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1、精品资料欢迎下载定语从句完成句子1. Mike is short and fat,in the class. stand out麦克又矮又胖,这使他在班上很惹眼;2. Maria has written two novels, both ofinto television series. make Maria写了两部小说,两部都被拍成了电视剧;3. Who is the boyover there. read那个在树下读书的男孩是谁?4. This is the young manin the earthquake. lost这就是那位父母亲在地震中丧生的年轻人;5. He talked ha

2、ppily about the men and the booksat school. interest他高兴的谈论到在学校里面令他感爱好的人和书;6. I wish to thank Professor Smith,this farm. get我想感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮忙我绝不能买到这家农场;7. English is the most difficult subject. learn英语是你这些年里要学的最难的一门学科;8. The boyisthe group leader who studies very hard. meet昨晚你见过的那个男孩是学习特别刻苦的团体表率;9. An

3、yoneshould be punished. fail任何没有通过考试的人应当收到惩处;10. The room, is decorated with balloons. face这个窗户朝南的房间装饰着气球;11. The air quality in the city, has improved over the past two months. show正如报告中所述,在过去的两个月里这个城市的空气质量有了提高;12. TheChinese governmenthas decidedtodevelopthewestofChina, the poor people. benefit n.

4、 中国政府已经打算进展中国西部,这会使穷人受益;13. Thosein today esxercises, please raised your hands. make在今日的练习中那些没有犯错的人,请举起你们的手;14. Therewereabout50foreignstudentsstudyinginChina, . most有 50 个外国人在中国学习,大多数人是德国人;15. , great changes have taken place in China. as正如大家所看到的,中国发生了很大的变化;16. Sales director is a positionas sales.

5、 important销售总监是一个交际才能和销售才能同等重要的职位;17. Thesceneryinthisareaisuniqueinthatitistheonlyplace the sea, the mountain and the lake together. enjoy这个地区的风景特殊之处在于在此你可以沉醉于大海,高山和湖泊;18. Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,. buy音乐会的两节之间会有时间间隙,这时观众可以购买冰淇淋;19. Many people believe we are heading for

6、environmental disasters unless we rapidly change. live很多人认为我们会遇到环境灾难,除非我们快速地转变我们的生活方式;20. He wrote a long letter to his son,that it was unwise to make emotional decision. point他给他的儿子写了一封长信,在信中他指出做出冲动的打算是不明智的;21. Do you see the red house,. which你看到那座红色的房子吗?它前面有一颗大树;22. The second-hand dictionaryis ju

7、st as useful. spend我花了 10 块钱买的二手字典特别有用;23. Daniel is the person. without没有丹尼,我今日不行能有如此大的进展;24. AllthestudentsshowrespectfortheirEnglishteacher, they have made great progress. help全部的同学都很敬重他们的英语老师,在他的帮忙下,他们进步很大;25. Qian Xuesen went to California from 1935 to 1955,he concentrated on the research into

8、jet planes. period1935 到 1955 年,钱学森去了加力福利亚,在那时起他用心讨论喷射飞机;26. Last year we went to the farm. which去年我们去了我父亲曾经工作过的农场;27. Inthe firsttwomonths ofthe new term, she had made rapid progress . take 在新学期的头两个月,她进步很快,她为此感到骄傲;28. Is this the car. which这是你花高价买的车吗?29. In the dark street, there wasnat whomsingle

9、person.在黑暗的街道上,没有一个人,她可以求助的;30. The factoryis far from my hometown. which我工作的工厂远离我的家乡;31. She loves in the house,. which她住在一个窗户朝东的房子;32. Thefactoryproduceshalfamillionpairsofshoeseveryyear, . abroad工厂每年生产 50 万双鞋子, 80%的鞋被卖到国外;33. There are two small rooms in the house,. serve在那所房子里有两个小房间较小的那间用作厨房;34.

10、 The man,you went to school yesterday, is a good driver.你昨天坐他的车去学校的那个人是一个好司机;35. It is reported that two schools will open next year,are being built in my hometown.据报道,两所学校明年对外开放,其中两个都是建在我的家乡;36. Professor Johnson,when I was at college, will give a party for his former students this weekend. attendJ

11、ohnson教授,在上高校时我曾上过他的课,将在本周为他以前的同学举办一个晚会;37. I have finallydecided to quit the job after three weeks. Afterall, nothing seems to satisfy him. do三周后我最终打算辞去这份工作,究竟,我做过的任何事好像不能让他中意;38. Afterthetiringjourney,theraggedsoldiersfinallygottoahouse, . which经过劳累的跋涉后, 这个穿着破烂的士兵最终来到了一间房子, 房子前耸立着一棵树;39. My mother

12、 was so proud of allthat she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. do妈妈对我所做的事特别骄傲,她以北京之行作为奖赏;40. many times, “ servethe people ”is our first policy. stress正如我们多次强调的那样,为人民服务是我们的首要政策;41. The committee consists of 50 members,are women. quarter委员会是由 50 名成员构成的,其中四分之一是女性;42. The cityis very hot and damp in

13、summer. grow我成长的那个城市夏天特别闷热潮湿;43. I am really interested in the way. solve我真的对人们解决问题的方式感爱好;44. The dictionary, is the earliest one in China but has been edited and published since 1949. break这本字典,其封面已经破旧了,是中国自1949 年编辑出版的最早的版本;45. Themediacanhelpsolveproblemsanddrawattentiontosituations . need媒体能够帮忙解决

14、问题,引起对需要帮忙的群体的关注;46. WhatisknowntousisthatAmericaisadevelopedcountry the First World. belong总所周知,美国是一个发达国家,属于第一世界;47. There are various kinds of animals in Australia,in any other continent. find澳大利亚有各种各样的动物,其中有很多是其它大陆所没有发觉的;48. He gave us another piece of advice,valuable to the research work. think他给我们提出了一条建议,我认为对讨论工作有价值;1. which makes him stand out2. which have been made into3. that is reading under the tree4. whose parents were lost5. th



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