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1、电工英文自我评价电工英文自我评价范文篇一电工英文自我评价范文篇二电工英文自我评价范文篇三In the lng-term wrk practice adhere t the safety first, preventin first, strictly enfrce the safety rules and regulatins, based n their wn psitins, take the initiative t play a subjective initiative at the same time, adhere t the standard criteria fr stric

2、t requirements themselves, Amunt t cmplete the prductin wrk tasks.Style slid, hard wrk hard wrking. Can strictly accrding t the standardizatin request, the prcedure, the system and the measure, carries ut each wrk, when meets the difficulty, perseverance, the initiative vercmes the difficulty which

3、faces the questin t cmplete the leader t assign each duty. In the early stage f the wrkshp merger, the wrking facilities f the newly established Lechang pwer supply wrkshp were nt cmplete. The wrkshp netwrk culd nt be used. In rder t transmit the prductin infrmatin in time, the cmmunicatin equipment

4、 was put int peratin t ensure the smth flw f prductin infrmatin. years fr the first time I carried ut a cntact netwrk fcused n repair, as a pwer line fr the cntact netwrk fcused n the preparatin f the wrk plan, frm learning t applicatin, frm ignrant t gradually understand, all embdies the tenacius s

5、truggle f prfessinalism.Cnsciusly strengthen the thery and business learning, thery and practice fr the wrkshp safety management services. In the daily prductin and life f diamnd business technlgy and adhere t the mdern business and cultural knwledge, and cnstantly imprve their theretical level, per

6、atinal capacity and quality f cultivatin, and fcus n the knwledge used in prductin safety practice, with the wrkshp leaders d a gd jb in prductin management, Fr the first-line prductin t cntribute. At the beginning f t cmbat the snw disaster wrk, take the initiative t grasp the frnt-line dynamic inf

7、rmatin n the scene f the fault repair situatin, the dynamic peratin f the equipment in a timely manner t make statistics, summarize the materials fr the leadership t understand the dynamics f the scene t prvide first-hand infrmatin, Quickly cnvey the higher rder, whether fault repair r nrmal equipme

8、nt inspectin, regardless f day and night, adhere t earnestly cmplete all the summary f statistical materials reprted anagement and cnstructin wrk, wrk independently. Since the team t play the team building management wrk, t cmbine the safety management team, clsely arund the theme f security wrk, t

9、be diligent in thinking, t eplre, lyal, dare t dare t dare, dare t dare t listen t team Staff advice, subject t the wrkshp leadership arrangements, d the right t insist n ding a gd jb, there are gaps in the initiative t find reasns, adjust the wrking methds, s sum up eperience and imprve the quality

10、 f wrk. Lechang pwer supply plant tube equipment scattered, daily management team and cmple wrk, bw net, hydrpwer all kinds f prfessinal team has t distinguish between different types f wrk grups f relatively unified management, n dubt with cnsiderable difficulty, need t pay mre labr , ften withut rest fr this day and night t wrk.



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