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1、英文讲座主持词 篇一:英语活动主持词-中英 英语组活动主持稿 男(毛):Distinguished leaders 女(张):尊敬的各位领导 男: Dear teachers and students 女:亲爱的老师们、同学们 合: Good afternoon 毛:Today we are very happy that we will hold the thirdHappy English Game Competition of Tianxing Hemingway School. Welcome to the competition. And We are honored to be t

2、odays English party host and hostess. Im the host Mark. 张:Im hostess Lulu 男:Im host . 女:Im hostess . 毛:Before our activity, lets warmly welcome Miss Xue make a speech. 张:欢迎薛老师致辞。 男:To improve students English ability and their enthusiasm for English is the final purpose of this competition. We hope

3、that students can enjoy learning English and teamwork in the games. The slogan of this competition is learning English with happiness, finding the distance in competition. 女:本次竞赛活动旨在通过一系列的英语游戏竞赛,使学生在欢声笑语中体验英语的乐趣以及团队作战的默契,从而激发同学们的热情和动力,起到提高全校学生英语素质的作用。 毛:First, lets warmly welcome the English songs f

4、rom grade one.Finger gym 张:首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一年级小朋友带来的手指操。 男:Lets thank them with applause. 女:让我们以热烈的掌声感谢一年级小朋友们的精彩表演。 男:Then, let s welcome a song from grade two.Combination of songs 张:接下来让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎二年级的同学为大家带来的歌曲串烧。 毛:Next, lets enjoy the performance by grade six.Fairy tale Scene Play 女:接下来,请欣赏六年级同学带来

5、的节目童话情景剧。 男:Next, lets continue to enjoy a song by grade six. A Thankful Heart 张:接下来,请继续欣赏六年级同学带来的节目感恩的心。 毛:Next, lets enjoy the chorus by grade seven. 女:接下来,请欣赏七年级带来的合唱表演。 男:Next, lets enjoy the performance by grade seven. 张:接下来,请欣赏七年级带来的节目。 毛:Next, lets enjoy the performance by grade seven. 女:接下来,

6、请欣赏七年级带来的节目。 男:Next, lets enjoy the performance by grade eight. Combination of English songs 张:接下来,请欣赏八年级带来的英文歌曲串烧。 毛:Next, lets enjoy a song by grade eight. See You Again 女:接下来,请欣赏八年级带来的节目。再次见到你 男:Next, lets enjoy a combination of songs by grade eight. 张:接下来,请欣赏八年级带来的歌曲串烧。 男:Now, lets enjoy the per

7、formance by all the English teachers. 女:接下来,请欣赏所有英语组老师带来的节目。 毛:Next,lets play a game by grade 1 and 2. If you are happy. 张:下面让我们台下一二年级所有同学做一个游戏,这个游戏的名字叫做如果你感到高兴 男:Next,lets play sing a song by grade six、seven and eight. A Thankful Heart 女:下面让我们台下六,七,八年级所有同学一起唱一首歌,这首歌的名字叫感恩的心 毛:Leaders, teacher and a

8、ll the students, the competition is over now! 张:Thanks for joining us 男:thanks for excellent performance 女:thanks for coming! 张:各位领导,老师们,同学们,本次活动到此结束,感谢大家的到来。 合:See you next time. bye! 篇二:英文开场主持词 外语电台第四届配音大赛初赛台本 【18:30 开始对外接纳观众】 ?音频:开始暖场音乐 确认场地布置已经完成 ?PPT:南京航空航天大学第四届外语配音大赛决赛 【18:40确认工作人员就位】 确认抢台组就位

9、确认主持人就位 确认ppt组就位 确认催台组就位,确认各参赛队伍到场 确认音频组就位,参赛队伍确认配音视频 确认灯光组就位 【18:45嘉宾入场,开场准备】 主持人:请各参赛队抓紧时间做好准备,第四届外语配音大赛决赛即将开始。 【18: 50开场准备】 ?视频:循环duang宣传视频 # 催台:第一、二、三队做好准备上场 【19: 00 开场】 灯光:灯灭 ?视频:播放正式版决赛宣传视频 ?PPT:南京航空航天大学第四届外语配音大赛决赛 ?灯光:灯亮 #主持人上台 英:Good evening! Honorable judges, dear fellows.Ladies and gentlem

10、an. 中:各位老师,亲爱的同学,女士们,先生们,大家晚上好。 英:Welcome to the final of the forth Dubbing Competition of NUAA. 中:欢迎来到南京航空航天大学第四届外语配音大赛的决赛现场。 英:Im xx. As a member of the English Broadcasting Station, its really an honor for me to be the English host tonight. 中:我是今晚的主持人xxx。 英:Hosted by the NUAA Press Center and spo

11、nsored by the New Oriental School, the Dubbing Competition is organized by the English Broadcasting Station. 中:南航外语配音大赛由南京航空航天大学大学生新闻中心主办,校大学生外语电台承办,同时,感谢新东方对本次大赛的大力支持。新东方,您的出国留学考试专家。 英:Altogether 76 teams attended this years competition and after the preliminary contest, 12 teams entered into the f

12、inal contest. Congratulations! 中:初赛现场,我们欣赏了76只参赛队伍的精彩表演,经过激烈角逐,共有12只队伍进入了今晚的决赛,恭喜你们! 英:Firstly, lets introduce tonights honorable judges and distinguished guests: 中:光临本次大赛现场的评委是: 英:The Vice Dean of the College of International Education, Zhang Guoquan. 中:国际教育学院张国权副院长 英:The English teacher from the C

13、ollege of Foreign Languages, the old pal of our dubbing competition, Professor Sun Ruichao. 中:外国语学院专业教师,外语配音大赛的老朋友,孙睿超副教授 英:The foreign teacher from the College of Foreign Languages, Alan Black. 中:外国语学院外教,Alan老师 英:The Chief Director of the Foreign Department of New Oriental School, Wei Fei. 中:南京新东方国

14、外部总监,新东方教育科技集团讲演师,魏飞先生 英:Thank you for coming here tonight. And now, lets introduce our respectable guests. 中:感谢四位评委的到来。接下来,请允许我介绍本次大赛的到场嘉宾,他们是: (周日中午定) 英:Besides, tonight, we have the honor of inviting our dear fellows from China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing University of Science and technology, Nanjing Information Engineering University. 中:此外,今晚我们还荣幸的请到了来自中国药科大学,南京审计学院,南京理工大学,以及南京信息工程大学的英语届伙伴们来到我们的比赛现场。 英:Together with the former directors of NUAA English Broadcasting Station and the winner of the last dubbing competition, our dear fellows will function as


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