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1、一篇自我介绍的文章在人生这所学校中,挫折是一门必修课,一篇自我介绍的文章。这门课增加了我们的勇气;增强了我们的意志;坚定了我们的信念,br使我们 更坚强、更勇敢、更乐观我有这样的亲身体验。我爱好民乐,喜欢琵琶。刚学它时,我遇到了许多大大小小的挫折。br这些挫 折几乎将我打倒,一度我准备放弃琵琶。当我心灰意冷时,br 次成功的登台演出, 使我得到了许多人的好评。我笑了,这次成功使我懂得了挫折的美丽,br明白了如果生活中没有挫折,生 活就平淡得好似一杯白开水;br如果生活中没有挫折,像一望无垠的沙漠,没有一点 起伏,br那么生活又有什么意义呢?也许,你还在摇头,说这些并不能说服你,那么请看贝多芬。

2、br贝多芬双耳失 聪,要知道,br音乐家失去了听觉就像驾驶员失去了眼睛。br但他却忍受着病痛的 折磨,以一句我要扼住命运的咽喉,br决不让命运使我屈服激励着自己,继续在音乐 领域里奋斗,br他创作出了不朽名曲第九交响乐。br这不仅使他的生活有了美 妙的旋律,br也为全世界喜欢音乐的人们带去了精彩的生活与美的感受。司马迁狱中写史记;吴承恩在科举中屡遭挫折,br但他并没有放弃,写出 了西游记;一生不得志,br生活贫困的蒲松龄创作出了中国著名的文言短篇小说 集聊斋志异br;鲁迅在黑暗势力的迫害下,仍能写出众所周知的彷徨、br 呐喊还有全身瘫痪的奥斯特洛夫斯基和他的br钢铁是怎样炼成的;br因患小 儿

3、麻痹症而终身残疾的小提琴王子帕尔曼当这一个个活生生的实例展现在你面前时,你还摇头吗? br你还认为挫折仅仅 是阻挡你前进的障碍吗?其实,生活似大海,挫折就似大海中的波澜,br赋予大海以壮丽与神秘;生活 如蓝天,挫折如蓝天中的白云,br星星点点,却布满天空;生活像一张白纸,挫折则 像一支支画笔,br为生活这张白纸描绘出美丽的图画;生活是一个乐章,br挫折则 是这乐章中一个个跳动的音符,奏响的优美乐章假如你选择了蓝天,就不要渴望风和日丽;假如你选择了陆地,br就不要渴望 大陆平坦;假如你选择了海洋,就不要渴望一帆风顺,自我介绍一篇自我介绍的文 章。br让我们勇敢地面对挫折,生活因为有了挫折而更加精

4、彩!一篇英语学习方法演讲稿Last eek I ent to Peking Universit and Tsinghua Universit here I as invited to deliver letures on learning English ith passion。 I found out that all those students have something in mon; the all have determinations to learn English ell o Thats thever reason h I gave letures at more than

5、 ten most prestigious universities ith an attempt to help students ho ant to onquer English ithin the shortest time。 Thats true, having a good mand of English is vitall signifiant and profound。 Here I ould like to give all m friends and students some advie for the future learning in terms of the exp

6、eriene I got from being a teaher for man language training shools and being interpreter for government as ell as embassies。 Being an interpreter is b no means eas, hih needs to have a good mand of listening, understanding or deoding and speaking。 As soon as I hear the original voie from the speaker,

7、 meanhile, I ill deode or understand it b dividing the ontent of the voie into different segments, and use m shortterm memor and if possible , note-taking, to deliver the interpretation in the proess of onseutive or simultaneous ases。 No , I ould like to tell ou ho to speak good English。 3-D methods

8、 to improve our cloqucnc Dialogue Having authenti and polished oral English is ever learners dream, hoever, man of m students ho spent a lot of ears, mone and efforts to speak this language ell but failed to be able to muniate and speak out, the reason to hih might be mainl onfidene and methods。 I n

9、otie that man students do ell in speaking hen onduting a prepared speeh or presentation in lass。 But speaking English fluent! is not just about * presentations and giving speehes。 It is about expressing our ideas andinsight on the most mundane of things around ouo I still remember hen I first landed

10、 on the soil of Beijing 5 ears ago; I ould not muniate ith m friends and even felt uneas hen going out ith them beause I did not have the onfidene to start a onversation ith m Mandarin。 Its the same to the English learners ho have no ourage to start a topi and fae an akard silene after the initial g

11、reeting as given beause the dont kno hat to talk about and are not onfident of putting something aross orretl, thus the onversation es to end。 The abilit to make dialogues is ver important in soial muniation。 Topis for asual onversation ould inlude the eather, eduation, musi, urrent affairs; hobbies

12、, travel, eto Do not alas ask foreigner hat is our name and ho is our job hen ou ant to find one to pratie our English ith。 Before going to English Corner, please read up on our area of interest and tr framing sentenes expressing our opinions。 Talk about it ith someone lose to ou or someones English

13、 level is higher than ours, so ou an hek for our language aura and fluen。 Youd better to grasp regularl used as of small talk, and ou ill be able to initiate speaking more onfidentl。 If ou an break this barrier and speak out ith passion and onfidene, ou an take our first step into the realm of Engli

14、sh speaking and bee a publi speaker in the futureo Disussion and Debate I alas enlighten m students that our language abilit and *demi ahievements are ver imperative and important, but the most important of all, its our eloquene to muniate in the personal relationships。 Elite ma not have cloqucnc, b

15、ut an eloquent person must be an elite。 So the best a to drill our speaking abilities is to disuss and debate。 When I as a junior, I alas raised disussions ith m lassmatc in m dorm, questions like environmental protetion, ohabitation, 20* Olmpis, postgraduate exams and so on。 After cvcronc aired his

16、 opinions, then c onduted debate to argue, to express ideas to onvine the other。 And I gradual1 build up on m on repertoire of onversational topis and start using them henever I get a hane; subsequentl I have good mand of English, and on a lot of *rds in English speeh ontest and debate。 Hene, its also effetive for ou, m beloved friends or students, to have a tr to use our language to disuss and debateo



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