七年级英语下学期期末复习试题(5)(无答案) 牛津版 试题

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1、江苏省无锡市滨湖区中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期末复习试题(5) 牛津版1. This is my _ (four) day in Shanghai.2. Do you think these _ (build) are beautiful?3. There are _ (many) than twenty classes in my school.4. Which is the _(big) restaurant in your town?5. Many _(visit) go to Beijing to visit interesting places every year.

2、6. One of the _ (工程师) in this factory comes from Russia.7. Our children go to the _(当地的) school.8. Miss Zhangs house is far away from the city and the air is _(新鲜的) there.9. Where would you like to live better, a _(安静的) town or a modern city?10. The bicycles here are the _ (邮递员)。 11. _(they) classro

3、om is clean, but _ (we) is dirty.12. Its not easy to find a _ (west) restaurant in the small town.13. How can you mend(修补) a _ (break) heart(心)?14. The boys are having a rest in the football field. The football must be _ (they).15. Would you like to go _ (jog) with me now?16. There is only one _ (小路

4、) in the hall.17. The _ (北部的) side of the building gets less sun than the south.18. Dont _ (错过) the last bus., or youll be late.19. The Great Wall is _ (著名) all over the world.20. Johns father _ (拥有) a big company, so John is one of the rich second generations.(富二代)21. The man with a knife in his ha

5、nd is _ (danger)22. _ (across) the bridge, turn left and walk along the path next to the river.23. Look! They are all laughing _(happy)24. here are many _ (bench) in the park, so the old people like taking a walk there. 25. hen I walk _(pass) the teachers office, I often see r. u working hard.26. hi

6、s sign tells us that we can go _(径直) on.27. o you know where the _ (宝藏) is ?28. _ (长颈鹿) has only seven bones in its long neck.29. here are many wild animals in the _(森林)30. ook! he dog is _ (跟随) the old woman.31. urn left at the _(five) turning. 32. he birds make beautiful _ (sound) when they sing.3

7、3. ont wake _(he) up. e is so tired.34. hat day we all _(wonder) why he didnt go there. 35. oes your brother _(real) enjoy the trip to the zoo?36. he fish has a lot of _(骨头)in it. e careful when you eat it.37. he _(出生) of the little cat makes us so happy. 38. r i knows lots of fun _ (事实) about the w

8、orld.39. _(灌木丛) usually grow under big trees.40. e cant live _ (with) air or water.41. he boy is old enough to look after _(he).42. y grandparents were both _ in this _ (interest) film.43. y grandpa reads newspaper for at _ (little) an hour every day.44. ts so cold outside. lease keep the windows an

9、d the door _(open)45. wrote to him yesterday and he _(reply) to me this morning.46. _(到.为止) 1935, about 2000 s were in use.47. he three kinds of shoes are _(受欢迎)among young people.48. here is a man _(叫做) ohn asking for you outside.49. kating is one of my favourite outdoor _(活动)50. hey drive on the l

10、eft-hand _(侧)of the road in merica.51. ou are two _(inch) taller than him.52. ll the doors and windows are _(lock) from the outside.53. he is _(lone) here, but she doesnt feel lonely.(孤独的)54. I guess the holes are those _(rabbit)55. y uncle watches _(taly) football a lot at the weekend.56. y cousin

11、ndy dislikes eating _(三明治)57. he police are _(搜寻) for them in the park these days.58. hen was the most difficult _(时期) o f his life?59. ts warm today. he sun is shining _(穿过)the window brightly.60. he new students often _(进入)school in tepember.61. hildren of different ages usually have different _(a

12、ble)62. e careful with the _(match)63. ohn is the _(clever) boy in my class.64. couldnt find you _(somewhere) around 7p.m. yesterday.65. ow many _(mouse) do you have as pets at home?66. hese coats made of _(皮毛) are very expensive.67. ould you please _(重复) what you said just now?68. ell them not to make any _(噪音). hey are too _(吵闹)69. illie is good at hinese and she can write good _(文章)70. ho will you ask for help when you have _(麻烦)71. oms sister was born at the _(末尾) of 2000. 72. hes only a child. e _(温柔) with her!73. hen he said that, no one _(同意)74. football _(重) about 400 _ (克)


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