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1、一孕傻三年【母婴健康知识英语:一孕傻三年】 俗话说:一孕傻三年。这是真的吗?下面是办公室王老师为大家解答这个问题:一孕是否傻真的三年,欢迎大家阅读! Baby brain DOESNT exist, tests reveal Mothers-to-be who are feeling forgetful and a bit slow on the uptake may blame it on baby brain. But in reality this doesnt exist, scientists claim. While those who are pregnant may belie

2、ve their memory is worse than usual, a study has found that they perform just as well as other women in mental tests. And it doesnt just apply to memory. Other key skills, including attention span and spatial awareness, are equally unaffected by pregnancy. With up to 80 per cent of pregnant women sa

3、ying they suffer memory lapses, the finding could prove controversial. However, the US researchers say their aim is to give mothers-to-be a confidence boost. However, the US researchers say their aim is to give mothers-to-be a confidence boost. They said that there is a stereotype that your brain is

4、 going to turn to mush when pregnant and that women should resist it. With previous studies into the existence of baby brain providing mixed results, the team from Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City set out to come up with a definitive answer. They put 21 mothers-to-be through a battery of m

5、ental tests a few weeks before their baby was due and again a couple of months after the birth. Another 21 women who werent pregnant and had never had any children also completed the three-hour set of tests. There were no differences between the two groups in memory, thinking, attention span, organi

6、sational or spatial skills. Whether the tests were taken during pregnancy or when looking after a young baby, the women did just as well as those who had never been pregnant. However, when asked how they had performed, the pregnant women and new mothers thought they had done worse. They also said th

7、ey had a lower quality of life and were less satisfied with their lot. Psychology professor Michael Larson, lead author of the study, said: I was surprised at how strong the feeling was that they werent performing well. This feeling of, I really am doing badly right now exists despite the objective

8、evidence that they arent. Writing in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Professor Larson said that the expectation of baby brain may be so strong that a pregnant woman is extra-alert to memory lapses. So, although they happen no more than usual, she may notice them more and th

9、erefore think they do. Professor Larson said that women should realise that what they are feeling is all in their minds and if they believe their mind is working at full capacity, then it will. He said that he hoped pregnant women would hear about his research findings and these would improve their

10、quality of life, improve how they are functioning – they might start believing in themselves. Among those who have spoken out about their struggle with baby brain is actress Reese Witherspoon. In an interview the 39-year-old opened up about how she felt after the birth of her third child, Tenn

11、essee James, in 2022. She said at the time: Ever since I had the baby, I cant remember anything. Seriously, this child stole my brain. Im losing friendships over forgetting to get back to people. But you cant keep up with everything. Ive got a 13-year-old, a nine-year-old and a baby. Other new mothe

12、rs have said that lack of sleep and worrying about their child contributed to feelingscatterbrained. Doctors have said that surging hormones could contribute to the condition, as there is up to 40 times more progesterone and oestrogen in the body during pregnancy. However, others say that having a b

13、aby may actually make a woman brighter. A study from Yale University in the US found that a womans grey matter grows in the weeks and months after she gives birth. And its the most doting mothers who experience the biggest burst of brain cells. It is thought the hormonal changes associated with havi

14、ng a baby supercharge the brain, helping to prepare women for the challenges of motherhood ahead. 你被孕傻骗了多久 有句流传已久的社会俗语,叫一孕傻三年,准妈妈常常对此深信不疑。她们感觉自己怀孕后变得健忘,反应也变迟钝了。 但是科学家指出,事实上一孕傻三年这种情况根本不存在。 尽管孕妇们觉得自己的记忆力变差了,但是一项研究发现,她们在脑力测试中的表现和没怀孕的女性一样好。 而且还不光是记忆力。其他重要技能,包括注意力持续时间和空间感,同样都没有受到怀孕的影响。 高达80%的女性表示自己遭受记忆力减退的困扰,这使得这些研究结果颇具争议性。 但是,美国研?a href= target=_blank咳嗽鄙疲堑难芯磕康氖俏嗽銮孔悸杪杳堑淖孕判?/p 他们说,社会中流传一种旧思想,认为怀孕时,你的头脑就会变成一团浆糊。然而,女士们应该拒绝这种老观念。 由于先前对孕傻是否存在的研究,给予的答案模棱两可。来自美国盐湖城杨伯翰大学的团队为此出山,对此展开研究,以给大家一个确切的答案。 他们让21位准妈妈在预产期前几周参加了一系列脑力测试,在产后几个月,又对她们进行了一次测试。


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