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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上女医生丽娜Born in a pigs nest, Lina led a poor life in her childhood. She was looked down upon by the children of her generation. But she intended to become a doctor after she came across Lin Qiaozhi by chance, who was delivering medical courses to an audience crowding around her. Before mov

2、ing off, Lin inspired her to carry on her study. With Lins support, Lina entered an institute and studied hard sparing no time for entertainment. Her being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing skills and observation ability put others into the shade.Now, Lina has become a

3、specialist in human beings emergency sickness. Her kindness and considerate behavior to the poor were well known. The organization she founded carried out campaigns and welfare projects to help cut the death rate for the poor. Her job was hard but worthwhile. She often refers to the connection betwe

4、en her achievement and Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor.丽娜出生在猪圈里,童年过着贫穷的生活,被和她同辈的孩子看不起。但是在她偶然遇见了林巧芝之后却打定注意想要成为一名医生,当时林巧芝正在给拥挤在她身边的观众传授医疗课程,在离开之前,林巧芝鼓舞她继续坚持学习。在林的支持下,丽娜进入了一所学院。她努力学习,毫不浪费时间玩闹娱乐。她的坦诚和谦虚为她赢得了尊敬,她优秀的辩论技巧和观察能力使其他的人都黯然失色。现在,丽娜已经成为一名人类紧急病症专家

5、。她对穷人的好心和考虑周到的一举一动都众所周知,她建立的组织开展各种活动和福利项目来为穷人减少死亡率。她的工作艰苦却很值得。她常常提到她的成就和林巧芝之间的联系,还总是说她贫穷的童年就是她与穷人之间的纽带。A New Farming Way新的耕种方式Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family of hunger. However, it always confused him how to expand the output of his crops. This dis

6、turbing problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather have chosen another job.One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longpin. He underlined Yuans nationality and occupation, and then focused on his discovery and the statistics of his research. He foun

7、d the knowledge Yuan circulated very practical. Therefore, he made a summary and began to build up a new farming method. He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped himself to keep his crops roots free from bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals in the soil while reducing chemical f

8、ertilizers. Though it cost him more time and freedom, he was full of hope.The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much. Thanks to Yuan Longpin, he not only won the battle against hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad.俊是一名越南的农民,几十年来,他都一直在努力使家人摆脱饥饿。然而,如何扩大他的


10、A Great Master of Humour幽默大师卓别林Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failur

11、es to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.In a small budget film, he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion,

12、he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he wasnt fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so

13、 convincing and amusing that everybody couldnt help bursting into laughter.卓别林是一名非凡的演员,他主演并导演了多部杰出的喜剧。看见他可笑的小胡子、滑稽的手势动作,还有面对警探的追捕时有趣的反应,很少有人会觉得厌烦。喝醉酒啦,踩到香蕉皮滑倒啦,或者自言自语(低语)自己的糗事啦,他无需任何语言解释的表演总是使我们对自己的生活感到更加满意。他独特的幽默感直到现在依然使世界各地的人们都感到惊讶。在一部小预算的电影里,他穿着磨破的鞋子和脏兮兮的衣服,扮演了一名贫穷又无家可归的人。在一幕场景中,他被一场暴风雪困在一片多山的区里。

14、尽管他克服了许多困难,但是他还是运气不好的。粥都吃完了,他只好挑出一只鞋子煮来吃。他切下皮革的鞋底,像烙饼一样地咀嚼起来。据一名女演员所说,他的表演是如此地令人信服而又逗人发笑的,以致在场的所有人都忍不住大笑起来。A Misunderstanding一场误会In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, but body language and facial expressions also have such kinds of function. For example, yawning means bei

15、ng not interested and turning ones back to someone or swinging your fist shows your anger. But what those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus, misunderstandings happen now and then in todays world of cultural crossroads.Once, representing the Adults Education Association,

16、I went to the airport to meet an official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around curiously. So I approached to greet him. He suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. As a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.Later, I received a cassette f


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