermediation (1.5)Acct 503 Business Analysis Financial Statements (1.5)ACCT 503B Adv. Business Analysis -Financial S

5、tatements (15)MGT 537 Invest In Your Career (0)MEC 537 Data Analysis, Forecasting and Risk Analysis (3) Spring Semester (15 credits)Spring ASpring BFIN 534 Adv. Corporate Finance I - Valuation (1.5)FIN 534B Adv. Corporate Finance II - Financing (1.5)FIN 525 Fixed Income Securities (1.5)FIN 524B Deri

6、vative Securities (1.5)FIN 524 Options & Futures (1.5)Choose two of the following: FIN 531 Venture Capital & PrivateEquity (1.5); MEC 540 Money, Capital Markets &Economic Growth (1.5);Choose one of the following: ACCT 500G Analysis of FinancialInstitutions & Financial Instruments(1.5); ACCT 507/FIN

7、536 Financial FIN 500S Tools of Venture InvestingIssues in Leasing (1.5).(1.5); FIN 523B Mergers & Acquisitions(1.5).FIN 528 Investments Praxis (3)30 CREDITS TOTALFIN 528 Investments Praxis (3)在获得academic director的许可的情况F,以F这些课程可以替代部分必修课:ACCT 502 Managerial Control Systems (1.5)FIN 530 International

8、Finance (1.5)FIN 533 Real Option Valuation (1.5)FIN 534C Adv. Corporate Finance Ill-Frontiers of Valuation (1.5)FIN 537 Advanced Derivative Securities (3)FIN 549H Special Topics: Real Estate Finance (1.5)FIN 500P Computer Programming for Quantitative Finance (3)FIN 500R Risk Management (3)MEC 500J M

9、arkets, Business, and the Environment (1.5)MEC 538 Economics of the Organization (1.5)MEC 538B Compensation, Incentives & Organisation (1.5)MEC 592 Competitive Industry Analysis (3)Quantitative Finance curriculum:该分支旨在培养金融工程型人才,但是它还要求学生修 读一些与 corporate finance, investments and financial markets 相关的课

10、程QUANTITATIVE FINANCE COURSESFirst Fall Semester (15 Credits)Fall AFallBFIN 524 Options & Futures (1.5)FIN 524B Derivative Securities (1.5)FIN 532 Investment Theory (1.5)FIN 538 Stochastic Foundations (1.5)FIN 527 Financial Markets (1.5)FIN 550 Numerical Methods& Optimization (1.5)MGT 537 Invest in

11、Your Career (0)ACCT 503B Adv. Business Analysis-Financial Statements (1.5)MEC 537 Data Analysis, Forecasting and Risk Analysis (3)CSE 501N Programming Concepts and Practice (java) (3)Spring Semester (15 credits)Spring ASpring BFIN 525 Fixed Income Securities (1.5)FIN 551 Adv. Credit Risk Modeling (1

12、.5)FIN 534 Adv. Corporate Finance I -FIN 534B Adv. Corporate Finance II -Valuation (1.5)Financing (1.5)FIN 537 Advanced Derivative Securities (3)FIN 539 Mathematical Finance (3)FIN 500Q Quantitative Risk Management (3)*E81 CSE 504N Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory (3), plus lab (C+ pr

13、ogramming)Second Fall Semester (9 credits)Fall AFall BFIN 500K Finance Consulting Seminar (1.5) FIN 533 Real Option Valuation (1.5)FIN 552 Advanced Fixed Income FIN 532B Data Analysis for Investments Derivatives (1.5)(1.5)FIN 500R Topics in Quantitative Finance (3)42 CREDITS TOTAL* The C+ programmin

14、g course can be postponed until the second fall semester for a total of 12 credits.Academic Director - H ong Liu, PhDFIN 528 Investments Praxis (3)申请要求如下:1. 截止Fl期:只有材料齐全才会进入审理进程,以齐全日期为准,被放入各个轮次中进行 考核Application Deadlines for 2013Round:Deadline:Notification on or about:1November 5, 2012January 11, 20

15、132February 4, 2013*March 15,20133March 25, 2013April 26, 20134April 29, 2013*May 31,2013NOTE:*4月29 Fl后,进入rolling的市理进程,捉交中请之询,需要联系学校(314-935-8469 or email us at MSFinanceInfowustl.edu)确认是否还有席位。*国际生申请的最终截止口期;*选择 Corporate Finance and Investments Track 的全职【.作者可以以 part-time 的形式i!t彳了课 程学习,春季和秋季皆接受申请。2. 专业廿景要求:四年制大学本科毕业生。中请Corporate Finance & Investments track方 向的学牛须修过 Calculus I, Statistics (preferably two courses), and Microeconomics; Quantitative Finance track 方向尤其欢迎 Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitati


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