7B Unit3 Reading教学设计与反思

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《7B Unit3 Reading教学设计与反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7B Unit3 Reading教学设计与反思(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7B Unit3 Reading教学设计与反思泰兴市黄桥初级中学成 瑞一、教学设计课 题:牛津初中英语7B Unit 3 Reading 教学内容:Reading The ghost in the park 课 型:阅读课 教学时间:45分钟 教材分析:本单元的主题是谈论“令人吃惊的东西”,是学牛比较感兴趣的话题。本课 是本单元的第二课时,阅读材料是有关公园里的“鬼”的故事。本课出现的四会 词汇共35个、词组20个、句型11个;其他词汇2个、词组5个、句型2个。(详见认知F1标)学情分析:1. 学牛对“令人吃惊的东西”这个主题会比较感兴趣,而公园里的“鬼”的故 事更能吸引他们的注意力,容易唤起

2、他们学习的兴趣,他们对此有好奇心, 有利于引导他们进行深入的思考与探讨。2. 通过初中一年的学习,学牛已具备一定的阅读理解能力,掌握一些阅读理解 的策略与技巧,借助本课的阅读理解活动进一步巩固、运用已学的策略与技 巧,以提高学牛的阅读理解能力。但学牛对语篇的结构意识不是很强,可以渗透一些这方面的指导。教学目标:1.认知F1标:四会词汇twin police uniform ring robber drive quickly push ftiilagain work station route along left roadright another stop light traffic lig

3、hts jump report suddenly surprised note smile mean open laugh happily move forward set词组a lucky escapein police uniform drive/run toget into/out ofat once run out of push intodrive awaytry to do sth. try againtake different routesgo alongturn left into Park Roadturn right into Fourth Streettake anot

4、her routeat the traffic lights jump out of run away quickly meet at the police station be surprised to do sth.句型The telephone rings.Paul tries to open the door but fails.It works.Letfs run to the police station on Fourth Street.Shall wc take different routes?I will go along Sixth Street.Then Ill tur

5、n left into Park Road.I am going to take another route.The van stops at the traffic lights.Justin and Paul jump out of the van and run away quickly. He is surprised to see the three men in police uniofbrm.其他词汇character van词组live nearbystop doing sth.the back of a green vanreport to sb.take notes句型Th

6、ey are reporting to a policeman. Suddenly Paul stops talking.2. 能力发展H标:1)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,指导学牛进一步巩固、运用已学的阅读理 解策略与技巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测牛词大意、搜寻细节信息、搜寻 核心信息等,从而提高学牛的阅读理解能力。2)学会阅读剧本故事,能根据语境推测故事内容的发展。读懂故事中的一系列 事件及人物采取的行动。3)通过有关问路、指路的学习,根据路线在地图上标出记号,识别具体细节。4)情感FI标:学会礼貌待人、与人友善。自觉遵守交通规则,尊重牛命。 教学流程设计:步骤H的教师活动学牛活动1

7、 Warming up由视觉感官冲 击引入本单元 主题。Show some pictures about the police.Make a prediction.2.Free talk由学生的自由 交谈引起学牛 的兴趣。Ask the students:nDo you want to be a policeman/a policewoman when you grow up? /Why or why not?”Have a free talk.3istening激发学生学习 的兴趣,训练学 生的听力。Get the students to do a listening comprehensi

8、o n.Listen and answer.4.While-reading培养学生搜寻 核心信息的能 力。(1) Guide the students to find out the places and the characters ofthe fourstages.(1) Read through the text to find out the placesandthecharacters of the four stages.培养学牛搜寻 细节信息的能 力。(2) Ask the students to read the text stage by stage and finish t

9、he tasks.(2) Read the text stage by stage and finish the tasks.激发学牛的竞 争意识,引导学 生进一步理解 文章O(3) Ask the students to have amemorychallengeaccording to the text.(3) Have a memory challenge according to the text.培养学牛的合 作意识,培养学 牛运用英语口 语表达能力。(4) Ask the students to work in pairs of six and try to retell the

10、whole story.(4) Work in pairs of six and try to retell the whole story.5. Free talk培养学牛学会 礼貌待人、与人 友善。(1) Ask the students to answer the qucstion:nWhat do you think of the twin brothers?0.(1 )Answcr the question:What do you think of the twin brothers?0.拓展延伸,让学 生自觉遵守交 通规则,尊重生 命。(2) Get the students to

11、 have a discussion.(2) Discuss :” When you arc caught(抓 住)by the robbers , what will you do?H.6. Homework叽固课堂所学, 并延伸到课外。1 .Write a short passage according to the text.2.Preview Vocabulary.PS Students,sheetUnit 3 Amazing thingsReading The ghost in the parkClass: Names:Task I:Listen to the tape and tr

12、y to answer:1 .How many characters arc there in the story?2.What place do the robbers push the twins into?3. Who do the twins see at the police station?Task II:Read quickly and learn moreStagesPlacesCharactersStage One(Line 3- 6)Stage Two (Line 7- 11)Stage Three (Line 12- 25)Stage Four (Line 26-35)T

13、ask III Careful ReadingRead the text stage(场景) by stage and finish the following tasks (任务).Stage 1 (Line 3- 6): Read and answer1. Who is making a call to the twin brothers ?2. Where are the robbers ?Stage 2 (Line 7-11): Read and fill in the blanks(Justin and PaulHill Building quickly. Theytheir car

14、 at once.Three menare running out of the building.)PaukExcuse me, sir. Do you see the?(The men do not answe匸 They justJustin and Paulthe back of a greenvan and.)Stage 4 (Line 26- 35): Read、choose and answer()1. Justin and Paul meet.A. at the police stationB. on Park RoadC. on the Sixth Road RoadD. o

15、n the Fourth()2. Justin and Paul arcto see the three men in the police station.A. excited B. happy C. surprised D. afraid3. The policeman takes the robbers to the police station becauseTask IV: Memory challenge.This is a play about a story of twin Their friend calls them forJustin and Paul drive to Hill. Three men in police uniform push them into aThey arc not They arc . Paul opensthe back door of the van with his knife . They run to the



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