广东省广州市八年级英语下册:Unit 1 Success stories学案卷(牛津)

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1、Unit 1 Success stories第一单元学案卷第一课时Reading A一、 单词拼写1. The man helped the police catch the thief, so he was given an a_ for bravery.2. Kelly is my best friend at school, and I hope we will be friends f_.3. If you want to be successful, you have to be s_ in your study.4. Our teachers often e_ us when we

2、 meet with difficulties.5. The bridge is strong enough to s_ the heavy lorries.6. I was lucky enough to get a big c_ to work in this company after graduation.二、 单项选择1. The telephone rang when we _dinner.A. had B. have C. are having D. were having2. Failure is the mother of _. A. success B. successfu

3、l C. successfully D. succeed3. The weather is getting worse. You have to take care of yourself, or you will _. A. fall down B. fall off C. fall ill D. fall over4. There will be many wonderful performances _ tonight. A. on radio B. in radio C. in television D. on television5. Lang Lang is one of the

4、most famous _ in the world. A. pianist B. pianists C. piano D. pianos三、 完成句子1.著名钢琴家郎朗在三岁的时候就开始上钢琴课了。The famous pianist, Lang Lang, began _ piano lessons _ _ _ of three.2.那个获得写作比赛第一名的男孩非常感激他的父母。 The boy who won the first prize in the writing competition _ _ _ his parents.3.成功的人士对自己要求非常严格。 Successful

5、people _ _ _ themselves.4.妈妈病倒了,我代替她做完了家务。 Mother fell ill, so I did the homework _ _ _ her.5.每个人的成功都是要付出代价的。 Everyones success comes _ _ _.四、根据课文和首字母,写出短文中所缺的单词。Lang Lang is one of the youngest and most famous pianist of our time. He began to take piano lessons at the a_ of three. Two years later h

6、e won his first prize. After that he won a lot of a_. When he was seventeen, he got a c_ to play the piano at a famous musical e_ in the USA. After this p_ he became famous in the world. His great s_ came from not only his hard work but also his s_ parents. He is always e_ and s_ by them. He thanks

7、them f_.五、短语互译。1.付出代价_ 2.为某事感激某人_3.在电视上_ 3.对-严格_5.西方古典音乐_ 6. at the age of_7. in place of _ 8. have fun_9. give up_ 10. fall ill_第二课时 Reading B一、 单词拼写1. Lang Lang is a famous pianist of many talents and i_.2. Bell is the i_ of telephone.3. N_, peoples life is getting better and better.4. Its safer t

8、o walk on the p_ than on the road.5. Scientists keep on d_ more efficient products for people.二、 选词填空 be curious about search for be known as set up caused by lead to1. People always _ the best way to get success.2. Too much work and too little rest often _illness.3. Children _ often _ all kinds of

9、strange things.4. Yuan Longping _ the father of hybrid rice(杂交水稻).5. Lightning conductor can reduce the damage _lighting.6. Many new companies will be _in Guangzhou.三、 完成句子1. 人们必须保护环境免受污染。People must _ the environment _ pollution.2. 工人们对每天做同样的事情感到厌倦。Workers _ _ _ _the same thing every day.3. 这个穿着制服的

10、男人竟然既是一个警察也是一个贼。The man in a uniform is _ _ a policeman _ a thief.4. 孩子们天生对新鲜事物感到好奇。Children are _ _ _ new things.5. 我想知道昨晚九点你正在做什么。I wonder _ you _ _ at nine yesterday evening. 四、语法选择Bill Gates was born on October 28,1955. He_1_William Henry after his father and grandfather. He was a very clever bo

11、y. At school, his favourite_2_ were science and maths. When people asked him what he_3_ to be in the future, he always said, ”A scientist”.When he was thirteen, Bill started to play computers. Once he was _4_ in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time _5_ unusual things wi

12、th it._6_,they worked out a software programme.In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. There he developed the BASIC language for _7_microcomuputer.In his_8_year, he worked for Microsoft. There he began _9_ softwares for personal computers. He made it much _10_ for people to use computers than before.( )1. A. named B. was named C. was naming D. names( )2. A. lesson B. lessons C. subject


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