七年级英语下册(Unit 3 Finding your way)(第七课时)Integrated skills当堂检测 牛津版 试题

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七年级英语下册(Unit 3 Finding your way)(第七课时)Integrated skills当堂检测 牛津版 试题_第1页
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七年级英语下册(Unit 3 Finding your way)(第七课时)Integrated skills当堂检测 牛津版 试题_第2页
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1、Unit 3 Finding your way(第七课时)Integrated skills当堂检测一、A和B在进行对话,请你帮他们填出合适的单词来表明他们的意思A: Excuse me ,is there a bookshop n_ here ?B :Sorry ,I dont k_, youd better a_ _that policeman.A :Excuse me, is there a b_ here ?B: Yes, go a_ _this road ,andt_ the first turning on the l_. Its n_ to a hotel.A: How l_ w

2、ill it take me to walk there ?B: It will take you 20 minutes.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.二、变换句型,可以帮助我们跟更好地掌握所学知识。来试一试吧1.Pass the wooden house and you will see the river._the wooden house and you will see the river.2. Cross the bridge and you will the school on your left._ _the bridge and will se

3、e the school on you r left.3.Take the second turning on the right._at the second crossing.4.Where shall we meet ?Where _we _meet ?5.What about going fishing tomorrow ?_go fishing tomorrow ?三、翻译小考场,人生大舞台。你愿意在此大显伸手吗?1. 过了桥,向右拐。公园就在你右边。Walk _the bridge, _left. Youll find the park _ your right.2. 当交通灯是红

4、色时不能过马路。Dont _ _the road when the _is red.3. 学英语不是很难。It _ _ _ _ _English.4. 当我路过他家时。把信给了他。I _ _ _ _when I_ _his house.课题(第7课时)当堂检测参考答案一、near ,knowask,bookshop ,along , take ,left ,next ,How long二、1. Walkpast2. Goacross3. Turnright4. are going to5. Shallwe三、1. across, turnon2 .walkacrosstraffic, light 3.isnt very difficult to learn 4.gave,him,the,letter.walked,past



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