九年级英语下学期第二次周考试题(无答案) 试题

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1、吉林省通化市外国语学校2018届九年级英语下学期第二次周考试题 一、首字母填空 (共 20分)1. Mary is my aunts daughter, shes my r .2. She has no money to take the taxi because her wallet was s a few minutes ago.3. Ice cream is my favorite d .4. He isnt at home. Hes away on b .5. Will you p your child if he makes mistakes?6. Our teacher often

2、 w us not to swim in rivers or lakes.7. Knowledge and ideas s much faster than before.8. Respecting the old and loving the young is a Chinese t .9. - What would you do if you had one million p ?- I would travel around the world.10Do you like collecting s_?二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共 10分)1Yesterday evening he

3、_ (lay) out his book to study.2He puts five _ (pound) into the bottle every day.3He tried his best _ (answer) my questions.4People started the tradition of _ (admire)the moon since then.5I plan _ (travel) during the summer holiday.三、将下列句子改为感叹句,每空一词。(共 10分)1. The water is very clean. _ _ the water is

4、!2. It is an interesting book. _ _ _ book it is!3. They are important jobs. _ _ _ they are!4. The dog runs so quickly. _ _ the dog runs!四、单项填空。(共 20分)()1.Can you guess if they _ speaking English with us? I think they will if they _ free.Awill practice; areBwill practice; will beCpracticing; beingDpr

5、actice; are()2. He cant _ his watch. Afind Blook for Clook Dfinds()3. I know _ I promised to take you to dinner, but I wont finish working until ten oclock.Athat BifCwhat Dwhy()4.Have you decided when _ for London ?Awill you leave Byou will leave Care you going Dyou are going()5.He suggested _ shopp

6、ing. Agoing BwentCgoes Dgo()6. He doesnt know_he should do with the robot. A.how B.what C.why D.who()7. What did you do on April Fools Day? I played a trick my brother. A. on B. toC. withD. at ( )8. Have you found the poor dog yet? Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him. A. dy

7、ing B. died C. deadD. die()9. delicious the mooncakes ! Yes, I agree with you. They are the best mooncakes Ive ever had.A. How; tastes B. What; tastesC. How; taste D. What; taste( )10 . I used to _ in the morning , but now Im used to _ before going to bed.A. read read B. reading read C. readreading

8、D. reading reading 五、完形填空(共20分)A Festival for the dead is held once a year in Japan. This is a traditional festival in Japan and many celebrations are held. This festival is a cheerful occasion (场合), for _1_ this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are _2_ by the living._3_ they

9、 are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially made lanterns _4_ outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that _5_ out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as

10、 it is considered _6_ for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the small lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea _7_ the dead on their return journey to _8_ wor

11、ld. It is moving, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns _9_ away _10_ they can be seen no more.(1.A.in BonCat D/()2.A.hated Bfrightened Cwelcomed Dguided()3.A.When BWhile CAs DSo()4 .A.are hung Bare hanged Chung Dhanged()5 .A.laid Bhas been laid Cwas laid Dlaying()6.A.dirty B

12、untidy Cunlucky Dtasty()7.A.guiding Bguided Cguide Dguides()8.A.another Bother Cothers Dthe other()9.A.drifted Bdrift Cdrifting Dto drift()10.A.after Bwhen Cbefore Duntil六、阅读理解。(10分)Dragons are not real animals, but look like a combination (组合体) of many animals such as snakes, fish and deer. They ha

13、ve two horns (角) and a long moustache (胡子)With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea.They can make rain, too.The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and good luck.The emperors of ancient China loved dragons.Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons. We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”In Chinese, “excellent” people are often called “dragon”A number of Chinese sayings and idioms talk about dragons, for example, “Hoping ones chi


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