届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 仁爱版 试题

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1、福建省漳州市诏安县霞葛中学2014届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题友情提示:请把所有答案填写(涂)到答题卡上!请不要错位、越界答题!. 听力测试 :(每小题1分,计30分)II. 单项选择。(每题1分,计15分)( ) 31. Hello ! Could I speak to Mr. King, please? Sorry, hes _ the supermarket. A. been in B. been on C. gone to( ) 32. My grandfather _ live in the city, but he _ living in such a quiet villag

2、e now. A. used to; is used to B. was used to; used to C. is used to; used to ( ) 33. Have you ever _ my stamps? Yes, I _ them on your desk yesterday. A. saw; saw B. seen; saw C. seen; seen ( ) 34. Are you going to Tibet for vacation ? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. A. offer

3、B. afford C. provide ( ) 35.The population of Japan is _ than that of India. A. less B. fewer C. smaller( ) 36. He has been a teacher _ six years ago and he has been here _ 3 years. A. for; for B. since; for C. for; since ( ) 37. Are there _ of students in your school? Oh, yes. There are about five

4、_. A. thousand; thousand B. thousands; thousand C. thousand; thousands ( ) 38. _ the population of the world? _ about 6.5 billion. A. How many; Theyre B. How much; Its C. Whats; Its ( ) 39. In the past, most parents couldnt _ their childrens education. A. cost B. take C. afford ( ) 40. Every year I

5、have to visit my grandpa by train because he lives in a village _.A. too far B. far away from C. far away( ) 41. _ of the area _ covered by trees. A. Two-third; is B. Two thirds; is C. Two-third; are ( ) 42. I am not interested in the story. _ A. Neither am I. B. So am I. C. So I am. ( ) 43. In the

6、past 10 years, great changes _ place in Beijing. A. took B. have taken C. have took ( ) 44. She _ the computer since 2001. A. has had B. has bought C. had ( ) 45. _ you study harder, youll fall behind others. A. If B. Unless C. Until 完形填空:从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案。(每小题1.5分,计15分) In front of my daughter Sin

7、du, was a bowl filled with cabbage. She hated cabbage. She only sat there in silence with tears _46_ her eyes.“Sindu, darling, why dont you _47_ a little? Your mom will shout at me.”Sindu wiped(擦)her tears with the back of her hand. “OK, Dad. I eat just a little.” Then Sindu said,” Dad, if I eat it

8、all. Will you give me _48_ I want?” “Yes, including reason.” _49_ she began to eat. It took her almost half an hour to finish the _50_.Then she came up to me and said:“Dad, I want to have my head shave(刮、剃 )!”She said.“Sindu, why dont you _51_something else? If we see you with a clean-shaven head, w

9、e will be _52_,”I said.“But,Dad, you promised! Now, you are going back on your words.”I had to _53_my promise(承诺). Sindu had all her hair cut off. She looked beautiful.On Monday morning, I took her to school. When we arrived, a boy got out of a car, and shouted.” Sindu, please wait for me!”Guess wha

10、t? The boy had _54_ hair either.“Sir, your daughter is great!” a man got out of the car and said, “That boy is my son Harish. He has cancer. He lost his hair_55_he got ill. Sindu cut hers off so Harish felt less different. Shes a special girl.”I stood for a while,” My little girl, you teach me how s

11、elfless( 无私的) real love is!”( ) 46.A.on B. in C. at ( ) 47. A. cook B. cut C. eat ( ) 48. A. that B. who C. what( ) 49. A. Luckily B. Slowly C. Easily( ) 50. A. food B. homework C. game( ) 51. A. pay for B. look for C. work for( ) 52. A. happy B. well C. funny ( ) 53. A. keep B. break C. make ( ) 54

12、. A. much B. no C. some ( ) 55. A. unless B. although C. when阅读理解:(A、B、C、E篇中的每小题2分,D篇中每小题1分,计35分)(A)Young American VolunteersIf you have no special plans for your holiday, why not spend your time helping others? Dont listen to people who say that young people today often think only of themselves. Its not true at all. More and more young people in the USA volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others. And they dont do it for money. Here are some of their stories.Alice Hamilton, 17



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