七年级英语下学期期中复习4(无答案) 牛津版 试题

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1、江苏省滨海县第一初级中学七年级英语下学期期中复习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 知识点梳理:重要词组:1、仔细听 listen _2、在他们回家的路上 _ _ _ _3、听起来像低语声 _ _ a _4、发现一只小猫在灌木丛中_ _ _cat _ _ _5、拾起 _ _6、害怕某事 be _ _sth7、(他)自言自语 _ _ _8、告诉Andy一切 _Andy _9、虚弱 _ _10、和出生的时候一样大 _ _ size _ _11、在大象脚的后部 _ _ _ _ _ _12、像往常一样 _ _13、坐下 _ _14、迅速离开公园 _ the park _15、它明亮的灯 _ _ _重要句型: 1、

2、你知道关于世界的一些有趣的事实吗?Do you know _ _ _ about the world?2、像往常一样,他们坐在一棵大树底下。_ _ , they _ _ under a big tree.3、突然,他们听到从树后面的草丛中传来的低语声。_, they _ a whisper _ _ _ _ the tree. 4、我们的眼睛和出生的时候一样大,但鼻子和耳朵从来都没有停止生长。Our eyes are _ _ _ from birth, but our nose and ears _ _ _.5、太阳大约是地球的1,300,000倍。The Sun is about 1,300,

3、000 _ _ than the Earth.6、大象脚的后部没有骨头,只有脂肪。There are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _only _. 7、突然,他们听到从树后面的草丛中传来的低语声。_, they _ a whisper _ _ _ _ the tree.8、他们转过身但什么也没看到。They _ _but _ _ 主要语法:用一般过去时态谈论过去发生的事情或过去存在的状态主语 + 动词的过去式(ed)+宾语+过去时间状语知识应用:一、 词汇 A)根据提示用正确的单词完成句子。1. Tomatoes_(生长)best in direct(直接的)sunlight.2. -How

4、is your little brother? -He is deaf(聋的). He cant hear anything from_.3. -My classroom is big. What about yours? -Mine is three_ bigger than yours.4. -Where do you live? -I live in Fifth Street. Millie and I live in the_ street. We often play together.5. I was_ (惊奇的) to see him here this morning.6. I

5、 like_(三明治) very much. I eat them for breakfast every day.7. I planned everything_ (仔细地) for our trip to Hong Kong.8. -How did you go to school this morning? -I went there by bus_ usual.9. -Can we live_ air or water? -Of course not.10. -Who taught your brother English?-He learned it_. He is very cle

6、ver.11. Millie was afraid because she saw a _(奇怪的)man.12. Nothing_(发生).Im OK. Amy said to her mom.13. She was_(惊讶的)when I told her about the thing.14. He never_(回复)to any of my letters. So I stopped writing to him.15. -Andy asked his mother to do his homework again. -Why didnt he do it_?B)用所给单词的适当形式

7、填空。1. -Where is the cat? -It_ (search) for food in the bushes.2. -Could you tell me how_ (make) a model plane? -Sorry, I dont know.3. He turned around and_ (see) something interesting.4. My little sister likes_ (pick) the flowers in her own garden.5. A cinema is a good place_ (go) if you like films.

8、6. I_ (buy) a present for him next week.7. My father always_ (help) us with homework on Sundays.8. Listen! The music_ (sound) like the singing of birds.9. Jim_ (leave) for England next week, isnt he?10. Mr Black is in the classroom. He_ (talk) with some students三、写出下列动词的过去式,并按“-ed”的读音规则分类call_ play_

9、 search_ jump_follow_ stop_ raise_ plan_worry_ invite_ practice_ visit_like_ study_ /t/_/d/_/id/_2、 句型转换A将下列句子变为否定句1. She read about a man the other day She _ yesterday2. I learnt about an artistI _ an artist3. The museum closed an hour ago. The museum _ an hour ago4. He did his homework last nightH

10、e_ his homework last nightB. 将下列句子变成一般疑问句并作回答5. Later the food became popular all over the world.(肯定回答)_?_6. Fish sleep with their eyes open. (否定回答)_?_7.They sat down under a big tree as usual. (肯定回答) _?_8. The strange man turned around suddenly and left the bush quickly. (否定回答)_?_9. He leaves home. But he doesnt say goodbye to his mum.(合并为一句) He leaves home_ _ _ to his mum.10. Isnt that young man amazing?(作肯定回答) _, _ _.11. Lucy can sing well. Lily can sing well, too.(合并为一句) Lily can sing_ _ _ Lucy.12. He came back late from work as he of


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