专业英语 Lesson 13

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《专业英语 Lesson 13》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专业英语 Lesson 13(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 13A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHEMICAL KINETICS 、440 BC: Democritus proposes the concept an of atom to describe the indivisible and indestructible particles that were thought to compose the substance of all things. 、250 BC: Archimedes deduces the law of the levers and could evaluate the relative densi

2、ty of bodies by observing their buoyancy force when immersed in water. 1635: John Winthrop, Jr., opens America s first chemical plant in Boston. They produce saltpeter (used in gunpowder) and alum (used in t aiming) 1644: Evangelista Torricelli devises the barometer. 1647 Blaise Pascal determines th

3、e pressure of air. He also invents a machine to perform addition and subtraction; the Pascalina, a remote precursor of calculating machines. 1662: Robert Boyle found that the volume occupied by the same sample of any gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure. This stateme

4、nt is known as Boyles law. 1749: England begins a Lead-Chamber Method to produce sulfuric acid. 1766: Henry Cavendish discoveres inflammable air (hydrogen), which he concluded to be a combination of water and phlogiston (oxygen), since its combustion yielded water. 1772: Daniel Rut her ford descr ib

5、es residual air/z, the first published description of nitrogen. 1775: Antoine Lavoisier showes that fire is due to the exothermic reaction between combustable substances and oxygen. He named a gas discovered by Cavendish, that burned to produce water, hydrogen (Greek, water producer). Also demonstra

6、ted that C02, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid contained oxygen. 1780: Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre Laplace publish their Memoire on Heat, in which they reach the conclusion that respiration is a form of combustion. 1787: Jacques Alexandre C6sar Charles studies the volume changes of gases with changes

7、 in temperature. 1789: Nicholas Le Blanc develops his process for converting common salt into soda ash. 1802: Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac announces the ideal gas law. 1802: The E- L du Pont de Nemours and Company (Du Pont) is founded and builds a gunpowder factory along the banks of the Brandywine River

8、 near Wilmington, Delaware.1804: Nicholas Theodore de Saussure publishes experiments onphotosynthesis, and described the balanced equation of the process.1809: Nicolas Franfois Appert, inventor and bacteriologist, demonstrates a procedure for preservation of foods by canning.1810: Joseph Louis Gay-L

9、ussac deduces the equations of alcoholic fermentation.1811: Amadeo Avogadro demonstrates that equal volumes of all gases under the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules, and that a fixed number of molecules of any gas will weigh proportional to its molecular weight. Pres

10、ently the accepted value for the Avog且dro number is 6. 023 x 1023 molecules per gram-mo1.1824: Sadi Carnot publishes his Reflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu, setting various outstanding principles that constitute the basis of actual Thermodynamics.1828: Friederich Wohler synthesizes the first

11、 organic compound from inorganic compounds, preparing Urea by reacting lead cyanate with ammonia.1828: Robert Brown first describes Brownian motion.1835: Jons Jacob Berzelius demonstrates that the hydrolysis of starch is catalyzed more efficiently by malt diastase than by sulphuric acid. He publishe

12、d the first general theory of chemical catalysis.1842: Julius Robert Mayer enunciates the Law of Conservation ofEnergy (1st Law of Thermodynamics), after establishing the work equivalent of Heat.1845: Herman von HeImoltz and Julius Robert Mayer formulate the Laws of Thermodynami c s.1845: Alfred Kol

13、be synthesizes acetic acid.1846: Joule demonstrates the equivalence for various forms of energy (heat - electrical - mechanical).1850: Wilhelmy (Germany) studied the rate of inversion of sucrose (hydrolysis into D-(+)-glucose and D(-)fruetose in the presence of an acid) and found it to be proportion

14、al to the concentrations of both the sugar and the acid.1850s: The first petroleum refinery consisting of a one-barrel st订1 is built in Pittsburgh by Samuel Kier.1853: Kerosene is extracted from petroleum-1854: The Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company becomes the first oil company in the U. S.1955: Benjami

15、n Silliman, of New Haven, Connecticut, obtains valuable products by distilling petroleum They include; tar, naphthalene, gasoline, and various solvents.1856: Seeking to make a substitute for quinine, the first artificial aniline coal tar dye is developed by William H. Perkin.1858: Friederich August

16、Kekuld von Stradonitz proposes that carbon atoms can form chains.1859: The first commercially successful U. S. oil well is drilled by E L. Drake near Titusville, Pennsylvaiiia. This 70 foot well launches the petroleum industry. 1863: Ernest Solvay perfects his method for producing sodium bicarbonate. 1864: Quidberg and Waage (Norway) formulated their law of mass action, according to



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