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1、重庆巴蜀中学2011-2012学年度八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案)(友情提示:请同学们将161小题答案涂在机读卡上;62101小题答案写在答题卷上)卷 (100分). 听力部分(30分)一. 情景反应, 听一遍。(1*6分)1. A. Jay B. Town Cinema C. FM88.42. A. Yes, they do.B. Yes, they will. C. No, they arent.3. A. I argued with my best friend.B. Yes, I will. C. Why not?4. A. Are they? B. Sure, thank

2、you. C. I agree.5. A. It is very expensive. B. Its cold and dry. C. It is easy to find it.6. A. I dont like it. B. He wont. C. Zhaobenshan.二. 对话理解, 听一遍。(1*6分)7. A.320 yuan. B.640yuan. C. 160yuan.8. A. An astronaut. B.A doctor. C. A teacher.9. A. UME B. Town Cinema C. Wanda10. A. No, she wont. Becaus

3、e she is going to hospital.B. Yes, she will. She will go after she sees the doctor.C. No, she wont. Because she is a doctor.11. A. He thinks the girls clothes are out of style.B. He dislikes the girls clothes.C. He thinks the girl bought too many clothes.12. A. They are talking about selling a house

4、.B. They are talking about their modern house in the future.C. They are talking about making things.三. 短文理解,听两遍。(2*9) A13. Where are the students going next morning? A. Bejing B. London C. Sanya14. How much money should each student take? A.¥350. B.¥530. C. $530.15. What should the students wear? A.

5、 Yellow skirts. B. Blue shirts C. Red shirts.16. What is the phone number of the school office? A. 508-4436 B.580-4446. C.580-4436. 17. Who should the students call if they have any problems in London?A. Mrs. BelcherB. Mr. Black C. Mrs. Flecher B 18. Tina is _all her subjects. A. interested in B. go

6、od at C. bad at19. Tina studies _than her classmates. A. lazier B. better C. harder20. Tinas English is_than her math. A. worse B. better C. poor21. Tina wants Mr. Green to _.A. be her teacher B. come to see her C. tell her what to do. 单项选择。(1*20分。)22. The little boy looked at me in _.Its really _ n

7、ews for him.A. surprisingly, surprisingB. surprise, surprisingC. surprisingly, surprised D. surprise, surprised23. The boy _. So his grandparents have to look after him at home.A. is old enough to go to schoolB. isnt enough old to go to schoolC. isnt old enough to go to schoolD. is enough old to go

8、to school24. -What do you think your life will _ next month?-My life will be _ better than it is now.A. be like, veryB. be, a lotC. becomes, tooD. be like, a lot25. I _ my purse everywhere, but I couldnt _ it.A. looked, findB. looked for, findC. found, look forD. find, look for26. The No. 10 footbal

9、l player felt so badly that he _ stand up.A. couldB. couldnt be able toC. was not able toD. cant27. _ of the three women is my aunt.A. The olderB. The oldestC. OlderD. The elder28. Its a good team. They can do the work better with _ time and _ people.A. less, less B. fewer, fewer C. less, fewer D. f

10、ewer, less29. The old man lives _. So he often feels _.A. alone, lonely B. alone, alone C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone30. Because of the sunny day, he _ a pretty dress and looks good.A. puts onB. is onC. wearsD. dressed31. _ people lost their lives in the earthquake.A. HundredB. 3 Hundreds C. Hu

11、ndred ofD. Hundreds of32. No one will go hiking with Miller _ me. They dont like him.A. exceptB. besidesC. includingD. beside33. He _ down in the half way, so he _ the game. A. fail, fellB. felt, failC. fell, failedD. feel, failed34. I found _ hard to review every subject after I finished my homewor

12、k.A. itB. thatC. it isD. it be35. One of _ doctors in America will visit our hospital and give us a report.A. the famousB. most famousC. the most famousD. the more famous36. Your father is sleeping. Youd better _.A. wake him upB. wake up him C. not wake him up D. not to wake him up37. May I _ your d

13、ictionary? I _ it at home.A. lend, forgetB. borrow, forget C. lend, left D. borrow, left38. -When shall I call you, morning or afternoon? -_ is OK. I will be free all day.A. Both B. AnyC. EitherD. Neither39. This coat doesnt fit him well, because he has _ a huge body but the coat is small.A. so, suchB. so, so C. such, suchD. such, so40. All the



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