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1、内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗第十一中学2013届中考英语 复习指南 人教新目标版一 重点词汇 根据首字母及汉语提示完成下列单词的拼写。1. Is the Grand canyon one of the greatest w_(奇观)anywhere in the natural world?2. Ill do some r_(评论) about our favorite bands and movies for the school magazine.3. I am reading about the a_(古老的) pyramids in Egypt.4. Im writing a compos

2、ition c_(被叫做)The Wonder Of The World.5. Well write a diary of school e_.(事件)6. He speaks English n_(自然地)as a native speaker.7. I heard from Kenna a week ago, but I havent r_(答复)to it.8. Suddenly, the clouds c_ (散开)and the rain stopped.9. The sun always r_(升起)in the east and sets in the west.10. Wate

3、r turns into ice when the temperature is b_(在下)zero.11. On both sides, the canyon d_(消失) into the distance. Then.12. The Grand Canyon is not just big. Its h_.(巨大的)13. Right, l_(仔细听)up, everyone. Here is a piece of good news for you.14. I got out of the car, went t_ (穿过)a gate and walked along a path

4、.15.If you put three tallest buildings in the world at the b_(底部)of the canyon, they still wont reach the top.16. Were still i_(影响) by Confucius thoughts. 17. Shakespeare is k_(了解)as a great writer.18. Lu Xun is r_ (尊重)by many readers.19. Mark Twain is a great writer in American l_(文学)20. I was look

5、ing for some old c_ (版本)of the school magazine.二 重点词组和短语 翻译下列词组!. start a magazine _ 2. write down _3. write a diary _ 4. do some reviews about sth _5. do an interview with sb _ 6. get good grades _7. write a composition _ 8. a wonder of the world _9. ancient pyramids _ 10. get out of _11. go throug

6、h _ 12. walk along the path _13. go the right way _14. look over _15. on the edge of _ 16. at the bottom of _17. look down to _18. look across to _19. look to ones left and right _20.disappear into the distance _21. arrive at _ arrive in _ get to /reach _22. be afraid of _ be afraid to do sth _23. b

7、ecause of _ 24. look forward to (doing ) sth _25. (all) kinds of _ a kind of _ kind of _26. thousands of _ 27.listen up _ 28. look for _ 29. find out _30. as far as _ 31. not -any more_32. no more _ 33. not -any longer_34. think about _think over _think of _35. go on doing sth _go on to do sth _36.

8、be influenced by _ 37. be famous/ well-known for _ be famous/ well known as _-_38. run away_39, in the middle of _40 for a time _ 41. be surprised to do sth _42. be pleased to do sth_ 43. be pleased with _44. see sb alive _45. do with _46. grow up _ 47. become serious _48. be published for _ 49. bad

9、 behaviour_50. all over the world _三 .时态、语态专项训练题1. Dont make so much noise. We _ to the music. A. listened B. listen C. are listening D. have listened2. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I _ it for two weeks. A. keep B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent3. -When will you tell him the good news? -I

10、 will tell him about it as soon as he _ back. A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming4. -Dad, please open the door, it _. -OK, dear. Im coming. A. locks B. locked C. is locked D. was locked5. -Did you go to Jims birthday party? -No, I _.A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent invited D. didn

11、t invite6. A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week.A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give7. You may go fishing if your work _. A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done8. -What do you think of the football match yesterday?-Well. Its surprising. The str

12、ongest team of our school _. A. was beaten B. won C. scored D. was failed9. -Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday? -If I dont go, _.A. so does he B. so he will C. neither will he D. neither does he10. The trees must _ three times a week. A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters11. -It is very _ of you to answer so many difficult questions. -Thank you.A. clever B. pretty C. strict D. healthy 12. -How many _ is the USA made up of? -Fifty. A. cities B. states C. countries D. companies13-What do you want to be when you _?



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