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1、Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 雅思考试媒体类必读满分4写作往往需要我们有自己独特的写作思路,同时也要有相关的写作素材,想要作文获得高分,就要在文章中有高逼格的句子,而这些句子我们可以通过平时阅读范文和文章来获得,今天给大家整理这篇范文,在雅思考试还有很多相关的内容,一起来看看吧! News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used t

2、o bad news? Would it he better if more good news was reported? Model Answer: It has often been said that. Good news is bad news. Because it does not sell newspapers. A radio station that once decided to present only good news soon found that it had gone out of business for lack of listeners. Bad new

3、s on the other hand is so common that in order to cope with it, we often simply ignore it. We have become immune to bad news and the newspapers and radio stations are aware of this. While newspapers and TV stations may aim to report world events accurately, be they natural or human disasters, politi

4、cal events or the horrors of war, it is also true that their main objective is to sell newspapers and attract listeners and viewers to their stations. For this reason TV and radio stations attempt to reflect the flavour of their station by providing news broadcasts tailor-made to suit their listener

5、s preferences. Programmes specialising in pop music or TV soap operas focus more on local news, home issues and up-to-date traffic reports. The more serious stations and newspapers like to provide so called objective news reports with editorial comment aimed at analysing the situation. If it is true

6、, then, that newspapers and TV stations are tailoring their news to their readers. and viewers requirements, how can they possibly be reporting real world events in an honest and objective light? Many radio and TV stations do, in fact, report items of good news but they no longer call this news. The

7、y refer to these as human interest stories and package them in programmes specialising, for instance, in consumer affairs or local issues. Good news now comes to us in the form of documentaries the fight against childrens cancer or AIDS, or the latest developments in the fight to save the planet from environmental pollution. 以上就是为大家整理的全部内容了,在我们平时的复习中,我们要多读研读优秀的文章,这样不仅可以开阔我们的写作思路,还能积累优秀的句子,还会在网站上不断更新更多的文章,还会做好每月雅思考试时间的变更,希望最后大家都能顺利通过考试!第 2 页 共 2 页


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