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1、a1 iso- in isopod, isotope (a) equal; same (b) more (c) low (d) nob2. thermo- in thermometer, thermal (a) time (b) heat (c) cold (d) seekc3. counter in counterclockwise (a) water (b) gold (c) against (d) agreed4. volu, volv in volume, evolution, involved (a) marry (b) cut (c) open (d) roll; foldc5.

2、verg, vers in convergent evolution, reversed (a) middle (b) look (c) to turn (d) runa6. tox- in toxin (a) poison (b)protein (c) medicine (d) deathc7. aqua in aquatic, aquarium(a) send (b) oil (c) water (d) deepb8. graph in telegraph, graphics* (a) sharp (b) writing (c) color (d) sund9. chloro- in ch

3、loroplast* (a) light (b) wide (c) colorless (d) yellow, greenb10. multi- in multiple(a)little (b) many (c) add (d) numberb11. angio- in angiosperm (a) bottle (b) vessel (c) space (d)clothd12. meter in kilometer, diameter* (a) large (b) distance (c) foot (d) measured13. zygo- in zygote (a) egg (b) cl

4、ose (c) birth (d) yoked14. geo-in geology (a) space (b) sea (c) maintain (d) earthd15. trans- in transfer, transport (a) run (b)back (c)love (d) acrossd16. anti- in antibody, anti war (a) break (b) agree (c) love (d) againstc17. intra, inter in intracellular, intercellular (a) go (b) out (c) within,

5、 between (d) agitateb18. uni- in uniform* (a) not (b)one (c)many (d) littleb19. astra-, astro-, -aster in astronaut, disaster(a) moon (b) star (c) plane (d) skyc20. morpho, in morphogenesis* (a) light (b) grow (c) shape (d) cella21. gen in generation, gene* (a) birth; produce (b) stop (c) carry (d)

6、strengthc22. dent- in dentist (a) mouth (b) tissue (c) tooth (d) doctora23. demo- in demography (a) people (b) skin (c) child (d) animab24. annu, enn in annual, perennial plant(a) rank (b) year (c) time (d) firstc25. vit, viv in vitamin, survived (a) protein (b) water (c) life (d) strengthc26. diplo

7、- in diploid* (a) many (b) single (c) two, twice; double (d) quarterc27. mono- in monoxide, monotonous (a) twist (b) new (c) single (d) timed28. telo- in telophase* (a) begin (b) middle (c) end (d) farc29. fore- in forecast, forehead (a) work (b) journey (c) previous, front (d) timec30. -tom in atom

8、(a) origin (b) nuclear (c) to cut (d) smalld31. phobe in hydrophobic(a) water (b) many (c) free (d) feara32. electro- in electron (a) amber (b) water (c) battle (d) electricb33. oligo- in oligonucleotide, oligosaccharide (a) large; more (b) little; few (c) good (d) badb34. vac in vacuole* (a) full (

9、b) empty (c) hard (d) softa35. pre-, pro- in prejudice, protest* (a) before (b) outside (c) work (d) sharpc36. - some in chromosome* (a) a little (b) many (c) body (d) footb37. endo- in endoderm* (a) outer (b) within, inside (c) center (d) allc38. hydro, hydr in hydrogen, carbohydrate (a) oil (b) ro

10、ck (c) water (d) force; powerc39. photo in photosynthesis* (a) shade (b) color (c) light (d) redc40. cyto in phagocytosis, cytokinesis* (a) tissue (b) organ (c) hollow (d) bacteriab41. mito- in mitochondrion, mitosis* (a) a bar (b) a thread (c) a cup (d) areaa42. macro- in macrophage(a) large (b) mi

11、ddle (c) eat (d) engulfd43. cell in cellular* (a) life (b) microscope (c) blood (d) small roomd44. dendr- in dendrite(a) hair (b) walk out (c) grass (d) treed45- pan- in pancreas (a) one (b) carry (c) hundred (d) allb46. kilo- in kilobase, kilogramifcr(a) hundred (b) thousand (c) ten (d) millionc47.

12、nuc in nucleus, nucleotide* (a) cell (b) center (c) nut (d) beada48.ex- in exclude, exit* (a) out (b) enter (c) between (d) centerd49.dis- in dislike, disable* (a) circle (b) poor (c) too much (d) not, away fromc50.hem, hemo in hemoglobin, hemophile (a) water (b) liquid (c) blood (d) proteinc51.a- i

13、n asexual (a) around(b) animal (c) lacking, not (d) earlierc52.-oo-, ova- ovi- ovo- in oogenesis, ovum* (a) head (b) high (c) egg (d) stomachc53.ost- osteo- in osteoporosis*(a) tissue (b) fresh (c) bone (d) diseaseb54.mutate, muta- in mutation (a)resistanc (b) change (c) still (d) growthc55.scop in

14、telescope, microscope* (a) too much (b) enlarge (c) watch; view (d) apartd56.kary- in prokaryote* (a) car (b) water (c) horse (d) nutb57.oct- in October, octopus (a) seven (b) eight (c) nine (d) tenb58.spir in photorespiration (a) eat (b) breathe (c) engulf (d) yawnb59.bio- in biochemist (a) death (

15、b) life (c) silence (d) noiseb60.nov- in novel (a) strange (b) new (c) love (d) feara61.vore in carnivore, herbivore, omnivore* (a) eat (b) go out (c) light (d) sleepa62.-logy in ecology* (a) science, study (b) book (c) paper (d) measureb63.medi- in media* (a) between (b) middle (c) out (d) newsb64.hetero- in heterozygous (a) same (b) other (c) above (d) manyb65.allele, allelo- in allelopathy(a) here (b) one another (c) time (d) spaceb66.psycho- in psy



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