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1、学习必备欢迎下载新目标八年级下册期末复习提纲Unit 1Useful Expressions1. make predictions做推测2. free time闲暇时间3. fly to乘坐 飞往4. on a space station在太空站上5. I disagree.我不同意 .6. fall/be in love with sb.与 sb. 相爱7. keep pets养宠物8. be able to能够9. predict the future推测将来10. come true实现11. see sb.do sth.观察 sb. 做某事(的全过程)doing sth.观察 sb.

2、正在做某事(片断)12. help sb. with sth.帮忙某人做某事13. hundreds of数以百计的14. try to do sth.尽力做某事15. look like看上去长的像16. look for查找17. 一段时间+ from now(从现在起) 之后from now on = in the future今后Key Points1. Do you think. I think that .I don t think that .2. study at home on computer辨析: on , in 和 with.on :表示使用通讯工具、信息或传媒,乘坐交

3、通工具等;in :使用语言文字等媒介; with :借助详细的手段或工具;Eg. I don t want to talk about it on the phone.Can you speak it in English.Don t write it with a red pen.3. Will people use money in 100 years.“in+ 时间 ”结构常与一般将来时连用,对其进行提问时用特别疑问词how soon.4. beforeago与过去时连用Grammar Focus1. The Simple Future tense一般将来时的三种基本结构: will +

4、V. be going to +V. be + Ving一般将来时的时间状语:in +时间, in the future ,next +时间,与 tomorrow相关的时间, this +时间, from now on , right now , some day 2. 形容词、副词的比较级用法Unit 2 UE1. arguewith sb.与某人争执about/over sth.为某事争执2. out of style/danger过时 /脱离险境in style/danger时尚 /处于危急之中3. call up sb.(代词放中间)给某人打电话4. keep out不让 进入5. W

5、hat s wrong.怎么啦?6. be surprised at对 感到惊讶7. borrow sth. from sb.从某人那里借入某物8. needto do sth.(某人)需要做某事doing sth.(某物)需要做某事9. pay for sth.为某物付 (钱)10. the same + n. + as与 一样的 n.11. get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽12. have a fight with sb.与某人争执13. take part in加入14. plan sth. for sb.为某人方案某事15. as much as possible

6、尽可能多的 KP.1. Sb. pay for sth.某人为某物花了钱;Sth. cost sb.某物花了某人钱;Sb. spendon sth.某人花了 (时间、金钱)在某事上;金钱)做某事;in doing sth.某人花了 (时间、3. get out of离开 4. You are kidding.胡说八道5. follow sb. to do sth.跟着某人做某事this time yesterday just thenwhen he came in, .( when 引导的It takes/took sb. to do sth.花了某人 (时间、金钱)做某事;2. not un

7、til直到 才 (主句动词是短暂性动词)until始终到 (主句中使用连续性动词)3. leaveGF情态动词1. 情态动词没有人称和数的变化;2. 情态动词不能直接做谓语,必需和一个动词原形同时使用;3. 大多数情态动词没有时态的变化;4. 情态动词加上be,通常表示推测的语气;6. get into进入7. shout at斥责、批评shout to向 喊叫8. What happen?发生什么事了?happen = take place发生9. in silence缄默地10. in space在太空中11. at the doctors在诊所12. jump down from从 跳下

8、13. climb up the tree爬上树KP“as +形容词 /副词的原级 +as ”表示 “和一样 ” 否定形式: “not as/so +形容词 /副词的原级 +as ”表示 “和 不一样 ”时间状语从句是过去时,并且动词是短暂性动词时,主句使用过去进行时)2.when & whilewhen 与 while 都是从属连词,都有“当 时”的意思;when可与一个点的时间或表示一段的时间连用,从句动词可以是短暂性或连续性动词;while只指一段时间,不能指一点时间;因此while从句中的谓语动词必需是连续性动词;Unit 4 UE1. have a surprise party举办一

9、个惊喜派GF1. The Past Progressive Tense对2. be mad at/with sb. for sth.由于某事对Unit3 UE1. in front of-behide在 的前面-在 的后面in the front of - at the back of在 的前部-在 的后部(包含在内)2. take off起飞过去进行时用法:表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在进行的动作;谓语结构:be was, were + Ving时间状语:at that time/momentat +点钟+ yesterday/last night from + 点钟+ to + 点钟+

10、 yesterday某人发火be mad about/on sth./sb.对某事 /某人很着迷3. not anymore = not any more = no more不再4. first of all第一5. pass on sth. to sb.把某物递给某人pass on(代词放中间)6. work on从事7. be supposed to = should应当8. be good/better/best at善于于 do well/better/best in9. report card成果单10. the disappointing result令人扫兴的结果11. this

11、 semester本学期12. How s it going.你好吗?How goes it.How are things going.13. be in good/poor/bad/ill health健康状况好 /不好/ 糟糕/病着14. end of year exams期末考15. get/be nervous of sth./doing sth.对某事 /做某事感到紧急16. have a hard timewith sth.在某事上 /做某事境况困难doing sth.17. It s just that 这只是由于 18. forgetto do sth.遗忘去做某事doing

12、sth.遗忘做过某事19. get over克服20. for now至今为止21. open up打开22. care for照料KP1. true符合客观事实的(人和事)really真实存在的(人和事)2. be sure that确信 3. I don t think that 我不认为 (否定前置)GF1. The object clause宾语从句 引导词: that 引导陈述句,在句中可省略;if ,whether 引导一般疑问句,可相互替换(从句中显现or not 时只能使用whether );wh- , h- 引导特别疑问句;主句从句一般现在时各种时态一般过去时相应的过去时态

13、时态:留意:从句叙述的是客观真理时,不依据主句转变时态; 语序:引导词后加陈述句语序“主句+ 引导词+ 从句主语+ 从句谓语 + 其他 ”2. Direct Speech and Reported Speech直接引语变为间接引语时参照宾语从句的变法,把双引号内的句子变为宾语从句即可;以下是另需变化的两点 人称和全部格: “ 一主,二宾,三不变 ” 状语与动词Unit 5 UE1. have a great time过得很开心2. wear jeans穿牛仔裤3. let sb. in/out/by让某人进来 /出去 /过去4. be late for迟到5. be sorry that感到遗憾6. organize sth. for为 组织某事7. half of the class半班8. take away 把 拿走、没收bring sth. to把某物带来 take sth. from从把某物带走9. Why not.为什么不呢?10. clean up整理洁净11. make a lot of money挣很多钱12. be famous for因 而出名be famous as因作为 而出名13. join = take part in参与14. a professional athlete职业运动员15. get injured受伤16. a great



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