甘肃省静宁县第学2018 2019学年高一英语10月月考试题

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1、静宁一中2018-2019学年第一学期高一级第一次月考试题(卷)英 语第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMost animals on land are known to us, but many living things underwater are not. Now lets get to know some of them.Sea cucumberSea cucumber are strange animals living at the bottom of the s

2、ea. They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up. When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat. And when it is autumn, they move to shallow (浅的) water and get their food.PikeThe pike is a kind of freshwater fish. They are good swimmers and like swimming near

3、boats, waiting to be fed. They have sharp teeth to catch fishes. When they are young, they live in groups. However, when they grow up, they prefer to live alone.CuttlefishA cuttlefish can swim quite fast, so it is also called rocket (火箭) fish. It has eight arms and two feelers on its head, just arou

4、nd its mouth. Itejects ink(喷墨) when it is in danger. Its meat is delicious, and it is often the first choice for many people.OctopusAn octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and protect itself. When it is sleeping, one or two of its arms are still on duty, keeping moving. Once it feels some

5、thing dangerous, it can wake up at once to take action. 1. Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summer because they .A. are afraid of high temperatureB. want to get strong and fatC. are afraid of their enemyD. want to live alone 2. What happens if a cuttlefish meets its enemy?A. It rushes at the enem

6、y at once.B. It cuts off one of its arms.C. It bites with its sharp teeth.D. It ejects ink to the enemy.3. The of an octopus can help protect it when in danger.A. colorB. armsC. soundD. smellsBEvery day millions of letters go from one country to another. Letters mailed in Italy are received in Japan

7、. Letters mailed in Canada are received in Africa. On the letters are many different kinds of stamps, bought in different countries. The Universal Postal Union helps each letter get to the right place as quickly as possible. It sets up rules about the size and weight of letters,postcards,and small p

8、ackages(包裹). It has rules that all countries must follow about international postal rates(费用). One hundred years ago, international mail did not move so smoothly. One country did not always accept another countrys letters. Letters from some countries were too large to fit into the mailboxes of other

9、 countries. Letters travelled by many different routes(路线). Some were lost along the way. Sometimes the person who sent the letter could pay only part of the postage. The person receiving the letter had to pay the rest. The United States was the first to suggest that all countries work together to s

10、ettle the questions of international mail. In 1974, men from twenty-four countries met in Switzerland to form the Universal Postal Union. Today, more than 120 nations belong to this union. From its office in Switzerland, the union helps the mail to move safely and quickly around the world.4. From th

11、e story we can infer that A. mail is important to all countries B. not enough letters are sent all over the world C. all the letters must go to Switzerland first D. all stamps look exactly the same5. The Universal Postal Union was formed A. to help move mail quickly around the world B. to give many

12、men a chance to work C. to help men meet in Switzerland D. to look for the lost letters along the way6. Which statement does this passage leads you to believe? A. Countries around the world need each others help B. Most people do not put enough postage on letters C. It is not possible for letters to

13、 get lost on the way D. Some of the letters are too large to be put into the mailbox 7. This passage is mainly about A. different kinds of stamps in different countriesB. an organization that makes rules C. international mail D. the size and weight of lettersCIt was Monday. Mrs Smiths dog was hungry

14、, but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way. Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “give my dog half a pound of meat.” then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: “take this to the butcher (person whose job is selling mea

15、t) and hes going to give you your lunch today.”Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butchers. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the ladys handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.The n


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