陕西省高考英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality总复习 外研版必修5 试题

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1、必修5Module 5The Great Sports Personality.单项填空1The player is under good treatment and the_are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.AopportunitiesBoccasionsCchances Dconditions2Will you be able to finish the report before Friday?I cant_anything,but Ill try my best.Aprepare Btr

2、ansformCguarantee Ddo3Nowadays_number of students with mobile phones at school is on_increase.Aa;/ Ba;theCthe;the Dthe;/4Come on,we will be late for the lecture!_Dont you think its boring?AWhat for? BNo doubt.CSo what? DNo wonder.5Mike has a big advantage_other applicants for the jobhe has two years

3、 teaching experience.Aagainst BoverCthan Dbeyond6He does not pay attention to anybody.You are_your time trying to persuade him.Aspending BmissingClosing Dwasting7_I drop in on him,he is always sitting in the yard,reading a novel.AHowever BWhateverCWherever DWhenever8Your description was too general

4、to be of much use.Can you put that in more_terms?Aspecific BparticularCpositive Dbeneficial9Theres very little_of arguing with Jim.It wont help at all.Apoint BmeaningCuseful Dview10You were tired out after the mountain climbing,werent you?Yes,not a little.I could hardly_.Ajump to my feet Bstand on m

5、y own feetCrise to my feet Drush myself off my feet11At the conference the Chinese foreign minister_that China was strongly against the terrorism.Adeclared BannouncedCtold Dshowed12(2011山东青岛质检一)Have you seen my notebook?Oh,Jane must have taken it_; she has the same one as yours.Aon purpose Bby chanc

6、eCby accident Dby mistake13(2011厦门市质量检查)It is the test system,rather than the teachers,_is to blame for the students heavy burden nowadays.Awho BthisCthat Dwhom14Our Party has always devoted great attention to raising the living_of the working people.Acost BsituationClevel Dstandard15(2011东北三校联合模拟)K

7、aren,can I talk to you for a minute?Sure,_?Ahow come Bwhats upChows that Dwhat for.阅读理解(2011成都第二次诊断)Dont make sudden changes.Start slowly,by waking just 15 to 30 minutes earlier than usual.Get used to this for a few days.Then cut back another 15 minutes.Do this gradually until you get to your goal t

8、ime.Sleep earlier.You might be used to staying up late,perhaps watching TV or surfing the Internet.However,you just might fall asleep much sooner than you think.Put your alarm away from your bed.You have to get up out of bed to shut it off.By then,youre up.Now you just have to stay up.Go out of the

9、bedroom as soon as you shut off the alarm.Dont find an excuse to go back to bed.My habit is to force myself into the bathroom.By the time Ive washed my hand,and the toilet of course,and looked at my ugly face in the mirror,Im awake enough to face the day.Allow yourself to sleep in once in a while,as

10、 long as its not a regular thing.I do it maybe once a week or so.Make it a reward.At first youre forcing yourself to do something hard,but if you do something pleasurable as part of your morning routine,soon you will look forward to waking up early.My reward used to be to make a hot cup of coffee fo

11、r myself and read a book.Now I look outside ( or better yet,get outside!) and watch the sky turn light.Its beautiful.Its now my favorite time of day.Getting up early is a reward in itself for me and so will it be for you.1Which of the following does the writer suggest we do?AGet up at our goal time

12、to start the new habit.BShut off TV and the Internet,and face the day.CGet up at the same time every day to keep the habit.DDo something enjoyable in the morning to begin the day.2We should get into the bathroom right after we get out of bed because_.Athat is part of our routineBwe really need a col

13、d washCthe alarm clock needs to be shut offDthat will make ourselves completely awake3The writer enjoys_most in the morning.Adoing some washingBmaking a cup of coffee for himselfCwatching the daybreakDsleeping late,and thinking in bed4This passage is written to_.Ashare the writers experienceBgive ti

14、ps for becoming an early birdCpersuade people to get up earlyDhelp get rewards from getting up early(2010湖北八校第二次联考)UNICEF is appealing for more than one billion dollars in aid for women and children around the world.The United Nations Childrens Fund has released its “Humanitarian Action Report” for

15、2010.The report lists twentyeight countries and territories with some of the worlds most pressing crisis affecting women and children.Haiti was considered to be in crisis long before the earthquake in January.The deputy executive director of UNICEF,Hilde Johnson,says the quake has only made the need for aid more im



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