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1、07作文范文TEST ONEA Letter Inquiring the Information of the UniversityDear Sir,I am a Chinese citizen who wishes to study at your university My plan is to start my course next term, and I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with certain essential informatio n.First, what qualificat

2、ions do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a masters degree from a university here in China, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Seco nd, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear

3、if there are any scholarships available for intemational students. Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation? I would prefer a single room, which is more conducive to studying, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to shareI am looking forward to your early reply with ful

4、l application details Thank you for your attention. (154 words)Yours sincerely, Li Ming 写作指导书信写作属于应用文的范畴,是一种传递信息的方式,也是人际交流的一种T具。应 用文的写作在2001年以前的大学英语四、六级考试中没有出现过。2001年6月和2002年1 月接连考了两次,然后2003年12月又出现了一次。由于应用文的实用性强,写作形式灵活, 符合目前英语教学改革的要求,因而容易受到考生和出题老师的青睐。常用的书信类型有求 职信、邀请信、申请信、建议信、询问信、感谢信、祝贺信、投诉信等等。由于书信类型

5、繁 多,因此在写作过程中一定要注意的是:在书信的起始段明确表达写信目的,然后围绕目的 合理展开论述,并根据收信人与Izl己的关系及对方的身份地位而采取不同的风格和语言形 式。TEST TWOShould Students Take Part in Community Activities?With the improvement of education, more and more universities begin to realize that it is important to cultivate students9 community practice ability. So c

6、ollege students are encouraged to take part in community activities.Many stude nts think that they can benefit a lot from taking comm unity activities because it can function as a bridge between what they learn in class and the other side of the real society. Community activity is completely differe

7、nt from the school activity. Students can learn to be patient and sympathetic by helping old people and disabled ones They can also understand how hard teachers are while tutoring children,s study. Whats more, their participation might strengthen their sense of social responsibility. And the majorit

8、y of students may discover their weak points and work harder at school after this experience in society.However, taking community activities also has some disadvantages For example, some students are unfairly treated, which makes them frustrating and lack self-confidence And the experience may leave

9、 them a negative feeling of the society.But in my opinion, the advantages of community activity outweigh its disadvantages. It provides us an access to the society, and it tells us that nowadays education includes not only book knowledge but also knowledge about society. Furthermore, students can ha

10、ve a chanee to show their abilities. Success lies in dilige nee and experience. I think comm unity activity will benefit college students positively in their college life. (234 words)TEST THREEChoice upon GraduationTo find a job or to continue postgraduate studies, this is the dilemma encountered by

11、 more and more students who are about to graduate The cartoon presents the problem explicitly and in a thought-provoking way. Work or study, which is the better choice?Those who prefer to acquire a job immediately after graduation believe that textbook knowledge functions only as a solid foundation

12、for their future work, but what counts in the end is work experience, which cannot be obtained in text learning. Only through constant work can they accumulate their experience and meet the increasing requirements in their job What poses a sharp contrast is that others tend to continue their studies

13、. They believe that during the four years in college, one can only acquire the basics in their field and the development of expertise is yet to take place. The best way is to continue learning and studying, because any one who wants to excel in his field must be a specialist.Which choice is absolute

14、ly superior to the otller? Possibly there is no definite answer. Students in hesitation must take his own reality into account, instead of following the Jones11. Before determination, think over what is your desired development and how you will achieve your goals Comprehensive advice from friends, p

15、arents and teachers is also reference conducive to you. Whatever the final decision is, you have to make sure its your willing choice helpful to you but not a hindrance. (243words)TEST FOUROn Campus LoveCampus love isnt a newly born phenomenon. Some people are strongly against it while others think

16、its natural. I dont advocate it. The reasons are as follows. First of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature able to assume theesponsibility. Second,they may indulge in it, thus neglecting their study, which isnt a rare phe no men on. Third, some just want to take advantage of it to kill time, to have someone keep company, and etc. Thus, many of them will certainly fall behind others in their skidies What*s more



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