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1、Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 英语四级真题阅读答案英语四级考试在本文为您带来英语四级考试真题及答案解析,各位同学刚刚考完最关心的就是答案了,已经为大家整理好相关内容。大家可以先通过答案进行估分,相信通过这段时间的努力一定能够获得理想的分数,那么一起来看以下具体内容。 Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passagewith ten blanks. You are required to selectone word for each blank from a

2、 list of choic- es given in a word bank following the pas-sage. Read the passage through carefullybefore making your choices. Each choice inthe bank is identified by a letter. Please markthe corresponding letter for each item onANSWER SHEET 2 with a single line throughthe centre. You may not use any

3、 of the wordsin the bank more than once. Ships are often sunk in order to create un-derwater reefs (#) perfect for scuba driv-ing (7Kj$5K) and preserving marine 26. Turkish authorities have just sunk some-thing a little different than a ship, and itwouldn t normally ever touch water, anAirbus A300.

4、The hollowed-out A30O was 27 of everything potentially harmful to theenvironment and sunk off the Aegean coasttoday/ Not only will the sunken plane 28the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities hope this new underwater at- traction will bring tourist to the area. The plane 29 a

5、total length of 54 meters,where experienced scuba divers will 30 be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane s 31 . Aydin Municipal-ity bought the plane from a private companyfor just under US$ 100,000,but they hope tosee a return on that 32 n through the tourism industry. Tourism thro

6、ughout Turkeyis expected to fall this year as the country has been the 33 of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go,thisAirbus A30O is the largest 34 sunk air- craft ever. Taking a trip underwater and 35 the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite anadventure, and that is exactl

7、y what Turkishauthorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers, this new arti-ficial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver s par-adise (F) . A) create l)intentionallyB) depressed J)investmentC) eventually K)revealingD) Experiences L)stretches E) exploring M)stripped LF) exterior N)territoryG) habitats O)victimH) innovate 答案: 26. G 27.M 28.A 29.L 30.C 31.F 32.J 33.0 34.I 35. E 英语四级考试刚刚结束,各位同学对完分数以后可以先对分数进行预估。很多同学为了备考在这段时间里都非常努力和辛苦,希望你们的付出都会回报在考试成绩中。觉得自己没有发挥好的同学也不要气馁,反思一下没有考好的原因并进行总结归纳,相信通过自己的努力,在下次也能够顺利通过。第 3 页 共 3 页


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