北师大版三年级上册Lesson1 教案 反思

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1、Unit 3 Playing TogetherLesson 1 Pass the ball姓名:吴紫凌日期:4月3日教学目标:1. 能够理解故事,并模仿故事中人物的语音语调分角色朗读故事;2. 能够指认、辨别词汇pass, catch, kick和throw,并且结合具体语言情境选用恰当词汇 进行简单交流、描述;3. 能够掌握初步的阅读策略,并且逐步形成良好学习习惯,如:仔细倾听、大腹表达、同 伴互助、认真观察、指读等。教学重点:了解故事发生发展的过稈。教学难点:pass, catch, kick和throw的读咅与意义。教具准备:电脑、卡片、短语条教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图S

2、tep 1Get Ready1.猜谜游戏。What,s this? Can you guess? It s round. It s black and white.认真倾听教师描述,仔细观察课件 提示,推测体育运动活动名称。Its a bal 1.激发兴趣,导入话 题。Step 2Learn theStory1观察图片。Look at this picture. Who are they? Can you see a football? Who has the football? Can you come here and point?观察图片,根据图片内具体信息回 答问题。They are

3、Mocky, Ken and Arm.Ken has the ball.观察情境,引入故 事。2.整体输入。Lets enjoy a story and then please answer my question Does Mocky want to play football?They are happy to play football. Can you say the sentence happily?整体浏览故事图片,根据故事发生 与发展的简要过程冋答问题。Yes. Mocky wants to play football.整体感知故事,初 步了解故事背景。3. 了解细节。How d

4、o they play football? Let s watch the story again. Look! You can use my ball to answer the question.幣体观看故事,根据故事情节用简 单的语言或者动作1川答问题。 Kick the ball.Pass the ball.Catch the ball.引导学生关注故 事情节,深入了解 故事。4.逐图讲解。模仿故爭人物观看视频短片,理解以故事文木为依(1) This is Picture 2. Mocky新知内涵,通过模仿练习体会托,逐步呈现木单says, Pass the ball!” Whatpa

5、ss the ball这一词组的意义。元核心内容,并通does Ken say? Can you read it?Ken says, “OK, Mocky!”过角色扮演、小组In the story, what does Mocky合作等形式,帮助do? They pass the ball with学生逐渐了解词feet We can pass the ball with汇的发音与意义,hands, too. Let s see a video about pass the ball” We掌握阅读策略。can pass the bal1 with hands结合故事情节进行模拟表演,体会a

6、nd feet. Stand up, children.故事发展过程。Let s do it.(2) In this picture, Arm says, Catch the ball, Mocky!”T m Ann. Who can be Mocky and do the action? Can you work inCatch the ball, Mocky!pairs?模仿故事中人物语言及动作,体会(3) This is Picture 4, what语言知识的读音与意义。does Mocky want to do? Ken says, Come on, Mocky. Kick the

7、ball!v With our feet, we can kick the ball. Stand up, children. You re Mocky. I,m Ken.Kick the bal15.默读理解。默读全文,结合生活经验,设想不根据故事情节,发Its time to read the story同的故事结尾。散思维,大胆想silently and think about oneMaybe the ball breaks the象。question. What will happenwin dow.then? Can vou think about it?Maybe some on

8、e catches the bal 1.6.指读正音。報体跟读故事录音,并且根据录音模仿故事中人物Let s listen and read Please内容指读教材中文本。的语音语调进行use your fin ger to point to the words.练习。7.模仿表演。参照随机选取的图片,在一名同学检测学生对于课It st ime for us to read and show. Lets do it in groups of 8. Choose a picture. You read the sentences The others please act it out.的描述

9、下,组内其余同学进行“哑 剧表演”。文内容的掌握情 况。9.分角色朗读。You know the story very well. Do you wont to read it in roles?三人一纽商定角色后对课文进行 分角色朗读。I m Mocky. I m Ann. I m Ken.以小组合作形式 反馈对于故事的 掌握程度。10.评价反馈You can listen and read the story very wel 1 A happy face for you. Great!了解本课内学习推进的程度和掌 握的程度。Thank you!Step 3Learn toSay1.感知词

10、汇。(1) Some boys are playing on the playground, too. Can you see them? Can vou talk about them in pairs?(2) How about him? Throw” . Look at my mouth. Can you do the action?根据教师引导逐步体会核心词汇 的音、义、形。在全新的情境中 呈现新知词汇。2.跟读正音。Lets read the words with the t ape.跟读录音中短句,巩固正确读济。模仿发a,提高认 读能力。3.创编韵文。We know so much

11、 about the actions. Can you try to make a chant about them?小组合作体会核心词汇的发音特 点oPass, pass, pass the bal 1. Kick, kick, kick the ball.Catch, catch, catch the ball. Throw, throw, throw the ball.体会新知词汇的 音、义、形。4. 词图匹配。Can you match the pictures with the words?5. 趣味认读。Lets play a game. Listen to me carefull

12、y! You can catch the words and say it aloud.根据板书中文字提示,找岀相丿2图 片进行配对。在小组内,根据听到的指令选择正 确的卡片并大声朗读。检测对于新知词 汇义、形的掌握情 况。通过竞争性游戏, 检测词汇的掌握 情况。6.评价反馈。You can say the words very well. So a happy face for you. Come on, children!了解本课学习推进的程度和掌握 的程度。Thank you, teacher!Step 4Listen andNumber1. 观察图片。Who s this in Pic

13、ture A, C and D? Who are they in Picture B?2. 听力训练。Lets listen to the tape ond write down the numbers. Let s listen to it again and you can check your answers.3. 核对答案。Lis ten carefully. Pass me the ball, Mocky! Which picture is it? Are you right? Show me your hand! Congratulations! You can have one

14、more happy face!观察图片中人物。It s Mocky. They are Ken andMocky.根据听力材料内容,给图片排序。 核对答案,结合完成情况了解自己对木课内容的掌握程度。根据提示,聚焦听 力材料内容。听力检测活动,了 解学生对于木课 核心内容动词词 组的掌握情况。Step 5 Summary1总结归纳。Chilclren, from today s class, we know a lot about actions. When we talk about the ball, we can say “kick the ball, catch the ball, p

15、ass the ball and throw the bal1. This is Lesson 1 in Unit 3.2.布置作业。After class, please finish these 2 tasks. Number 1, listen and read the story on P26. Number 2, listen and read the words on P27.根据教师板书所呈现内容,归纳总 结本课重点内容。了解课后任务。冋顾重点内容,突 破学习难点。延续课堂学习,巩 固课堂所学内容。Step 6 Reflection游戏小利用TPR教学有利于调动学生学习的积极性,吸引学生的注意力。但是 游戏的


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