译林版初一英语上册- Unit 5-Let’s celebrate Reading 1-2(牛津)

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《译林版初一英语上册- Unit 5-Let’s celebrate Reading 1-2(牛津)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版初一英语上册- Unit 5-Let’s celebrate Reading 1-2(牛津)(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Getting ready for Reading(1)1.美国2.面具,面罩n3.用颜料涂v4.南瓜n5.灯笼,提灯n6.在(或向)里面(反义词)7.敲,击v8大声说,叫,喊v9.如果conj10.招待n11.诡计,把戏n12.特殊的,特别的adj.13问题n14.敲门15.不招待,就使坏16.问问题17回答问题18.在美国课前热身USA_mask_paint_(现在分词)paintingpumpkin_lantern_insideoutsideknockshoutiftreattrickspecialquestionknockonthedoortrickortreataskaquestio


3、atrickonsbontheeveningofOctober31streallyaspecialday31用桔子做灯32在万圣节33享受食物和饮料34举办晚会35招待我们36里面的人makelanternsoutoforangesonHalloweenenjoyfoodanddrinkshaveapartygiveusatreatthepeopleinside Whatisthenameofthefestival?HalloweenThanksgiving DayChristmasChristmasDragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalChinese

4、New Yeara pumpkin lanternCan you say the correct words under the pictures?pumpkin lanternspecial costumetrick or treat party万圣节前夜,孩子们可以挨家挨户索要糖果,如果得不到就威胁耍恶作剧From Wendy To MillieFast ReadingWhen is Halloween?On October 31st.WhatdoyouknowaboutHalloween?HalloweenDate:31_Activities:_upWear_orpainttheir_M

5、ake_Play_Havea_intheeveningOctoberDressmasksfacespumpkinlanterns“trickortreat”partyP59B1Read and Judge (T/F) 1.People in USA celebrate Halloween in October. ( ) 2.Halloween is not much fun for children. ( ) 3. People make lanterns out of oranges.( )4. Children play “trick or treat” with their parent

6、s on Halloween.( )5. People have a party on the morning. ( )6. People enjoy nice food and drinks on Halloween. ( ) TFFFFTP59B2Read the article carefully and answer the questions (1)When did Wendy write the letter?(2)What does Wendy thank Millie for ?(3)When is Halloween ?(4) What do people do on the

7、 festival?People dress up ,wear masks , paint their facesand make pumpkin lanterns.October 25Wendy thanks Millie for telling her about the Middle-Autumn Festival.On October 31(5) What do the children do on Halloween?(6)How do children play “trick or treat “(7) When do people have a party ?(8) What d

8、o they enjoy at the Halloween party?They play trick or treat” with the peopleinside. visit knock on shout giveas a treat play a trick on On the evening of October 31They enjoy nice food and drinks. Read together and fill in the blanks. People _ Halloween on 31 October .Children dress up and _ masks

9、. Sometimes they _ their faces. They _ on peoples doors and _ “trick or treat”. People often give the children some _ as a treat.celebratewearpaintknockplaycandyP60B3堂清巩固一完成句子1.IwanttogiveMillie_.(一盒巧克力作为招待).2._(别敲门).Dadissleeping.3.我们常捉弄他.Weoften_him.4WendywrotealettertoMilletothankherfor_.(告诉她有关万圣








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