九年级英语上期末考试 人教新目标版 试题

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1、四川省邻水中学10-11学年度初三上期末考试英语试卷 听力部分 (共25分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题l分)二、听对话,根据对话内容,判断第610小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)听第一段对话,判断第67小题。6The boy and the girl like Jay7Jay can write his own songs听第二段对话,判断第810小题。8Jack and Amy are talking about movies9Jack would like to

2、go to Kunming10Amy wants to go with Jack三、听对话,根据对话内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。11Where are the two speakers? AIn a shop BIn a hospital CAt home12What color does the girls father like? AYellow BBlue CWhite听第二段对话,回答第l315小题。13What kind of tour does the woman want to

3、take? AA half- day tour BA full - day tour CA day-and-evening tour14What will happen to the children while their parents are away? AThe hotel will look after them BThe man will take them to the theatre CThey will have the dinner entertainment in the hotel15How much will the woman pay for her family?

4、 A70 pounds B140 pounds C200 pounds四、听短文。根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。短文读三遍。(共10分,每小题2分)Where ate the visitors going?They are going to a British city l6What is the weather like in the afternoon?It is l7 When were those beautiful houses built around the lake?They were built l8 years agoWhat must the visitors do in

5、 fifty minutes?They must l9 in fifty minutesWhat is the speech mainly about? 20笔试部分一单项选择。(10分)21- Would you like to visit Shantou City with me this summer vacation? - No I _ it before Besides, its hot and humid in summerAvisit Bvisited Cwill visit Dhave visited22 Whats wrong with your left hand?I go

6、t it _ in the doorAcatching Bcaught Cto be caught Dto catch23We asked John and Henry some easy questions, but of them could answer them Anone Bneither Call Dboth24She wants to know _ speak EnglishAif I can Bif can I Cwhether I Dwhether could I 25 “Where is Jack?” “He has _ for a week”Agone Bbeen awa

7、y Cleft Dgone out26They hoped _ this place againAour visiting Bthat we will visit Cus to visit Dthat we would visit27I was angry _ him for keeping me _ so longAwith, wait Bwith, to wait Cfor, waiting Dwith, waiting28_ does she speak well, _ she is good at listeningABoth, and BNot only, but CEither,

8、or DOnly, but29I noticed them _ the teachers office just nowAwent into Bgo into Cwas going into Dgoing into30Many boys and girls are made _ what theyre not _Ato do, interested Bto do, interested in Cdo, interested in Ddoing, interested 二 完形填空(15分)Great changes have taken place in the last years I re

9、member when I first came to Beijing, I saw old houses 31 , and now many things havent been seen yet 32 , there were several rows of tall trees with a long history 33 the Friendship Hotel, but for making the roads 34 , they had been cut off What a 35 !I am an English teacher, I like China very much I

10、 changed my career(生涯)from business to 36 only because I didnt want to leave Beijing 37 China If it is possible, my wife and Ill stay here 38 My parents live in 39 , and I go home 40 But every time after staying there some days, I begin to miss my home in Beijing About my children, I like them 41 me

11、, instead of letting them independent (独立), after they are 42 As 43 westerners do, when they grow up, they will go to Britain for further study there Step by step they will 44 Chinese customs, they will come back to China 45 they finish their study( )31Aanywhere Bwhere Ceverywhere Dnowhere( )32AOf c

12、ourse BFor example CAt timesDMore or less( )33Aout of Bbefore Cin front ofDin the front of( )34Along Bwide CdeepDnarrow( )35Aplease Bsurprise CunhappyDpity( )36Aeducation Bfarming CinventionDbank( )37Aand Bor Cnor Dbut( )38Aall the life Ball our life Call my life Dall our lives( )39AGermany BGerman CGermanic Dthe German( )40 Aevery two year Btwo another year Cevery other yearDmore two year( )41Ato live with Bto live to Cliving for Dliving to( )42A18 year old B18 old age Cat the age of 18 Dat an age of 18( )43Amost of Bmost the Cmost Dmost a( )44Afeel Bpuzzle Cenjoy Dw



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