Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案

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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案_第1页
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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案_第2页
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Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案_第3页
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《Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftPeriod 2教案示例 教案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit9 By the time I got outside the bus had already left(Period 2)教案示例The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Target Language By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home When I

2、 got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack(2)The Three Forms of the verbs2 Ability Objects(1) Train the students listening skill(2) Train the students writing skill with the target language(3) Train the students speaking skill(4) Train the students to use the three forms of the verbs3

3、Moral ObjectTry to be a careful person and do everything carefully Remember not to be as careless as Tina Teaching Key Points1 Listening practice with the target language2 Use the correct verb forms to fill in the blanks by listening3 Make sentences using the Past Perfect Tense4 The three forms of t

4、he verbs Teaching Difficult Points1 Write an ending for the story in Activity 2c2 The three verb forms in Grammar Focus Teaching Methods1 Listening2 Pairwork Teaching AidsA tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep I Revision1 Revise what happened to Tina in the morning by asking one or two students to

5、tell the stroy on page 68They may say like this:Tina had a bad morning First of all she overslept By the time she got up, her brother had already gotten in the showerAnd by the time she went outside, the bus had already left She had to run all the way to school When she got to school, she realized s

6、he had left her backpack at home All these made her look stressed out After that, ask the whole class to work in pairs, telling the stroy and helping each other in turns Remind them to use the correct verb forms2 Ask students to check each others homework in pairs, pointing out all the mistakes they

7、 might have made3 Revise the Past Perfect Tense by asking the children when to use it and what its verb structure isStep 2aThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target languageWe have known Tina had a bad morningBut something worse happened to Tina later Lets go to Activity 2a o

8、n page 69 and see what happened to Tina later in the morningRead the instructions to the class Be sure that all of them know what to doCall the students attention to the four pictures Get them to guess the correct order of the pictures first The first one is given as a sample Ask one or two children

9、 to tell their stories by describing the pictures according to their own orderThen, we will hear Tina talking about what happened to her after she got to school We can see there is a small box in each picturePlease write a number from 1 to 4 in each box to show each pictures correct orderThe first o

10、ne has been given as a sampleGet the children to get ready to listen to Tina continue her storyPlay the recording the first time, students only listen Play the recording again and ask the children to number each pictureCheck the answers with the class and see who have ever got the correct answers wi

11、thout listeningAnswersThe pictures should be numbered in this order:3 1 2 4TapescriptBoy: So then what did you do, Tina?Girl: Well, I ran home to get my backpackBut when I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpackBoy: Youre kidding!Girl: So I ran back to school without my keys or my ba

12、ckpack And by the time I got back to school, the bell had rungBoy: Oh, no!Girl: And by the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already She asked for our homework, but of course I didnt have itStep 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target

13、languageAsk the students to read the instructions together Point out the blanks in the sentences and the verbs in the bracketsThis activity has two parts First lets fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms We can see some verbs in the brackets They are the base forms of the given verbs For exa

14、mple, get and got, Get is the base form of the verb Your job is to write the correct forms of these verbs in the blanks Look at number oneA sample answer is givenLet the students fill in the blanks with the correct forms individuallyMove around the classroom collecting the common mistakes they may m

15、akeAfter they all finish writing, tell them to get ready to listen to the conversation and check their answersI will play the recording again Please check your answers and correct any mistakes you might have made while listening Play the recording Students listen and check their answers Correct the answers by asking seven different students to say theirs to the classAnswers1 got home 2 realized 3 had left4 got 5 had rung 6 walked 7 had startedStep 2cThis activity gives students oral practice with the target languageAsk the



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