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1、冶金工程中映射网格划分技巧 冶金工程中映射网格划分技巧 冶金工程中映射网格划分技巧 Mesh mapping techniques in metallurgical engineering 1.对于面来说,使用映射网格划分需要满意以下几个几何拓扑结构的要求条件: geometrical topology conditions: For surface, using a mapping grid needs to meet the requirements of the following *面必需有三条或四边线的边界组成 *The boundary of the surface must ha

2、ve three or four line *一般来说,对边的应划分成相等的个数 *In general, the edge should be divided into equal number 映射网格划分始终是大家关怀的问题,现把自己使用ansys的一些阅历及编程的真实体会奉献给大家,盼望能达到授之以渔的效果。 Mesh mapping has been a problem, everybody CARES now to some real programming experience and experience of using ansys give you, hope to be

3、able to achieve the result of teach to fish. ansys执行映射网格划分的条件是:对于面,必需是三角形或四边形,对于体,必需是四周体、五面体或六面体,这是众所周知的,但往往忽视了另一个条件:划分数的匹配问题,对于四边形而言必需满意对边划分数相等的条件,对于三角形,在后面作特地介绍。其实ansys不仅可以对三角形和四边形执行映射网格划分,对任意多边形原则上(划分数匹配)都可以执行影射网格划分,这些 quadrilateral, for the body, must be a tetrahedron, pentahedron or hexahedron,

4、 it is well known, but often overlooked another condition: dividing the number of matching problem, must satisfy the edge for quadrilateral partition number equal conditions, for triangle, introduce specifically in the rear. Actually ansys can not only the triangle and quadrilateral mesh mapping, ex

5、ecution of arbitrary polygons in principle (partition number matching) can perform mapping grid, these methods include: the cutting, wire, etc, these methods can also be used in the mapping of the mesh. 我今日要介绍的是另一种方法(可能在论坛上已经有类似的介绍,但我还没有看到,假如有,就算重温吧)也即amap命令(基于面的角点的映射网格划分)的使用,它需要指定要划分的面的编号,以及以任意挨次指定

6、该面上的任意4个角点(留意:任意四个角点是有前提的,即划分数的匹配,为了不再罗嗦,以后不在重复强调这个问题)。 冶金工程中映射网格划分技巧 I want to introduce today is another method (can have similar introduction on the BBS, but I have not seen, if you have, even if to revisit?) which is amap order (based on the corner of the map grid), the use of it needs to be spe

7、cified to divide the number, and in any order specified on the face of any four corners (note: any four corner point is a premise, namely, dividing the number of matching, in order to no longer bothersome, later not repeated emphasis on this problem). 看一个简洁的例子(如图1,尺寸见坐标),这个图形由3个面组成其中A2和A3满意映射网格划分的条件


9、数不匹配,不能进行映射网格划分。相关命令流如下: Look at a simple example (see coordinates) as shown in figure 1, the size, the graphic is composed of three level of A2 and A3, to meet the mapping grid conditions, A1 but it looks like a rectangle is composed of five edge, to achieve A1 alluding to the grid partition, you c

10、an use the work plane to be cut along the L6, but it would be more than a line, in some cases is dont want there to be redundant elements, such as the figure 1 as a floor, line is the beam, if after cutting out a line, to define beam inconvenience in the future. This problem cant use lcomb command i

11、ncorporates the line 2 and line 4 (you can try), another method is to use amap, 1,4,7,8,6. Amap command can be used for any polygon in theory, but theory is actually often have a gap, or just the example, if you will wire the partition size is defined as 1 (lesize, all, 1), is the division of line 1

12、0 number is 1, line 2 and line 4 to 1, then you use the same command again amap, 1,4,7,8,6, see whats the result - the partition number do not match, cant be mapped meshing. Relevant command flow is as follows: /PREP7 k k,1 kgen,3,1,2,1,1 a,1,2,4,3 a,3,4,6,5 et,1,42 wprota,90 wpoffs,0.5 asbw,1,dele

13、amap,2,3,4,5,6 aclear,all lesize,all,1 amap,2,3,4,5,6 以上命令流所建模型的编号跟图1有些不同。从这个简洁的例子大家应当能 冶金工程中映射网格划分技巧 够体会到划分数匹配的重要性了,实际工程中的图形远比这个简单得多,要想完全满意划分数匹配的条件是很不简单的,甚至可以说几乎不行能,除非全部分割成4边或3边形,但这样会产生许多小面影响网格划分的质量,这在建筑结构中是很常见的,我做过几个实际工程,深有体会。因此amap命令的使用也有局限性,在实际工程中可以综合使用多种方法以达到最优化。 Look at a simple example (see c

14、oordinates) as shown in figure 1, the size, the graphic is composed of three level of A2 and A3, to meet the mapping grid conditions, A1 but it looks like a rectangle is composed of five edge, to achieve A1 alluding to the grid partition, you can use the work plane to be cut along the L6, but it wou

15、ld be more than a line, in some cases is dont want there to be redundant elements, such as the figure 1 as a floor, line is the beam, if after cutting out a line, to define beam inconvenience in the future. This problem cant use lcomb command to the serial number of the model with the above command

16、flow figure 1 a little different. From this simple example, you should be able to realized the importance of partition number matching, in actual engineering graphics is far more complicated than this, if you want to completely satisfy the partition number that matches the condition is very not easy, and could even say t



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