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1、Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) GMAT考试OG阅读新题详细解读3 GMAT模拟题:GMAT考试OG阅读新题详细解读3 GMAT考试精品1对1课程推荐 Line(1)Carotenoids, a family of natural pigments, form an important part of the colorful signals used by many animals. Animals acquire carotenoids either directly (from the plants and algae that produce (5)them) or indirect

2、ly (by eating insects) and store them in a variety of tissues. Studies of several animal species have shown that when choosing mates, females prefer males with brighter carotenoid-based coloration. Owens and Olson hypothesize that the (10)presence of carotenoids, as signaled by coloration, would be

3、meaningful in the context of mate selection if carotenoids were either rare or required for health. The conventional view is that carotenoids are meaningful because they are rare: healthier (15)males can forage for more of the pigments than can their inferior counterparts. Although this may be true,

4、 there is growing evidence that carotenoids are meaningful also because they are required: they are used by the immune system and for detoxification (20)processes that are important for maintaining health. It may be that males can use scarce carotenoids either for immune defense and detoxification o

5、r for attracting females. Males that are more susceptible to disease and parasites will have to use their (25)carotenoids to boost their immune systems, whereas males that are genetically resistant will use fewer carotenoids for fighting disease and will advertise this by using the pigments for flas

6、hy display instead. Questions 443447 refer to the passage. 443.According to the “conventional view” referred to in line 13 of the passage, brighter carotenoid-based coloration in certain species suggests that an individual 1.lives in a habitat rich in carotenoid-bearing plants and insects 2.has effi

7、cient detoxification processes 3.has a superior immune system 4.possesses superior foraging capacity currently capable of reproducing 444.The idea that carotenoid-based coloration is significant partly because carotenoids are required for health suggests that a lack of bright coloration in a ma

8、le is most likely to indicate which of the following? 1.Inefficient detoxification processes 2.Immunity to parasite infestation 3.Low genetic resistance to disease 4.Lack of interest in mating 5.Lack of carotenoid-storing tissues 445.The passage suggests that relatively bright carotenoidbased colora

9、tion is a signal of which of the following characteristics in males of certain animal species? 1.Readiness for mating behavior 2.Ability to fight 3.Particular feeding preferences 4.Recovery from parasite infestation 5.Fitness as a mate 446.The passage implies which of the following about the insects

10、 from which animals acquire carotenoids? 1.They do not produce carotenoids themselves. 2.They use carotenoids primarily for coloration. 3.They maintain constant levels of carotenoids in their tissues. 4.They are unable to use carotenoids to boost their immune system. 5.They are available in greater

11、abundance than are carotenoid-bearing plants. 447.Information in the passage suggests that which of the following is true of carotenoids that a male animal uses for detoxification processes? 1.They were not acquired directly from plants and algae. 2.They cannot be replenished through foraging. 3.The

12、y cannot be used simultaneously to brighten coloration. 4.They do not affect the animals susceptibility to parasites. 5.They increase the chances that the animal will be selected as a mate. 解析: 文章大意: Carotenoids是一种天然染料,动物有两种获取他的方式。雌性选择伴侣的时候更倾向于选择有brighter carotenoids-based coloration的伴侣。老观点认为Caroten

13、oids重要是因为它的稀有性。但是OO认为它重要是因为2个原因:稀有性和健康性。 基本文章结构:新老观点对比 文章结构图: Carotenoids-pigment Olson(New): C rare required for healthC meaningful immune, detoxificationhealth Old: C rareC meaningful 题目分析 443.题干分析: 先明确问的是在老观点看来,有carotenoids-based染色说明什么。 那么直接可以定位文中老观点的内容: The conventional view is that carotenoids

14、aremeaningful because they are rare: healthier males can forage for more of the A: 无关选项 B: 这是新观点提及的概念,而非老观点 C:这是新观点提及的概念,而非老观点 D:定位句说: 由于carotenoids很稀少,越健康的雄性能找到越多的pigments 。由于在这篇文章中pigments就指代Carotenoids,所以如果一个雄性体内的carotenoids越多,就可以说明它搜寻能力更强。 E:无关选项 444. 题干分析: 问 coloration 重要是因为 carotenoids 是健康所需 这

15、个观点表明如果缺乏它会怎样? 可以明确题干的观点属于新观点,然后就可以定位原文 Males that are more susceptible to disease andparasites will have to use their carotenoids to boost their immune systems,whereas males that are genetically resistant will usefewer carotenoids for fighting disease and will advertise this byusing the pigments for flashy display instead. 这意味着如果雄性更容易收到疾病攻击那么就要利用carotenoids,自然体内的coloration就少了;而如果是自身抵御能力较强的雄性,它们就不会使用那么多carotenoids来对抗疾病,那么体内的colorat



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