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1、陕西省安康市汉滨区建民办建民初级中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期期中试题( )1.Whats this? Its _ ID Card. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )2.He is a boy. _ name is Bob. A. His B. My C. Her D. Your ( ) 3. My name is Tony Brown. Tony is my _ name. A. last B. family C. first D. good ( ) 4. _ her name ? A. What B. How C. How is D. Whats ( ) 5

2、.Whats his name ? _. A. Its a pen B. My name is Jack B. His name is Jim D. He is fine ( )6. Hell! Are you HeLen? -_ A. Yes, Im B. No, Im C. No, Im not D. of ( ) 7. -Is this _ apple ? -No. Its _ orange. A. a, an B. an, a C. an , the D. an, an ( )8. This is my pen, _ that is your pencil. A. in B. of C

3、. and D. but ( ) 9. -Is that your book ? -_. A. Yes, I am B. No, it isnt C. Yes, he is D. No, Im not ( )10. _ Jane Miller. Miller is _ last name. A. I, my B. My, I C. My, my D. Im, my ( ) 11. How _your father (父亲) ? A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 12. -_, are you Jane ? -No, Im Gina. A. Sorry B. Excuse

4、 me C. Thank you D. Goodbye ( ) 13.-How do you spell it ? -_. A. R-I-N-G B. Ring C. OK D. Thank you ( ) 14. Whats that _ Chinese ? - 地图。 A. at B. in C. of D. on ( ) 15. Whats your number? _ number is 9. A. Im B. I C. My D. Your( )16. Your pen is nice ! _. A. OK B. Thanks C. Yes D. No( ) 17. _! Nice

5、to meet you! A. Hello B. OK C. Excuse me D. Sorry( ) 18. Is this her pen? Yes,_. A. This is B. its C. it is D. Sorry( ) 19. His name is _. A. Yao ming B. Yao Ming C. yao ming D. Yaoming( ) 20. This is my friend. _name is Jenny. A. Her B. His C. My D. YourII、完形填空。(10分)根据短文内容,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空

6、格的最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前的括号内. Hello! Im Zhang Heping. Zhang is my _21 name. Heping is my _22 name. Im a _23 boy. Im _24 . My English _25 is Paul. Im _26 Class One, Grade (年级) Seven. Oh,I find(发现) _27 eraser(橡皮) in my classroom. Its _28 . I think _29 is LiMings eraser. _30 is my friend.( )21.A. last B. famil

7、y C. one D. middle ( )22.A. last B. two C. first D. too( )23.A. Chinese B. English C. America D. China ( )24.A. 3 B. 25 C. 60 D.11( )25.A.name B. color C. phone D. book( )26.A.on B. at C. for D. in( )27.A.the B. an C. a D. /( )28.A.white B. fine C. your D. my( )29.A.it B. this C. It D. that( )30.A.S

8、he B. He C. It D. YouBI am Li Gang. Look at this photo. This is Mr. Smith. He is an Englishman. He isnt an English teacher. His wife Mrs. Smith is an English teacher. Mrs. Smith and I are both(两者都)English teachers. We are good friends. We work in Xian Middle School. Its a nice school.( )36. My name

9、is _.A. Mr. SmithB. Li GangC. Mrs. SmithD. Linda( )37. _ isnt an English teacher.A. Li GangB. Mrs. SmithC. Mr. SmithD. Linda( )38. Li Gang is _.A. Mr. Smiths teacherB. Mrs. Smiths teacherC. EnglishD. an English teacher( )39. Mr. Smith is _.A. an EnglishmanB. an English teacherC.Li Gangs teacherD. Ch

10、inese( )40. _ are good friends.A. Mr. Smith an Mrs. SmithB. Mr. Smith and Li GangC. Mrs. Smith and Li GangD. The Smiths(史密斯一家)非选择题部分(65分)IV、写出五个元音字母的大小写形式(5分)V、词组互译(10分)1、用英语_2、姓氏_3、名字_4、在中国_5、她的被子_6、telephone number_7、his friends_8、我的母亲_9、你的爷爷_10、what is_(缩写形式)VI、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Nice to meet _(y

11、our)2. _(she) name is Mary.3. Two and three _(be) five.4. Look! Its a cat. -_(it) name is Mimi.5. Hello! I _(be) Gina.6. How _ (be) you?-Fine, thanks.7. What color is _(he) jacket?8. That_ (be) an egg(鸡蛋).9. These _(be) my parents.10. _(be) you Mr. Green?VII、句型转换,一空一词(10分)1. His name is Tom.(对画线部分提问)_ _ name?2. This is a map.(对画线部分提问) _ _?3. My name is Mary.(同义句) _ Mary.4.Im Gina.(一般疑问句) _ _ Gina?5. The cup is yellow.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the cup?VIII、情景对话(20分)1)


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