九年级英语下学期结课考试试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题

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1、湖北省沙洋县蛟尾中学2013届九年级英语下学期结课考试试题 人教新目标版、听力部分(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)一、听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。句子读一遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )1. A. Never mind. B. No, not at all. C. With pleasure.( )2. A. Sorry to hear that. B. It doesnt matter. C. What a pity!( )3. A. Not very far from here. B. One moment, please. C. This way, please.( )4.

2、 A. At two oclock. B. Two meters. C. For two weeks.( )5. A. Yes, its 83662871. B. Sure, thats C. Its 3 West St, Oxford.二、听句子,根据所听内容选择意思最接近的句子。句子听一遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )6. A. Gina has finished her homework and she is playing outside. B. Gina hasnt finished her homework so she cant play outside. C. Gina is

3、 playing outside and she hasnt finished her homework.( )7. A. Cindy fells very sick when taking a bus. B. Cindy is badly hurt by a bus. C. Cindy is bored with waiting for a bus.( )8. A. I dont like sports shows because they are boring. B. I like sports shows because they are interesting. C. Sports s

4、hows are a little boring sometimes, but I still like them.( )9. A. Candy cant go to school because her parents are poor. B. Candy is sent to school though her parents are poor. C. Candys parents send her to school but her study is poor.( )10. A. Peters father wishes Peter to be a doctor. B. Peters f

5、ather is a doctor and Peter wants to be a doctor, too. C. Both Peter and his father are doctors.三、听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)听下面一段材料,完成第11、12题。( )11. Which high school does the girl prefer?A. Yaohua High School. B. Experiment High School. C. No. 7 High School.( )12. Why will the boy choose Y

6、aohua High School?A. It is one of the top-ranked high schools.B. His parents think it is the best.C. It is quite near his home.听下面一段材料,完成第1315题。( )13. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.( )14. Who called the woman last night?A. Th

7、e monitor. B. The Chinese teacher. C. Mr Brown.( )15. When will the man have the Chinese examination?A. This Tuesday. B. This Thursday. C. Next Monday.四、听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )16. How many kinds of drinks are mentioned for the English breakfast in the monologue?A. Two. B. There. C. Fo

8、ur. ( )17. Where do the office workers often buy their lunch in the UK?A. In the dining hall. B. At a fast food restaurant. C. In a sandwich bar.( )18. When do the British usually have their dinner?A. Between 5-7 pm. B. Between 6-9 pm. C. Between 7-9 pm.( )19. What food or drinks will the British be

9、gin with for the meals on weekends?A. Soup or snacks. B. Fruit or coffee. C. Bread or tea.( )20. Which countrys food do the British prefer according to the monologue?A. The US. B. India. C. Canada.、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)( )21、What did Yang Ying say?She said they a school trip the next weekend. A. wi

10、ll have B. had C. would have D. have( )22、Sandy, I called you at 9:00 last night, but nobody answered the phone.Im sorry. We a birthday party Jerry. A. bad; with B. were having; for C. are having; for D. had; for ( )23、Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?Yes, I do. And I als

11、o know that some of them are scaring.A. kinds of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of C. kind of; kinds of D. kind of; kind of( )24、Can you tell me why you learn English so well?Its very simple. You work, grades you will get. A. The harder; the best B. The hard; the betterC. Harder; better D. The harder;

12、the better ( )25、The mountain in our hometown isnt very .I agree with you. Few like to go sightseeing there.A. touristy; tourists B. touristy; tourC. tourists; touristy D. tourist; tourists( )26、Excuse me. Could you wake me up when my friend here?Of course. But we still dont know when your friend he

13、re.A. comes; will come B. comes; comes C. will come; comes D. will come; will come( )27、Do you believe that paper is made wood?Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made paper. A. from; from B. from; of C. of; from D. of; of ( )28、He didnt go to the concert yesterday, did he? . He was busy studying for the tests all day. A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt( )29、Why is Harveys mother so happy?Because only three students , his son Harvey. A. failed the exam; besides B. ma


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