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1、河南省南阳市第一中学2021届高三英语上学期第二次月考(9月)试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe Dezeen x Samsung Out of the Box Competition is a global contest that challenges contestants to design innovative objects for the home that can be made by repurposing cardboard packaging

2、. Its inspired by Samsungs Eco-Packaging, in which some of its televisions are shipped to customers.Judging criteriaEntries will be judged on how original the idea is, how visually appealing the object is and how useful it would be in the home.Who can enterThe competition is free to enter for anyone

3、 over 18 around the world. Entries from individuals and teams will both be accepted.How to enterContestants will need to submit their entry via the form down-loadable here: http:/www. The following information should be included in the form: the name of the design, a description of its concept (maxi

4、mum 300 words), one to ten images showing the object in use in the home. A video or animation (动画) displaying the design and its assembly (组装) is optional.Closing dateAll entries must be received by 23:59 BST on October 29, 2020.Shortlist (入围名单)and finalistsIn November 2020, Dezeen and Samsung will

5、select a shortlist of the best designs, which will be published on the Dezeen website. In December 2020, five finalists will then be exhibited at IFA Berlin, one of the worlds largest trade fairs for consumer electronics. Entrants behind the top five designs will be invited to attend the IFA to pres

6、ent their designs to an English-speaking jury.Winners and prizesThe competition is awarding $20,000 in total prize money, which will be divided among the top five finalists. The overall winner will receive a top prize of $10,000.21.Which of the following is NOT a criterion for deciding who takes fir

7、st place in the Samsung Out of the Box Competition?A. CostB. FunctionC. CreativityD. Appearance22. Lily, who decides to enter the Competition, will have to submit all the following information EXCEPT FOR _. Isthisateamentry? (Ifso,pleaselistthenamesofallteammates.)Nameofdesign (Thiswillappearonallco

8、mmunicationandmediacoverage.) Entrydescription(Pleaseexplaintheconceptbehindyourdesign,whatlifestyleithasbeendesignedforandhowitisassembled.) Uploadimages (at most 10)(AllimagesmustbeJPGsandnomorethan1MBinsizeeach)Videooranimation(PleaseincludeaURLhere)A. B. C.D. 23.Which of the following statements

9、 is true?A. Each of the finalists will receive a prize of $4,000.B. The overall winner will have a chance to visit Samsung.C. The best designs will be published on the Dezeen website.D. The finalists will represent their designs at IFA in their native languages.BIt was during a school trip to the Ar

10、t Gallery of NSW that I realized I was not white.Aged eight, rough and noisy like any child travelling to an exciting place miles away from their own home, I was seriously reminded by a supervising teacher to stay in one place. To ensure this happened, and that I did not escape to a closed-off exhib

11、ition area the minute her eyes turned elsewhere, she forced me to hold the hand of a quiet, modest girl in my class, the typical teachers pet.Already feeling incredibly self-conscious, the moment took a turn for the worse when a fellow classmate eyed our interlocked hands. With a finger pointing acc

12、usingly towards us, he said, “God, I can see her hand turning black already.”That night I came home and cried in the shower. My own secret purchase of a Dove beauty bar failed to wash off the thick layer of dark grime (污点) onto my skin. For the first time I was forced to confront the vast valley bet

13、ween who I thought I was and who I actually was.Race proceeded to become something I struggled with all throughout adolescence. In stories like these, the climax (高潮) usually comes during university. To an extent, that was true.In your hands today is an edition that celebrates stories like mine, of

14、lives and experiences informed by race.While race is the source of many of our struggles, it is also the location of our characteristics, dearest stories, and most loved people. We have come to understand life better from our race. As people coming from an ethno-cultural (种族文化的) minority, our race i

15、nforms, but does not single-handedly define, who we are.24.Why did the teacher ensure the author stayed in one place?A. She punished the author because the author was not white.B. She was happy to see the author and the girl hand in hand.C. She was afraid the author would be laughed at by her classmates.D. She was afraid the author would run to a forbidden exhibition area.25.When did the author realize what the race meant to her?A. The moment the boy said her hands were black.B. The minute the tea


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