七年级英语下学期期末复习 重点短语句型 人教新目标版 试题

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1、河南省虞城县第一初级中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期末复习 重点短语句型 人教新目标版姓名_班级_Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1. play chess 下国际象棋2. play the guitar/piano/drums /violin 弹吉他/钢琴/敲鼓/拉小提琴3. speak English 讲英语4. join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部5. play basketball/tennis/volleyball/soccer打篮球/网球/排球/踢足球6. tell stories/a story 讲故事7. tal

2、k to/with sb 和某人交谈8. help sb with / (to ) do sth 帮助某人(做)某事9. be good with 与。相处好10. be good at 擅长。11. be good/bad for 对。有益/害12. make friends 交朋友13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 14. show sb sth = show sth to sb 展示。给某人看15. English speaking students 讲英语的学生16. play with 与。玩耍/玩耍。Unit 2 What time do you

3、go to school ?1. get up early 起床早2. get dressed quickly 迅速穿好衣服3. take a shower 淋浴4. go to school/work/bed 去上学/上班/睡觉5. brush (ones) teeth 刷牙6. have/eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐 7. radio/TV station 广播电台/电视台8. take a walk/go for a walk 散步9. get home/here/there 到达家/这儿/那儿10. do (ones) homew

4、ork 做作业11. play sports/do exercise 做运动12. lots of/a lot of +名 / many+ 可复/ much + 不可名 许多的。13. from . to 从。到。14. be/arrive late for 到达迟。15. half past nine 九点半16. eitheror 不是。就是。17. a quarter to/past seven 六点四十五分/七点过十五分18. The food tastes delicious. 这食物吃起来美味。19. in ones life 在某人的一生Unit 3 How do you get

5、 to school?1. take the train/bus/subway/boat to= goby train/ bus/subway/boat 乘火车/公车/地铁/船去。2. ride a bike (to) = go by bike 骑自行车去。3. drive a car (to) = go by car 开车去。4. get to/arrive in+大地方 /at +小地点 / reach 到达。5. walk to school = go to school on foot步行去上学6. bus stop/station 公共汽车站7. think of/about 想起。

6、8. betweenand 在。和。之间9. His dream comes true. 他的梦想实现了10. look/be like 看起来像。11. how long/far 多长时间/多远12. It takes him 15 minutes to get to school.花费了他15分钟到达学校。13. Its important for us to study English well.对我们来说,把英语学好是重要的。Unit4 Dont eat in class1. in the dining hall/hall ways 在食堂/走廊2. listen to music 听

7、音乐3. wear a hat/ wear the school uniform戴帽子/穿校服4. on time 准时5. do/wash the dishes 洗碗6. on school nights 在上学的晚上7. after school/class 放学/下课后8. every Saturday 每周六9. follow/break the rules 遵守/违反规则10. go out 外出11. see friends 看朋友12. be strict with sb in sth 在某事上对某人要求严格13. Its best to do sth/Youd better d

8、o sth最好做某事14. in class/in the class 在课堂上/在班级里15. in the kitchen 在厨房里16. remember/forget to do sth 记得/忘记将做某事(未做)17. remember/forget doing sth记得/忘记已做某事(已做)18. feel terrible 感到可怕19. keep/be quiet 保持安静20. enjoy/practice/finish/mind/keep doing sth喜欢/练习/完成/介意/保持做某事21. make ones bed 整理床铺Unit5 Why do you li

9、ke pandas.1. kind of/kinds of 有几分/各种各样的2. South Africa 南非3. all day/night 整天/夜4. walk on two legs 用两条腿走路5. want to do sth/would like to do sth想要做某事6. be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险中7. cut (them)down 砍到(他们)8. get/be lost 迷路9. one/some of my old friends 我老朋友中的一个/一些10. for a long time 长段时间11. a symbol o

10、f good luck 好运的象征12. Lets see the tigers first 我们先看老虎13. be from/come from 来自于。14. be made of/from 由。制成(化变/物变)15. elephants are losing their homes.大象正在失去他们的家园。Unit6 Im watching TV.1. watch a soccer game on TV 在电视上观看足球比赛2. read a newspaper 看报纸3. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈4. make soup 做汤5. use the compu

11、ter 使用电脑6. eat out 外出吃饭7. drink tea 喝茶8. tomorrow evening/next night 明天晚上9. in the United States 美国10. in the living room 在客厅里11. wish to do sth 希望做某事12. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节13. a photo/picture of my family 一张我家的照片14. in a swimming pool 在游泳池里15. live with an American family 和一个美国家庭居住在一起16. l

12、ive in 居住在。Unit7 Its raining!1. play computer games 玩电子游戏2. sound like 听起来像。3. take a message 捎口信4. call him back 给他回电话5. no problem 没问题6. in the park 在公园里7. right now 目前8. in Canada/Australia 在加拿大/澳洲9. have a great time/have fun doing sth做某事快乐/有乐趣10. by the pool/river/lake 在池塘/河/湖边11. drink orange

13、juice 喝橙汁12. summer/winter vacation 暑假/寒假13. on (a) vacation 在度假14. study/work hard 学习/工作努力15. write (a letter) to sb 写信给某人16. Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like? 天气如何?17. See you soon/next month. 不久/下月见18. Hows it going? 近况如何?19. May I speak to Lucy, please? 我可以与Lucy通话吗?20. be just right for

14、恰好适合Unit8 Is there a post office near here?1. post office 邮局2. police station 警察局3. pay phone 付费电话4. (be) across from 在。对面5. in front of/ in the front of在。前面(内部)/在。前部(外部)6. next to 紧挨着7. in town 在城镇8. be far from 离。远9. on North Street 在北街10. turn left/right 向左/右转11. on the left/right 在左/右边 12. go along 沿着。走13. clothes store 服装店14. at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口15. go shopping/swimming/fishing/boating去购物/游泳/钓鱼/划船16. Time goes quickly. 时光飞逝。17. (Sb) spend on/doing sth. (某人)花费。(做)某事18. in the neighborhood/near here 在周围/在附近Unit9 What does


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