2022年人教版高考英语复习双测Book 1 Unit3 Travel Journal(A卷解析版)

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1、Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal(A卷 新题基础练)基础知识过关一、根据汉语意思填写正确单词或短语。1The salesman _(说服) us to buy his product.2She is a _(毕业生) student in literature.3They _(终于) realized that the whole thing was a joke.4They have planned a tight _(日程表) of travel.5He has the ability to _(组织).6The workers are _(决定) to finis

2、h the job on time.7It is one days _(旅程) to get to the seaside.8There were perhaps ten _(一步) between me and the bear.1【答案】persuaded【解析】句意:那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。描述过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填persuaded。2【答案】graduate【解析】句意:她是文学系的毕业生。这里需要使用名词,所以填graduate。3【答案】finally【解析】句意:他们终于意识到整个事情是场玩笑。修饰整个句子,用副词,所以填finally。4【答案】schedu

3、le【解析】句意:他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。作句子宾语,用名词,所以填schedule。5【答案】organize【解析】句意:他有组织才能。这里用不定式作定语,不定式结构中用动词原形,所以填organize。6【答案】determined【解析】句意:工人们被决定按时完成这项工作。“工人”和“决定”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填determined。7【答案】journey【解析】句意:到海滨是一天的行程。这里需要使用名词,所以填journey。8【答案】paces【解析】句意:在我和这头熊之间相距大约有十步。前面有ten修饰,用名词复数,所以填paces。9Many people

4、living in cities would actually _ _(更喜欢) live in the countryside.(prefer)10In school, we always arrange all kinds of activities _ _(按时间表). (schedule)11_ _ _(决心培养) his daughter in English, he spent much money employing English teachers.(determine)12Many young girls _ _ _(梦想成为) astronauts like Liu Yan

5、g.(dream)13Who will _ _(照顾) the children if their parents are away?(care)14He has _ _ _ _(下定决心) to go abroad for further educatioin.(mind)15Finally, she had to _ _ _(屈服于) my new views.(give)16She _ _ _(喜欢,喜爱) telling other people what to do.(fond)9【答案】prefer to【解析】句意:许多人生活在城市,事实上,他们更喜欢住在乡村。prefer to

6、更喜欢,该短语是固定短语,情态动词would后,用动词原形,所以填prefer to。10【答案】on schedule【解析】句意:在学校,我们总是按时间表安排各种各样的活动。on schedule按时间表,该短语是固定短语,所以填(1). on (2). schedule。11【答案】Determined to train【解析】句意:决心在英语方面培养他的女儿,他花了许多钱雇佣英语老师。determined作为形容词,意思是“决心的”,表示状态而不是动作,所以填(1). Determined (2). to (3). train。12【答案】dream about/of becoming

7、【解析】句意:许多年轻女孩梦想成为像刘洋那样的宇航员。dream about/of doing,梦想做某事,该句型是固定句型,所以填(1). dream (2). about/of (3). becoming。13【答案】care for【解析】句意:如果他们的父母离开,谁来照顾这些孩子们?care for照顾,该短语是固定短语,所以填(1). care (2). for。14【答案】made up his mind【解析】句意:他已经下定决心出国进修。make up ones mind下定决定,该短语是固定短语,所以填(1). made (2). up (3). his (4). mind。

8、15【答案】give in to【解析】句意:最终,她屈服于我的新见解。give in to屈服于,该短语是固定短语,所以填(1). give (2). in (3). to16【答案】is fond of【解析】句意:她喜欢告诉别人做什么。be fond of喜爱,该短语是固定短语,所以填(1). is (2). fond (3). of二、单句语法填空。17Ever since he caught the H1N1, Peter _(suffer) from so much pain that he is coughing day and night.18I am fond of Glor

9、ias attitude _ life; she has never complained about anything.19Earth Day is a reminder that we need to care _ the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature.20Whats the girl like?She was a brave girl. She fought bravely and her enemy had to give _ her at last.21Would you li

10、ke some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee _ milk.22_ you began, you must do the work well or dont do it at all.23Mary left him, _(determine) never _(set) foot in his home again.24It was yesterday _ he decided to make a trip to Europe.25He is easy _(approach).26He insisted

11、 that he _(do) nothing wrong and he not _(punish).17【答案】has suffered【解析】句意:自从感染甲流,彼得痛得日夜不停地呻吟。ever since引导的时间状语从句要求主句用现在完成时,所以填has suffered。18【答案】to/towards【解析】句意:我欣赏Gloria对待生活的态度,她从不抱怨。attitude to/towards.“对的态度”,所以填to/towards。19【答案】about【解析】句意:地球日提醒我们善待我们所居住的地球,尊敬生命和大自然。care about“关心,惦念”,该短语是固定短语。所

12、以填about。20【答案】in to【解析】答语句意:她是一名勇敢的孩子。她和敌人勇敢搏斗,最终,敌人向她投降了。give in to sb.“向屈服,投降”,所以填in to。21【答案】with【解析】句意:来点咖啡吗?好的,请也拿点牛奶来。我更喜欢加奶的咖啡。”该题易思维定势误选to,其意是“我喜欢咖啡胜过牛奶”,既拿咖啡又拿牛奶说明喜欢加奶的咖啡,所以填with。22【答案】Once【解析】句意:一旦开始,你就必须把工作做好,否则就别做。once“一旦”引导条件状语从句,所以填Once。23【答案】determined; to set【解析】句意:玛丽离开了他,决定再也不踏进他家一步

13、。determined“坚定的,有决心的”;be determined to do sth.“决定做某事”,所以填(1). determined; (2). to set。24【答案】that【解析】句意:是昨天他决定去欧洲旅行的。It was.that.是强调句型,所以填that。25【答案】to approach【解析】句意:他很容易接近。形容词后的不定式用主动表被动,approach是及物动词,所以填to approach。26【答案】had done; (should)be punished【解析】句意:他坚持自己没做错事不应该受惩罚。第一空是坚持一个事实,不用虚拟语气;第二空insi

14、st是“坚持要”,所接从句用“(should)动词原形”的虚拟语气,所以填(1). had done; (2). (should)be punished。语法专项过关- it三、单句语法填空。27Taxis are certainly the most convenient means of transport, as_ requires little effort to raise your arm to call a cab. 【答案】it【详解】考查形式主语it。句意:出租车无疑是最方便的交通工具,因为叫一辆出租车不需要你费力。此处的it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 “to raise your arm to call a cab”。故填it。28Many westerners who/that come to China cook much less than in


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