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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载 科普版 学校五年级上学期英语1-3 课练习卷学校班级姓名一、选出你所听到的单词或短语;1. A .takeB.makeC.like() 2. A.mouthB. mouseC. horse3. A. EnglandB. handC. and4. A.a long rulerB.a short letterC. a red pen5. A. write a letterB. look likeC. draw a girl二、选出你所听到的句子;1. A. Do you have a pen.B. Can I use your ruler.2. A .What s one f

2、rom two .B. Whatareyoudoing. 3. A. I m drawing.B. He is swimming .4. A. It looks like a TV .B. It looks like me.5. A. Here it is.B.Hereyouare.三、听录音,给以下句子排次序; I mreadingabook. Hecan twritealetter. Youareclever.Letmeshowyou .Acomputerhasakeyboard.一、挑选正确答案; 1.a TV have a mouse.A. DoB .IsC. Does 2.Hecan

3、 t write ,.A. eitherB. tooC.to 3.Heresome cakes.A.isB.areC.has 4. What areyou .A.doB.drawingC.rideing 5 .Whattwso 二、挑选正确的答句;ten. It s eight. A. orB.andC.from 1.Where is the mouse.A. Yes, it is. 2.What are you doing.B. Certainly. 3. Do you have a ballpen .C. I mreading English. 4. Can I use your rule

4、r.D. It s near the computer. 5. Isyour erasernew .E. Yes, Ido.三、用所给单词完成下面对话;thankaredodrawingwelcomeyesyouacansure A: Whatyoudoing.B:I ma compeurt.A:youhavedictionary .B:,Ido.A:Iuseitnow.B:. Hereare .A:you .B:You re 四、请用所给的单词组成句子,留意标点符号;1. ahascomputermousea .2. yourtooisrulerlong .3. hehavefrienddo

5、esa .优秀学习资料欢迎下载4. shenewthinkaIhasbag .5、 arewhatdrawingyou .五、阅读短文,判定正()误( );Hi . I mPeter. I have a new ruler. It s long.I m drawing a mouse now. I have a good friend.His name is Bob. My friend is very clever. He has a new ruler, too. But it short. What she doing. Look. He is reading a Chinese boo

6、k under a big tree. 1.Boband Peter arefriends. 2.Bobhasalongruler. 3.Bobisundera bigtreenow. 4.Peter and Bob are drawing amouse 5.Peter sruleri snewandBob s ruler is new ,too. 6.Bobisreading an Englishbook.( 7.Peter s friend isclever.优秀学习资料欢迎下载科普版 学校五年级上学期英语4-6 课练习卷学校班级姓名一、选出你所听到的单词或短语的中文意思;1. A .儿子

7、B. 星期日C.星期一() 2. A. 煮B. 书C. 看3. A. 马B.房子C .老鼠4. A. 在外B. 常常C.胡萝卜5. A. 打篮球B. 玩嬉戏C.踢足球二、听录音 ,挑选正确的答语;1. A. Yes ,we are.B. Yes, I do. 2. A .Shes swimming.B. Shestall. 3. A.Five.B. Fine.4. A.He sreading.B.He sathome. 5. A. Tom and John.B. No, theyarent.三、听录音,排次序; They often play basketball there. Hes cle

8、aning his bike. I have no food. I m doing my homework. Shes in the classroom.一、挑选正确的答句; 1.Where are the boys.A. Yes, I am. 2.What s Eve doing.B. They rethine playground. 3 Are you helping Dad.C. Youre welcome. 4.Where are you going.D.Shes cooking. 5.Thank you.E. Were going to the park.二、用所给单词完成下面对话;

9、whatnotmecleaningthanksA: Hello.are you doing.B: I m my bike.A: Let B: helpyou.A:at all.三、单词变换;1. right (同音词)2 .too (同音词)3.player 复数形式 4. he 复数形式 5.long 反义词 6.have第三人称单数 7. can not 缩写形式 8. write 现在分词 9. sleep现在分词 10. run 现在分词 四、阅读短文,判定正()误();Hi. I m Mr White.I m from England. I m a farmer. I have a

10、son .His name is John. I have nineteen pigs on my farm. I count my pigs every morning. Now my son and I are counting the pigs. But we can ctount the pigs at all because由于 some little pigs are running about too fast. 1. Mr White is a farmer from England. 2. Mr White is John fasther.优秀学习资料欢迎下载 3. Mr W

11、hitehas20pigs. 4. Onelittle pig is running about too fast, so wecan t count the pigs. 5. John is at school now.五、依据要求变换句子每空一词;1. Are you washing your face. 确定回答 -,I.2. It is an English letter. 复数形式 -areEnglish.3. Shessinging now. 一般疑问句 -shenow.4. T heyareplayingfootball. 否定句 - T heyplayingfootball.5

12、. HeswatchingTV athome now. (划线部分提问)-athome now.6. Ihavethreecakes.(划线部分提问)- cakesyou have.优秀学习资料欢迎下载科普版 学校五年级上学期英语7-9 课练习卷学校班级姓名一、听录音 ,选出句中所含的单词; 1. A .bottleB.slowC.collect( ) 2. A. drinkB. weekC.music 3. A.mapB. stampC. sleep 4. A. wouldB.foodC. good 5. A. cleverB. waterC.river二、听对话 ,挑选正确答案; 1. A. John likes sports.B. John is running. 2. A. Kate is reading a book. B. Kate is sleeping. 3. A .Jack would like chicken. B. Jack likes swimming. 4. A. Amy is cooking.B. Amy is outside now. 5. A. Jim likes singing.B. Jim likes fishing.三、听短文 ,判定正



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