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1、Part TwoExercise 1Man: Officer, officer! I was standing in line waiting to buy my ticket and my wallet was stolen.Officer: Well, did you see who took it?Man: Well, Im not sure, really. I just cant believe it! I didnt even feel anything. How could someone do that?Officer: Now calm down! Are you sure

2、you had your wallet with you?Man: Yes, Id dead sure I had it with me.Officer: Can you remember who was standing around you?Man: Ahwell, let me see. Yes, of course. There was this older woman in front of me. She was small and round and had short gray hair. She was wearing a pink raincoat with a match

3、ing hat.Oh, Fm sure she couldnt have stolen my wallet.Officer: Now, dont be so sure. Sometimes pickpockets are very smart and disguise themselves with special clothing to trick their victims.Man: Oh, I cant believe that that sweet old woman is a criminal.She must have been as old as my grandmother.O

4、fficer: That doesnt mean anything. Remember, young pickpockets someday become old pickpockets.Man: I still dont think she did it.Officer: Okay, well can you remember anyone else who was near you?Man: You know, there was a very odd-looking man behind me. He was about 510, and between 40 and 50 years

5、old.Officer: Could you identify him if we showed you pictures?Man: I think so. He was wearing a long dark coat and had short brown hair. You know, now that I think of it, he looked rather suspicious. He was wearing sunglasses even though its dark and cloudy today. Maybe he took my wallet. Youve got

6、to go inside and find him.Officer: Now wait a minute. Its not that easy. IF you didnt see him take it, I cant arrest him.Man: Well, what am I supposed to do? My credit cards were all inside my wallet.Officer: Look. We have mug shots down at the station of pickpockets we have arrested in the past. If

7、 you can identify this man in one of the mug shots, we can then go talk to him.Man: Thats no good. By the time you find him, my wallet will be gone. I need my wallet now!Old woman: Young man! Young man! Oh, Im so glad Ive found you! After the movie started, I went to look for my glasses in my shoppi

8、ng bag and I found your wallet. It must have fallen from your pocket into my bag.Officer: Now wait a minute, maam. How did you know that it was this mans wallet?Old woman: Why, I looked inside and saw his drivers license. Such a nice picture, too. Well, here you are. You must have been very worried.

9、Officer: Now you see, sir! It was just an accident. You shouldnt accuse people unless you have proof. This is a very honest woman. Youre lucky she found your wallet and not someone else.Exercise 4 Vocabulary in Context1. Sentence: Im dead sure I had it with me.Context:Police Officer: Are you sure yo

10、u had your wallet with you?Man: Yes, Im dead sure I had it with me.Sentence: Fm dead sure I had it with me.2. Sentence: Sometimes pickpockets are very smart and disguise themselves with special clothing to trick their victims.Context:Man: She was small and round and had short gray hair Oh, Im sure s

11、he couldnt have stolen my walletPolice Officer: Now, dont be so sure. Sometimes pickpockets are very smart and disguise themselves with special clothing to trick their victims.Sentence: Sometimes pickpockets are very smart and disguise themselves with special clothing to trick their victims.3. Sente

12、nce: Remember, young pickpockets someday become old pickpockets.Context:Man: Oh, I cant believe that that sweet old woman is a criminal.She must have been as old as my grandmother.Police Officer: That doesnt mean anything. Remember, young pickpockets someday become old pickpockets.Sentence: Remember

13、, young pickpockets someday become old pickpockets.4. Sentence: You know, now that I think of it, he looked rather suspicious.Context:Man: You know, now that I think of it, he looked rather suspicious. He was wearing sunglasses even though its dark and cloudy today.Sentence:You know, now that I thin

14、k of it, he looked rather suspicious.5. Sentence: If you can identify this man in one of the mug shots,we can then go talk to him.Context:Man: Well, what am I supposed to do? My credit cards were all inside my wallet!Police Officer: We have mug shots down at the station of pickpockets we have arrest

15、ed in the past. If you can identify this man in one of the mug shots, we can then go talk to him.Man: Thafs no good. By the time you find him, my wallet will be gone.Sentence: If you can identify this man in one of the mug shots, we can then go talk to him.6. Sentence: You shouldnt accuse people unl

16、ess you have proof. Context:Police Officer: Now you see, sir! It was just an accident. You shouldnt accuse people unless you have proof. This is a very hones woman. Youre lucky she found your wallet and not someone else.Old Woman: Young man, did you think that I stole your wallet? Sentence: You shouldnt accuse people unless you have proof. Part T



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