七年级英语下册(Unit10单元)测试题(3)(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题

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1、班级: 姓名: 日期: 第 组 号课题:Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?Learning aims:(学习目标) 1. 大声朗读,巧记,会使用新单词,并且用自己所喜爱的单词组词或造句。2.会用运用一般过去时谈论节假日的活动,培养学生的交际能力。3.学习怎样用英语写日记。Learning steps:(学习步骤)20分钟Step1.Revision. 1. 上个月,我看望了我的姑姑。_2. 中国的食物非常美味._3. 昨天,我给笔友写了一封信._Step2.导学过程。1.熟读63-64页的单词,抽学生检查。2.写出下列单词。使_感觉_步行_报告_回原处_讨

2、论_决定_同班同学_天安门广场_万里长城_宫殿_ 故宫_昂贵的_3.熟读63页的日记,至少读三遍.抽小组或学生朗读.4.翻译这三个小日记, 抽小组或学生朗读.5.找出日记中的短语或知识点.Step3.知识点学习。1 We had great fun playing in the water.玩得高兴_=_=_2.The shops were too crowded , so I didnt really enjoy it.too+adj 太贵了_太难了_enjoy+_ 我的弟弟不喜欢去上学._3.I found a little boy crying in the corner. 我发现一个小

3、男孩在角落里哭。(1)_是find的过去式,find sbdoing sth意思是“发现某人正在做某事”。如:我发现她在图书馆读书。_类似此用法的感官动词还有:see,watch,hear+sb doing(2)in the corner 介词短语,在“一角”。5.He was lost and I helped him find his father.丢失be lost=_ 帮助某人做某事 help sb +_sth +_sth他经常帮助我学习数学。_ _6.That made me feel very happy.使某人做某事_ make sb+adj 使我伤心_feel的过去式_ fee

4、l +adj 感觉高兴_7.走回旅馆_ 8.一整天_ 整个早晨_9.so we decided to play tennis. 决定去做某事_Step4.达标检测。 1.My teacher made me _ at school yesterday because I didnt do homework. A.stay B.stays C.stayed D:staying2The policeman helped the boy _ the hotel. A. found B. find C. finds D.finded3.We often have good fun _ English.

5、A. to learn B. learning C. learned D.learn4. It was sunny and we _ all morning.A. play B. playing C. played D.to play5.Books make me _ when Im at home. A. relaxed B. relaxing C. to relax D.relaxes6.The teacher decided _ a test of Unit 4. A. have B. having C. to have D. has7.We found him _for us at the station.(wait)8.do on did what she vacation_?9.Beijing weather was yesterday how in the _?10.helped I him his find mother_.11.decide did to play you tennis this afternoon_ 12.We play baseball every day.(用last Sunday改写)_13.I did my homework at home.(疑问句)_ (否定句)_


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