七年级英语下册(Unit 1-3)阶段性测试题 人教新目标版 试题

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1、湖北省武汉为明实验学校七年级英语下册Unit 1-3阶段性测试题 人教新目标版说明:本试卷共100分,听力卷20分,笔试卷80分。考试时间90分钟听力部分(X20分) 二、听对话,回答问题。(5%)6. Where does Mary come from?A. Canada B. America C.Australia7.Who is an English boy? A. Tom B. Bill C. Bob8. Which country are they from? A. Singapore B. Japan C. Canada9. Can Betty speak French? A. Y

2、es, she can C. We don t know.10. Where does Tom King live? A. In England. C. In China.三、根据所听内容填表格.(5%)B. No, she can t.B. In AmericaThe names ofMolly Ling Ling Billanimals From Africa11 12 Age 13 5 14 Like to eat grass Bamboos 15 (竹子) 11. A. Australia12. A. SingaporeAmerica13. A. Twelve14. A. Five15

3、. A. GrassleavesB. ChinaB. AustraliaC. ChineseC.B. ElevenC. TenB. TenB. cakesC. TwelveC. 四、听录音,选择正确答案。(5%)()16. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn t. C.I don t know.()17. A. He s American. B. He s English.C. His friend is English.()18 A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C.Yes, they do()19 A. Yes, she lov

4、es China, too, B. She doesn tknow China. C. She is now working in China.()20. A. Rose. B. Peter. C. Peter s pen pal.笔试部分(80分) 单项选择(20分)()1.It s_interesting movie.A.a B./ C.an()2.Don t_in class.A.sleep B.sleeping C.sleeps()3.Where_ he_from?A.is;come B.does;comes C.does;come()4.There is a big supermar

5、ket_Center Street. A. with B.toCon)5.My birthday is_March 18th.A.inB.onCat)6.-_ do you like music?-Because my favourite subject is music.A.WhatB.WhenC.Why)7.The fruit shop is across_ the bookshop. A to B from C on)8.-Do lions eat grass or meat? _A meatB.MeatC.Grass)9.Let_help you.A IB.myC.me)10.0ur

6、teachers are vey friendly_usA.forB.toC.with()11.It s time for class,please_quiet.A.is B.be Care()12.I don t have_sisters_ brothers.A. some, or B. any, or C. any,and()13.I know you are arriving_ Beijing next week.A. to B.in Ca14.Can you tell me the way_ the bank near here?A.to B.in C.at()15._ does yo

7、ur son live with?A.Where B.What C.Who()16.John is from_.A.Japan B.Japanese C.French()17.Does Jim_Chinese?A.speak B.speaks C.say()18.There are many_in America.A.citys B.cities C.city()19.1 like to the movie my friends.A.to go;with B.going;with C.going;and()20.Please write_me soon!A.for B.with C.to二.完

8、形填空(10分)I work in a small shop. Its near an English_.Every daystudents come to_things. In the morning, I get up_six and then have breakfast. I go to_by bike .I_to the shop at about six forty. The shop_at seven. We sell things_food and drink. We have school things, too.So there一 8一 many people in our

9、 shop一 9一 morning to evening. I have_in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed.()1, A .farm B .factory C .school D .river()A.buy B sell C .take D .want()3, A .on B .in C .at D .from()4, A .school B .bed C .class D .work()5, A .go B .get C .stay D.look()6, A .opens B .open C .is opening

10、 D .is opened()7, A .with B .like C .for D .about()8, A .are B . have C .see D .come()9, A .in B .on C .at D .from()10, A .supper B .breakfast C .milkD .lunch三.阅读理解(巧分)A Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from London, England. Theywork in China now. They teach English in a middle school.They like their work ve

11、ry much. They have two children,Sam and Sue. They are both in Shanghai with theirparents. Mr. Smith can t speak Chinese, but his wife canspeak it very well. Mr. Smith likes swimming and readingand Mrs. Smith likes swimming and reading, too. Theyoften go swimming in the afternoon and read in theeveni

12、ng. Sam and Sue like playing games with Chineseboys and girls.Sam s uncle works on a farm near London.He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Shanghai, buthe can t speak Chinese. So he is still(仍然)there and goesto Chinese classes every day.1. Where are Sam and Sue from?A. Canada B. America C. En

13、glandD. Australia2. What sport does Mrs. Smith like?A. Swimming B. Running C. Playing basketballD3.WalkingWhat does SamA. A teachers uncle do?B. A workerC. A farmerDAn actor4. What does Sue like?A. Swimming and reading B. Playing computer gamesC. Watching TV D. Playing games5. are in different count

14、ries now. A. Mr. and Mrs. Smith B. Mrs. Smith and herchildrenC. Mr. Smith and his brother D. Mr. Smith and hischildrenBDear Peter,I know that you are coming to Luzhou next week.Welcome to my home. Let me tell you the way to myhouse. You will live in Changjiang Hotel on ChangjiangStreet,won t you?OK!Changjiang Street is a famousand busy street in our city. You can start from your hoteland go straight along Tongch


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