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1、751. and连接两个平行句,第一句表示让步。例如:He tried hard and he failed in the entrance examination to the college.(他虽然很用功,但在大学入学考试时仍不及格)。752. 动词 + 疑问词(what,where#how,when,which ) +will(may)表示w 让步 M。例如: Happen(come) what may#the Chinese people will not cease supporting the people of the third wo rid in their fight a

2、gain St hegemonis m.(不管发牛.什么事情,中国人民绝不停止对 第三世界人民反对霸权主义的斗争的支持。)753.be+主语+ever s 0+形容词,表示让步例 如:Be a man ever so learned, he ought not to b e proud.(个人不俗;多么有学问,也不 应该骄傲。)754. It was all(that)one could not to+原形动词(很难不.)。例如:It wasall I could do not to laugh a t the joke.(我听了这个笑话禁不住发笑。)755.比较级to+原形动词(不至于.)。

3、例如:I am wiser than to believe that.(我不至于套到竟然相信这件事。)756.和too.t o结构类似但意思不同的有以下几种惜况:1) H e is too rea dy to speak.(=He is too talkative.)(他太爱讲话。)2) too.not to+动词不定式(.非常.必定能.)或(.太.不会不.)。例如:H e is too wis e not to kno w it.(他很聪明,一定知道这件事情。)3) not too .to+原形动词(这并不太.所以能.)。这个句型也是对句型utoo.to.的否定,所以动词不定式表示肯定的意思

4、。例如:E nglish is no t too diffic ult to learn .(英语并不太难学。)4) never too.to+原形动词(永决不.能.)。这个句型是not too.to .的强调形式。例如:It is never too late to mend.(Prover b)(亡羊补牢未为晚 也。)(谈语)One is never too o Id to learn.=No one is s o old that h e cannot lea rn.(活 到老学到老。)757. cannot .too.(无论忽祥.也不过分)例如:Yo u cannot pra ise

5、theplay too highly.(这出戏你无论怎样称赞,都不会过分。)758.more than.c an=cannot. The boys in t he street have become ve ry insolent and it is mo re than f les h and blood can bear.(街道的男孩子变得非常无礼,到了人所不能忍受的地步。)759. no.but .(没有.不是.)。例如:There is no rule but has excepti ons.(没有无例外的规则)。760. never.but.; nev er(not) .wit ho

6、ut.(每.必.)。例如:I neve r see you bu 11 think of mybrother.(我没冇一次见到你不想起我的兄弟來。)761.no one(none )but.(除.之外,谁也不.)。例如:No one but a fool would d o such a thing.(除了傻瓜外没有人愿干这样的事。)762 . cannot but .;cannot hel p.(不能不.,禁不住.)。例如:I ca nnot but lau ghto hear s uch a story.I cannot he Ip laughing to hear such a stor

7、y.(听到这样的故事,我禁 不住发笑。)从例句卩1以看出:a) cannot but +不带to的动词不定式b )cannot help +动名词 763. fa r from.(远远不,完全不)。例如:My English is f ar from perf ect.(我的英语很不 熟练。)764. a f ar(long) cry from.(完全不同于.)。例如:The state of aff airs in thecountryside is a far cry from what i t was last year.(农村的形势和去年截然不同。)765. anything but

8、(决不)。例如:That little bridge is anything but safe.(那座小桥决不安 全。)766. few and far between(很少)。例如:Holidays are few and far between.(假日 很少。)767. in stead of (而不是)。例如:He has been playi ng all after noon instead of getting on with his work.(他整个下午不工作,一直在玩儿。)768. free fr om(没有.;不受.影响的)。例如:His composition is fr

9、ee fro m serious errors.(他的作文没有F重的错误。)769.介词 above, beyond, beneat h 等,表示M否定。例如:The proble m is above me.(这个问题我不能解决。)It is incorrect to th ink of such things as beneath our no tice.(认为这些事情不值得注意是不正确的。)His action , which aros e from his c oncern for t he welfare o f the commun e members, i s above cri

10、t icism.(他的行为出于他对社员福 利的关心,是无可批评的。)77O.have th以抽象名词+动词不定式,表示如此.以致于.的意思。例如:He had the kindnes s to show me the way to the station.=He was so k ind as to show me the way to the station.(他很和善地给我招引去火车站的路。)771. all+抽象名词,表示强调语气;。al 1+抽象名词617+形容词,但语气较very更强。例如:Clean liness is al I importance.(淸洁第一。)Mr . Dar

11、cy is a II politenes s said Eli zabeth, smil ing. 772. in the world,on earth, under the sun等,农示强调。这些短语川于疑问和否定川中农示强调 用于疑问句时作宂竞讲,用地否定句时和全然,一点也.。W here under t he sun didh e go?(他到底上哪儿去了?)Who in the world ar e you?(你允竟是谁?)773. little 后 iK动词 know#suspectz bel ieve, realiz z, think, gu ess# imagine , und

12、erstand 等,表示强烈的 否定。L ittle did th ey know, whe n they parte d that after noon, that t hey were nev er to meet a gain.(他们那天下午分手时,根本不知道他们的来就永远不再风而了。)774. not 后跟 h alf,nearly,possibly 表示强烈的否定。例如:My work is not half done y et.(我的T作 根本还没有做。)There a re not nearl y enough peo pie here to do the job.(这儿人手根本

13、 不够丁这件活。)He cannot possibly fo rget it.(他无论如何也不会忘记。)“I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane, no t half so good humored a s Lydia. C 我肯定她一点儿也 不像珍妮那样温雅,一点儿也不象莉迪亚那样性情好。)775. accordi ng as根据,视.而定 You will play football or stay at home accord ing as the w eather is go od or bad.你口J 以踢足球,或采在家里,视天气好

14、坏而定。Thi ngs are valu able accordi ng as they a re valued.事物之可贵,依照人们的珍视程度而定。776. a fter (转义)既然,里然After what had happened,we decided to call off the scheduled meeting.既然发生了那样的事 情,我们决定取消那次预定的会议。After we gave all the advice, he adopted a contrary course.虽然我们多方劝告,他还是采取一条相反的道路。777. as.so.恰如.一样,像.那样(随着.也就.

15、)As you like Chinese, sol like Eng lish.正像你喜欢中文一样,我喜欢英语。As one is to t wo, so is tw o to four. 比二等于二比四 As y ou go farthe r north, so the winters become longer and more s evere.越往北走,冬天就变得越 L;,也更 力寒冷。778. assu ming that 假若,设想(given th at, granted that, presum ing that 可以 与其换用)Assumingthat he is innocent,he must be set free.假使他是无罪的,就应当释 放他。77 9. inasmuch as表示明益的理由或条件,是最为正式和语气最强的用语,表示因为 的意思 o Inasmuch as we serve the people.we are not a f raid to have our shortcomings point ed out.因为我们是为人民服务的,所以不怕别人指出我们的缺



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