九年级英语综合复习模拟卷二 试题

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1、九年级英语综合复习模拟卷二听力部分听句子,选出你听到的单词或短语(5分)1aan accident bwallel c.movie star dsinger ( )2adesign b.inprove clisten d.wear ( )3asnake b.tomato cpicnic dtrip ( )4ainformation bsuggestions csecrets dsolutions ( )5aocean bhotel cpool d.site ( )听句子,根据其内容选择恰当的答语(5分)6ayes,i can bno problem. cno,never d. ok,thank

2、s. ( )7awear cool clothes bclassical music cquiet songsdgentle songs( )8.aits touristy bits a site cits a jungle dits private ( )9aim reading bi was repairing rny bike ( ) cyes,i was dreally10a.no,she didnt b. yes, she did c yes,s11e hasnt dno,she hasnt ( )听对话,根据其内容完成句子。每空一词(10分)11tom was because th

3、e bus down12dad has bikes to up and give away to the children13.daves friend him to a costume on aprl fools day14joy writing storis and them to the childten15kathy like to the great wall笔试部分词汇:根据句意,在括号内选择正确的词语完成句子(10分)16theyd 1ike to help people(homeless, volunteers)17what do you want to do? please

4、(write down,call up)a11 your ideas18they basketball to football(1ove,prefer)19my problem is that i m too shy in front of a group people(biggest,the biggest)20dont worry about these things so muchit will make you out(stress,stressed)21time is upwe cant put off the plan(making,to make)22jimmy always s

5、pends his free time after his mother(1ooks,looking)23betty 1oves music that great lyrics(have,has)24many questions my mindi cant decide what to do(crowd,imagine)25loud music always make us (tense,to stress)单项选择(10分)26naey will give out food a food bank this weekend ( ) aat bof cfor doff27they always

6、 spend our free time about chlinese history ( ) alooking for breading cread dfinish28they like movies are sadbut we dont ( ) awhat bwho cthat dwhere29the book is very you should read it after class ( ) aeducational btired creleasing dfresh30. they always me with some information about their vacation

7、s ( ) ahelp bbelieve cprovide dshake31 a volunteer is great ( )abe bbeing cto being dto join32anna is too wild.she is not ( ) aold enough bcalm enough csi1ly enough denough calm33why do you like to wear your own clothes school clothes? ( ) ainstead binstead of cnot dbut isnt34jim his fatherthey are

8、both clever and a bit wild ( ) alooks after bcheer up ctakes after dcalls up35they took always their clothes by mistakeand they didnt ( ) abelieve bdescribe cfool drealize 情景交际(10分)a:what 36 of music do you like,toney?b:i like music 37 i can dance toa:do you 1ike 38 ,too?b:39 ,and i often volunteer

9、my free time 40 dance for the kids 41 hospitala:ohyoure a volunteer42 you?b:yes,i think volunteering is 43 not only i feel good aout 44 other people,45 i get to spend time doing what i love to do完成句子(15分)a翻译句子(10分)46什么也不能打扰toney,他很平静。 can toney, very 47我想攒很多钱去国外旅游。 i want to a lot of to 48john花了很多时问

10、寻找这台电脑的密码。 john a lot of the secret code of the 49今年夏天我们全家想要去中国南方某地旅行。 our family to a this summer in the south in china50如果我是你,我就会乘坐地铁观光游览。if i you,i by subwayb请选择正确的汉语(5分)51health is above wealth a宽恕所有人,只是别宽恕自己。52every dog has his day b健康重于财富。53pardon all but yourself c无所求则无所获。54nothng seek,nothin

11、g find d.不再尝试就是失败。d55giving up another try means giving up success e凡人皆有得意之日。v阅读理解(25分)atrees are useful to men in three important waysthey provide(提供)them with wood and other products,they give them shade,and they help to prevent drought and floodsunfortunately,in many parts of the world,men have n

12、ot realized that the third of these services is the most importantin their eagerness to make money from trees,some people have cut trees down in 1arge numbers,only to find that they have lost the best friends they hadand besides,they are usually too careless to plant and look after new trees,so the forest slowly disappearthis doesnt only mean that men will have fewer treesthe results are



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