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1、青少版新概念 1B课文文本 Unit16-30目录Unit 16: On the London Eye Unit 17: Smile, please.Unit 18: Men can cook, too.Unit 19: You must eat. Unit 20: What a surprise. Unit 21 Breakfast bluesUnit 22: Watching the neighbours Unit 23: An expensive camera Unit 24:A light dinnerUnit 25: The weekend shopping Unit 26: A s

2、elf-service restaurant Unit 27: ToothacheUnit 28: Every day is different.Unit 29: Many happy returns of the day Unit 30 An international eventUnit 16: On the London EyeDaisy: Oh, Jack. Isnt this fun.Can you believe it. Were all togetheron the London Eye.20 / 20 下载文档可编辑Jack:Yes, honey. Isnt it great.

3、Look, Claire.Thats the River Thames.CLAIRE: Yes, Dad. Isnt it grey. DAISY: Well, grey and silver.Its beautiful.Look at all the bridges.CLAIRE: Hey, Mom, I can seeTower Bridge.Its open.Is it really.Pass me the binoculars.JACK: Can you see any ships there. CLAIRE: I can see one.There are some boats, t

4、oo.DAISY: Look, Jack.Thats Westminster Bridge down there. There are some people on the bridge.JACK: There are some cars and buses, too CLAIRE: Hey, Dad. Thats Big Ben.Its twelve oclock.DAISY: Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-dong, ding-dong.Oh, Jack.Isnt London just great.Unit 17: Smile, please. FLORA: Wa

5、tch this, Lucy.I can balance on this ball. Can you do it.LUCY: I can try.LUCY: Oh, yes.I can balance on a ball as well. Its easy.Look at us, Vikki.FLORA: Look at me now, Lucy.Im on my knees.Can you balance like this.LUCY: Yes, I can do that, too.Its fun.FLORA: Come on, Vikki.Can you balance on a big

6、 ball like us.VIKKI: No, I cant.Youre both good at gymnastics, but Im useless.I cant do it.LUCY: Never mind, Vikki.You can do Maths and Musicand I cant.Im useless at Maths.FLORA: And you can take a photo of us.Come on.Take a photo on your mobile.VIKKI: OK.Ready.One, two, three. Smile, please.Unit 18

7、: Men can cook, too.WILLIAM: Lets cook dinner, Robert.You can help me.Give me some rice, please. Theres some rice in that jar.WILLIAM: Put some water in the pan,and pass me a knife, please.ROBERT: Which one. WILLIAM: That one on the table. ROBERT: OK, Dad.Here it is.WILLIAM: Chop two onions, please.

8、 ROBERT: OK, Dad.Chop two onions .WILLIAM: Is there a big spoon over there.ROBERT: Yes, Dad.WILLIAM: Pass me the big spoon, please.ROBERT: I cant get a spoonand chop an onion, Dad.WILLIAM: Youre right.What about some plates.ROBERT: Dad, there are some plates on the shelf.There are some knives, some

9、forks and some spoons in the drawer.And my hands are wet.WILLIAM: You see, Robert, men can cook, too.Perhapswe can open a restaurant.ROBERT:Oh, yeah. Unit 19: You must eat. DAISY: What time is it. NINA:Its four oclock. DAISY:Four oclock.Gee, Im hungry.NINA: I am, too.DAISY: OK.Thank you, Nina.We can

10、 finish now.Theres some food on the table over there.Lets eat.NINA:Daisy, I can look, but I cant eat. DAISY: Why not.Youre tired.Youre hungry.You can eat.Whats the problem.NINA: Food is the problem. DAISY: Come on, Nina.You must eat.There are lots of good things here. Theres some fish,and some salad

11、.And there are some hot dishes, too.NINA: I can drink some water, but I mustnt eat.I cant eat and be beautiful.DAISY: Nonsense, Nina.You are beautiful.NINA:Thank you, Daisy.Maybe I can eat a peach.DAISY: Maybe you can eat lots of peaches.Now, honey, please help yourself.Unit 20: What a surprise. KAR

12、EN: Hello, Linda.Nice to speak to you. How are you.And how is Ken.KAREN: Yes, Im very busy, too. Its Lucys music lesson at half past six.Im sorry, but I cant talk now.KAREN: Come on, Lucy.Your music lesson is at half past six,and its a quarter to six now.Whats the problem.LUCY: I cant find my music

13、book. KAREN: Oh dear.Im sorry, Linda. I must go.Can I call you at half past nine.LUCY: Mum.I must find my book.KAREN: Thanks, Linda.Bye.Now, Lucy,look in your schoolbag.LUCY: It isnt there. KAREN: Are you sure. LUCY: Yes, Mum. Look. LUCY: Oh. Here it is.KAREN: What a surprise.Please hurry up, Lucy.

14、Its six oclock.LUCY: Its OK, Mum.Im ready.Can we go now, please.Unit 21 Breakfast bluesKAREN: Do you want any breakfast, Paul.Not really, but I must eatsomething.I mustnt trainon an empty stomach.Have we got any orange juice.KAREN: Yes, we have.Theres some in the fridge. How much juicedo you want.PAUL: Oh, just a small glass, please. KAREN: Here you are.KAREN: Do you want any coffee. PAUL: No, thanks.Have we got any tea.KAREN: Yes, theres some teain the pot.Help yourself.KAREN: Poor Paul.Its a very e


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