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1、小学英语就划线部分提问 “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀:一代(用正确的疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首)三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外)四抄(照抄句子剩余部分)总结关键就是:“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”(即:先根据划线部分找到特殊疑问词;再把没划线的部分变成一般疑问句的语序。)特殊疑问词的确定要根据划线内容而定,在小学阶段常出现的有以下几种:、 划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用what如:Thisisabook.-Whatisthis?IoftenplayfootballonSaturd

2、ays. -WhatdoyouoftendoonSaturdays?、 划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who如:Heismybrother. -Whoishe?、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where如:Theboxisonthedesk.-Whereisthebox?、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用whattime或when如:Itsseventwenty. -Whattimeisit?Iusuallygetupatsix. -Whendoyouusuallygetup?、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用howold如:Iamtwelve. -Howoldareyou?Myfather

3、isthirty-three. -Howoldisyourfather?、划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用what如:Mike isaworker. -WhatisMike ?、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用whatcolour如: Myhatisblue. -Whatcolourisyourhat?、划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用howmany或howmuch如:Icanseefivekites.-Howmanykitescanyousee?Thereissomemilkintheglass. -Howmuchmilkisthereintheglass?、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词

4、用howmuch如:Thispenisnineyuan. -Howmuchisthispen?、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose如:Thatismybook. -Whosebookisthat?Thebagisyours. -Whoseisthebag?以下口诀要牢记:1问“谁”用who;2问“谁的”,用whose;3问“地点哪里”,用where;4问“原因”,用why;5问“身体状况”,用how;6问“方式”,用how;7问“年龄”,用how old;8问“多少”,用howmany;9问价钱”用how much;10问“哪一个”,用which;11问“什

5、么”,用what;12问“职业”,用what;13问“颜色”,用whatcolour;14问“星期”,用whatday;15问什么学科,用what subject;16问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点用Whats the time?或 What time is it?训练题1. That car is yellow. (提示:问颜色)_ _ is that car?2. My sister is 15 years old. (提示:问年龄) _ _ is your sister?3. The glasses are Jims. (提示:问归属) _ glasses are these?

6、4. Ann collected shells last Sunday.(提示:问”谁”) _ collected shells last Sunday?5. There were eleven books in my bag.(提示: 问数量) _ _ books are there in your bag?6. I visited my teachers on Teachers Day.(提示:问时间) _ did you visit your teachers?7. It means “Do not touch”.(提示:问”什么”) _ does it mean?8. Im fine,

7、 thank you.(提示: 问怎么样) _ are you?9. I go to school by bus.(提示:问方式)_ do you go to school?10,We go to school five times a week.(提示:问频率)_ _ do you go to school?11. Im in Class 3._ _ are you in?12. The panda is black and white._ _ is the panda?13. Her kite is under the bed._ _ her kite?14. I come to scho

8、ol by bike._ _ you come to school?15. Ben has a birthday present._ does Ben have?16. Mother bought a gift for me._ did mother buy a gift for?17. I can hear a bus._ can you hear?18. Tony lives at 26 Lunwan Street._ does Tony live?19. Bob is wearing a blue hat._ is wearing a blue hat?20. This is Bens English book._ English book is this?4



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