七年级英语下册(Unit 6 Outdoor fun)测试卷1(无答案)(新版)牛津版 试题

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1、Unit 6一、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。(5)( ) 1. . A. talked B. liked C. passed D. moved ( ) 2. A. bright B. like C. little D. side( ) 3. A. phone B. ago C. also D. another( ) 4. A. century B. bed C. letter D. toilet( ) 5. A. through B. that C. thin D. Thursday二、单项选择。(15)( )1.-Lily can speak only_English. A. a littl

2、e B. little C. a few D. few( )2.I saw Millie_ in the street when l went to open the door. A. is walking B. to walk C. walks D. walking( )3. -I hear the new film Lost in Thailand (泰囧) is great. Can we see it this evening? -_ We have a lot of homework to do.A. Why not? B. No, we wont. C. Im afraid not

3、. D. Id love to.( )4. Walk_ the street. The shop is on the other side. A. across B. through C. into D. out of( )5. David is looking for his watch. -Oh, his uncle_ it to him yesterday. Lets help him. A. gives B. gave C. to give D. will give( ) 6. I dont like John because he talks_. A. too many B. too

4、 much C. much too D. many too( ) 7. Which word is after funny in the dictionary? A. find B. fun C. future D. father( ) 8. I spent three hours_ shopping yesterday. This skirt_ me 200 yuan. A. going; cost B. went; costs C. to go; cost D. go; costs( ) 9. He made the shoes_ bamboo. They are very comfort

5、able to wear in summer. A. out B. in C. out of D. use( )10. Dont _ call me when you get there, my mum said to me. A. remember toB. remember C. forget to D. forget( )11. What does todays newspaper_? A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say( )12. This kind of drink tastes_ but theres_ in this bottle. Id like s

6、ome more. A. good; a little B. well; a little C. good; little D. well; little( )13. -_ your father and your mother busy last weekend? -Yes, But they will be free this weekend. A. Did B. Were C. Are D. Was( )14. The girl_ her favourite stars photos on the wall. Her mother was not happy about that. A.

7、 puts up B. puts on C. put up D. put on( )15. After a two-day meeting, my father was_ tired_ do anything. A. so; that B. so; to C. very; to D too; to三、完形填空。(10)When you look into the sky at night, you can see a largenumber of stars. Besides(另外),you can see the l ,too. Itsbright 2 beautiful. People w

8、rite many songs and poems(诗歌) 3 it.In the 1960s, some 4 wanted to be the first one to send(运送)a man to the moon. America and Russia were in this“space race”(太空赛跑). They 5 a lot of money 6 it. The 7 man in space was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian. He went into the space 8 1961. A few years later, an America

9、n spaceship (飞船) flew to the moon. Neil Armstrong walked out. He was the first man 9 on the moon.China is interested in the space, too. In 2003, Yang Liwei, Chinas hero, flew 10 the earth in space. In 2011, Tiangong-I (天宫一号) went into space!( ) 1. A. moon B. sun C. earth D. stars( ) 2. A. but B. and

10、 C. or D. /( ) 3. A. in B. about C. as D. from( ) 4. A. country B. city C. cities D. countries( ) 5. A. spend B. spent C. cost D. took( ) 6. A. on B. in C. to D. about( ) 7. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( ) 8. A. on B. at C. in D. of( ) 9. A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks( )10. A. arou

11、nd B. to C. towards D. through 四、阅读理解。(5) A young man was going to join the army (参军) and had to take a medical examination(体格检查). The doctor was sitting at a desk when he went in. He said to the man, Take your coat and shirt off, and sit on that chair. The young man did so. The doctor looked at him

12、 for a minute without getting up from his chair and said, All right. Put your clothes on again. But you didnt examine (检查) me at all! the young man said. There is no need to do so, the doctor said with a smile (微笑). When I told you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is

13、 nothing wrong with your ears. You saw your chair, so your eyes are good. You could take your clothes off and sit on your chair, so you must(肯定) be in good health. And you understood(理解) what I told you to do and did it without a mistake (错误).( ) 1. Why did the young man take a medical examination? A. His ear was bad. B. He hoped to join the army.C. He wanted to get some pills(药).D. He wondered if (是否) he was in good health.( )2. The doctor asked the young man to take his coat and shirt off to test(测试)_. A. his eyes


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